
3/11 500語総索引特別号



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 このところ、米国を中心に外国からの来訪者が急増し、日々の訪問者数が定着してきた感があります。おそらくそれらの訪問者の方は、海外在住のビジネスマンまたは留学生かと推察しますが、国外でご活躍の方々の、日々、unusual,new wordsの洪水にさらされているご様子がうかがわれますね。そう思うと、このブログの内容を、より充実したものにして行きいという思いが一層つのります。。出来ることなら一方通行でなく、ご意見ご提言、はたまた英語にまつわる逸話等々、どしどしコメント頂き、両方向のブログにして行けたらどんなにワクワクする事だろうと思っています。

           この半年間の(10/1~3/4) 掲載単語総索引(489語アルファベット順)

1/7 absurdity 1/14 diarrhea 11/12 froth 1/28 mewl 1/28 sedate
2/4 accolade 11/19 diction  11/12 frown 12/3 mishmash 1/7 sensitivity
1/7 account 11/19 difference 11/12 frowzy 1/14 misogyny 11/12 serpentine
10/15 accredited 11/19 diffident 10/15 fuddy-duddy 11/12 molest 12/10 shattered
1/7 acidity 2/18 diffident 2/11 fulminate 11/26 mortuary 11/5 shove
11/19 acquiescence 10/29 dishevelled 3/4 functionary 1/21 mule 11/19 shred
1/28 afflict 11/26 dismember 3/4 fungus 1/7 mull 11/19 shrew 
2/4 ajar 11/19 dissipate 3/4 funk 11/26 mural 11/19 shrewd 
2/4 akimbo 11/19 dissonance 3/4 funnel 2/11 mythical  11/19 shrill
12/17 alleteration 11/19 domicile 12/10 furious 1/14 naivety 11/19 shrivel 
2/11 allusion 11/5 doom 3/4 furlough 11/12 nimble 11/26 shroud
12/24 amorous 1/28 dormant 3/4 furnace 11/12 nondescript 11/19 shrub 
12/10 angler 1/14 dote 3/4 furor 11/12 nymph 11/19 shrug 
12/3 assonance 1/21 dovetail 3/4 furrow 12/3 obliterate 11/12 sinuous
2/18 authentic 11/19 downcast 10/8 furtive 12/3 obloquy 11/12 sinuousity
12/31 auxiliary 11/19 drizzle 3/4 furtive 12/3 obnoxious 2/18 slacker
1/28 badger 11/19 drone 3/4 fury 11/12 obscene 11/12 sly
11/5 barge 11/19 duel 3/4 fuse 11/5 obscurity 11/12 sneaky
12/17 barnstorm 11/19 dung 3/4 fuselage 11/5 obsequious 1/14 snide
10/29 bicker 1/14 ecclesiastic 10/29 fussy 10/15 odious 12/3 solidity
12/24 binge 1/14 eclectic 3/4 fussy 1/28 ooze 1/21 sophism
11/12 bleak 1/28 eerie 3/4 futile 1/21 opiate 1/14 sphere
10/22 blow 12/31 elf 1/21 gestalt 1/21 opine 12/31 spiny
12/24 blunderer 10/15 eligible 1/21 gestation 10/22 osmosis 10/22 splurge
10/1 boob 10/29 embitter 1/7 gloss 10/22 ossify 11/19 spoof
10/1 botch 12/17 enamored 12/31 goblin 10/22 ostentatious 1/28 spooky
2/11 brawl 1/28 entail 1/7 goon 10/22 ostracise 12/24 spout
2/25 bulky 1/28 entity 11/12 grace 10/22 ostrich 12/24 sprig
1/14 bundle 12/10 enzyme 2/25 grill 10/22 oust 12/31 sprite
10/1 bungle 12/24 epicure 10/15 gumption 10/29 overmaster 10/22 squander
12/24 bunko 12/17 eschew 12/3 gumption 10/15 overt 12/24 starboard
12/31 bur 11/26 esophagus 10/15 guru 10/15 palliate 10/8 stealthy
1/14 butch 2/4 esteem 2/11 halting 10/15 palliative 1/14 stilt
11/19 caricature 2/4 eulogy 11/5 haul 10/15 pallid 12/31 stipulate
12/10 cataclysm 2/11 euphonious 2/11 hauteur 10/15 partake 12/24 stout
12/17 catalyze 2/11 eureka 11/26 headlong 2/11 pecuniary 10/29 straggly
2/4 censure 2/11 evanescence 2/4 heinous 2/11 pejorative 12/17 sully
10/29 chagrin 2/11 evangelist 2/18 herbal 2/25 perpetrator 10/8 surreptitious
3/4 charlatan 10/1 ex officio 1/28 heritable 2/25 perquisite 11/12 sycophant
2/4 chintz 10/1 exalt 2/18 hiatus 10/29 persnickety 11/12 syllabicate
2/4 chintzy 11/19 exhaustive 2/18 hibernation 1/14 pious 11/12 syllable
1/21 chitchat 10/1 exodus 10/15 hideous 12/31 piracy 11/12 syllabus
2/11 citation 10/1 exonerate 2/4 hitherto 11/12 pivotal 11/12 syllogism
10/8 clandestine 10/1 exorbitant 2/18 hoard 12/31 pixie 11/12 sylphlike
11/12 clemency 10/1 exorcise 2/18 hog 2/11 plausible 11/12 sylvan
11/26 cloister 1/7 expedient 2/4 homage 11/5 pluck 11/12 synod
12/17 coagulation 2/4 explicate  2/18 huddle 11/5 plunk 11/12 synopsis
