




1)だ、砥石での包丁研ぎは。⑩hone(n)‐‐‐ローマ字読みのダジャレ に注意。
6)今回の景気回復、えせ・リアルどちらなのかは 微妙ね。⑪ethereal(a)



1)<a skilled forger who hoaxed the art world into believing that the paintings were long-lost Vermeers>
2)Hordes of reporters were shouting questions.
3)Her taste in clothes is horrendous.
4)She could only speak in a hoarse whisper.
5)The cargo was hoisted up onto the ship.
  He stopped at a bar after work to hoist a few beers with his friends.---二番目の意味の例文。
6)<the hospital waiting room was filled with the kind ofgravity that inevitably accompanies worry>
7)She is outgoing and gregarious.
8)He shook out his shoes to remove the small rocks and grit.
9)I kneed him in the groin and pushed him away.---groinはcrotchの方がよく使われるのか?(2019,2/14記)
10)She has a gross habit of chewing on the ends of her hair.
11)<running a marathon is grueling>
12)It was a harmless jest.
13)I was watching tv and was looking for a good movie and the 'Gauntlet' was on where they were in the boxcar. Starring Clint Eastwood and I wanted to know what a gauntlet was!
14)The Isralites could not be slaves when they were overcome with debt. They were required to work off the debt and wait until the year of Jubilee.
They were indentured servants.
15)Curious onlookers watched the ceremony.
16)I heard the sibilant hiss of a snake.
17)He tries to intimidate his opponents.
18)He's always telling stories in which the present and the past intertwine.
19)<in a rare moment of unanimity the club members decided to throw a party for themselves>
20)<she always has this phony smile just before she betrays you>
( ? )
1)severance pay⇒サーヴェランスペイ→経営陣の本音、さー減らんす(ぺ)い、( ? )。解雇手当
2)deflect⇒ディフレクトゥ→デフレ来っと、経済の( ? )。進路はずれる

3)inflect⇒インフレクトゥ→インフレ来っと、経済に( ? )生じる。抑揚

4)genuflect⇒ジェニュフレクトゥ→銭触れクッと涙こらえ( ? )献金す。片膝ついて

5)convoke⇒コンヴォウク→棍棒駆使していやがる民兵( ? )。招集し

6)evoke⇒エヴォウク→話聞きその(ボウ)ック( ? )呼び起こし

7)invoke⇒インヴォウク→部下たちの陰謀苦にして( ? )法に訴
8)provoke⇒プロヴォウク→プロボクサーを( ? )ちゃまずい。怒らし

9)revoke⇒リヴォウク→僕は社長だよ。あまり僕を怒らせちゃ就職内定( ? )よ。取り消す

10)illusory⇒イリューソリー→責任は、誰にも( ? )事と、辞任慰留され現実にはない

11)ill-starred⇒イルスタードゥ→「悪」は許した後また悪事働き、許した事が必ず( ? )出る裏目に

12)ill-disposed⇒イルディスポウズドゥ→いるです、ポーズ言葉だけで本当は( ? )思ってない奴は。好意的

13)gubernatorial⇒ギュバナトリアル→( ? )仕事増え、知事まるで牛馬なっとりある知事の

14)deter⇒デター→とこ勝負は( ? )やめさせ

15)impair⇒インペアー→そこまで( ? )ては「それでいんべあなどとは言っておれない。悪化させ

16)transient⇒トランシエントゥ→苦労の道を通らしえんと(通らせんと)、何やらせても( ? )な。長続きせん

17)incessant⇒インセサントゥ→(数学は)大学院生さんと( ? )勉強すべし。絶え間ない
18)apathy⇒アパシー→あっぱし、こんなダジャレ文じゃ( ? )だけだね。しらける
19)utterance⇒アタランス→他人の( ? )は当たらんす発言
20)jargon⇒ジャーゴン→この( ? )訳分からん。じゃーゴンタのダジャレと同じだ。業界用語
insecure,skew, spate,recoupの4語。
1)If so, luminescence might be reversibly inhibited at a certain pH,” he recalled.
New York Times May 13, 2013
Wigan came again, but they were inhibited now, struggling for fluency. BBC May 8, 2013

2)Real human translators are being made anonymous, invisible, and insecure.
BBC May 28, 2013
“There’s always going to be some insecure jerk yelling something, but I think I’d feel comfortable in almost every neighborhood in New York,” I said.
Salon May 27, 2013