12/17 cockeyed 2/4 exquisite 12/10 hysteric 2/18 polarized 11/12 synthesis
12/10 cocksure 2/4 extemporaneous  10/29 immature 1/7 ponder 10/29 tangled
12/10 cocky 11/5 extract 1/14 impediment 12/10 pooped 2/11 tantamount 
11/19 comprehensive 12/17 extradite 11/19 impersonation 10/15 precursor 11/12 temperant
2/4 condemnation 12/17 extramarital 1/14 impetuous 10/29 premature 12/17 temporize
1/21 condiment 12/17 extramural 1/14 impiety 11/12 prevalent 2/11 terrain
1/7 conformity 12/17 extraneous 1/14 impinge 11/5 prise 11/5 thrust
10/29 conive 12/17 fabulous 2/25 impromptu 10/15 procurement 2/11 tidbit
10/15 conplaisant 12/17 facile 2/25 impropriety 11/12 profanity 1/14 tilt
12/24 conptemptible 12/17 faction  2/25 improvident 1/7 prosperity 12/10 timehonored
11/26 consonance 12/17 factitious  2/25 improvise 11/5 prurience 12/10 timeserver
1/7 contemplate 12/17 factotum 12/17 inane 11/5 pry 12/10 timeworn
1/7 continuity 12/31 fairy 12/10 inaugurate 11/12 psych 12/10 tinge
1/28 convey 12/17 fallacious 12/24 inchoate 11/12 psychic 12/10 tipple
10/15 covert 12/17 fallback 12/24 incidence 1/14 pucker 12/10 tirade
12/31 cow 12/17 fastidious 10/15 incur 10/22 pundit 12/17 titter
12/31 cox 12/17 fatality 11/19 in-depth 2/11 pungent 12/10 titular
12/31 coy 12/17 fatigue 12/3 injunction 1/21 pus 2/25 torment
12/31 coz 12/17 fatuity 11/12 insitigate 1/21 quibble 1/28 torpid
11/12 crafty 12/17 faux pas 2/25 interrogate 12/3 quota 11/12 torrid
11/12 credence 12/24 feasible 12/17 intramural 2/4 rap 11/5 tortuous
11/12 credible 12/24 feast 11/12 inveigh 1/14 rascal 10/29 tousled
11/12 creditable 12/24 feat 12/3 jerk 2/4 rebuke  11/5 tow
11/12 credulous 12/24 feces 11/5 jostle 11/12 remonstrance 1/7 trail
11/12 creed 12/24 feckless 12/3 judicature 2/18 reprieve 1/21 transaction
11/26 creel 12/24 fecund 12/3 judicious 2/18 reprimand 1/21 transcendent
12/3 cremate 12/24 fecundity 2/18 juncture 2/18 reprisal 1/21 transgress
11/12 crooked 12/24 feign 1/28 latent 2/18 reproof 1/21 transience
1/7 dalliance 12/24 feisty 11/5 lever 2/18 reprove 1/21 transition
11/5 daunt 11/26 fend 11/5 levitate 2/18 repudiate 1/28 transmit
1/28 daunting 12/24 feral 11/5 levity 2/18 repugnant 1/21 transpose
1/28 dearth 12/24 fervent 11/5 levy 2/18 repulse 1/7 triviality
2/25 debrief 12/24 fervid 11/5 lewd 12/3 resonance 11/5 tug
12/24 decorous 12/24 festal 11/5 lexical 11/12 respite 10/29 unbosom
1/7 deem 12/24 fetter 11/26 limbo 11/12 rife 10/29 uncouth
11/19 deference  1/14 fiasco 11/12 lithe 11/19 rigorous 10/29 unctuous
1/7 deliberate 12/24 fiat 11/12 litigant 11/5 rude 10/29 undaunted
11/19 delirious 10/29 finicky 1/21 locus 11/5 rudiment 10/29 undue
11/19 demarcation 10/1 fizzle 11/5 lucrative 1/28 sabbatical 1/7 universality
2/18 demise 10/15 flab 11/26 macabre 1/28 salute 10/29 unkempt
1/21 demoniac 10/15 flaccid 11/19 macaque 2/11 sanctify  10/29 unruly
11/5 demotic 2/4 flak 12/10 mallet 2/11 sanguine 1/28 untapped
11/5 demur 12/3 florid 10/29 matted 11/12 schemer 10/29 untenable
11/5 demure 12/17 foe 10/29 mature 2/25 scorch 1/21 venomous
2/4 denunciation 12/3 foible 2/25 maverick 12/31 scourge 12/17 vertex
11/19 depletion 1/28 foliage 2/25 maw 10/29 scruffy 1/14 vet's
12/24 deputy 12/3 foolery 10/15 mediocre 12/31 scrumptious 2/25 voluminous
11/19 derelict 12/3 foolhardy 1/7 meditate 12/31 scruple 11/12 wily
12/24 desiccate 12/3 forfeit 10/15 meek 12/31 scrupulous 11/5 wrench
12/24 despicable 12/10 frantic 2/4 mercenary 12/31 scrutinize 2/4 wryly
11/12 devious 12/10 frenzy  10/29 messy 12/31 scurrilous



このブログは 「難解英単語ダジャレ集」をグーグる、又はhttp://eitango-dajare.blogspot.jp/で開きます。お知り合いの方々ににご紹介賜りますれば幸甚です。