3)Viewers are cast as timid drivers in rough weather or drunks about to crash.
New York Times Apr 19, 2013
Benedict, intellectually fearless yet personally timid, was unable to keep order.
Economist Mar 8, 2013

4)But new rules could also make the systems more cumbersome, taking away some advantages, currency experts say.
Wall Street Journal Jun 1, 2013
With huge quantities of data being produced by ever-growing computer systems, traditional data storage solutions, like magnetic hard drives are becoming bulky and cumbersome.
BBC Apr 25, 2013

5)In an earlier time, it would have meant an irksome trip home.
New York Times May 14, 2013
The obligation to remember is inscribed on every Holocaust memorial, but even the words "Never Forget" become irksome eventually.
The Guardian Apr 5, 2013

6)Ask anyone with lupus, multiple sclerosis or other diseases caused by an aberrant immune system.
New York Times Jun 4, 2013
“These abuses do not represent isolated incidents or aberrant behavior by a few rogue officers,” the report stated.
New York Times Dec 22, 2012

7)An independent U.S. task force issued a report on April 16 calling indefinite detention of prisoners at Guantanamo "abhorrent and intolerable."
Reuters May 1, 2013
The edited Family Guy clip currently circulating is abhorrent.
BBC Apr 17, 2013

8)Some said they believed that recent polls showing Mr. Liu languishing in single digits, and trailing four other Democrats, were skewed.
New York Times May 30, 2013

The administration tried to explain on its Web site two days later that the finding used a small, skewed sample and was not representative. New York Times May 22, 2013

9)Tejada’s trying start to the season also included a perplexing spate of errors early on.
New York Times May 29, 2013
Islamist suicide bombers have carried out a spate of attacks there in recent months, including one on a Niger army barracks earlier this month.
Reuters May 23, 2013

10)They communicate through verbal commands but also expressive snorts, ear twitches, nuzzles, tail swishes.
Seattle Times Feb 16, 2013
They communicate through verbal commands but also expressive snorts, ear twitches, nuzzles, tail swishes.
Seattle Times Feb 15, 2013

11)"Possibly my kids might recoup it," he says, laughing.
The Guardian May 26, 2013
The Energy Department recouped $26 million by seizing reserve accounts they had to set up to get their loans, according to .
Forbes May 23, 2013

12)A statement quoted by state media said there would be no recourse to appeal.
Reuters May 22, 2013
Unlike lawsuits, arbitrations are binding on both parties and typically offer no recourse of an appeal.
Reuters May 4, 2013

13)As he had with other gaffes in recent years, Mr. Gee quickly apologized, saying his remarks were a misguided attempt at humor.
New York Times Jun 5, 2013
Ohio State trustees warn he could be fired for any more verbal gaffes.
Seattle Times Jun 4, 2013

14)The Darkest Year of Medical School Students come in altruistic and empathetic.
Slate Jun 4, 2013
Luxembourg's gift was practical as well as altruistic.
Wall Street Journal May 31, 2013

15)The system needs some tweaks to shore up its finances over the long haul.
BusinessWeek Jun 7, 2013
The report said too often the health service had been reactive, tweaking services rather than properly planning change.
BBC Jun 5, 2013

16)My husband has a slightly enlarged prostate that is usually not symptomatic.
Seattle Times May 2, 2013
While high blood pressure is sometimes symptomatic, it's not always.
Reuters Jan 8, 2013

17)Four of the six candidates vying to succeed Rogge as International Olympic Committee president were sitting around the same conference table.
Seattle Times Jun 8, 2013
Mr. King, a Democrat, has said he will vie for his party’s nomination.
New York Times Jun 7, 2013

18)Development League washout embarking on a pilgrimage through the European basketball leagues.
New York Times May 18, 2013
Last weekend, he made the annual pilgrimage to the Kentucky Derby.
Seattle Times May 12, 2013

19)There are opportunities galore in this new world, but Adams also highlights some of the threats.
Nature May 30, 2013
Note: Spoilers galore below, insofar as our intrepid viewers understood what was going on.
Slate May 17, 2013

20)So the debate has seemingly become about semantics.
New York Times May 14, 2013
No, the term “patent troll” is not merely semantics.
Forbes May 14, 2013


このブログは 「eitango-dajare」をグーグる、又はhttp://eitango-dajare.blogspot.jp/で開きます。ご友人にご紹介賜りますれば幸甚です。




6-Ⅱ TOEICの学習、難儀なり!




―near words in the dictionary―---ho~5語
―near words in the dictionary―---gr~6語



1)severance pay---例文でなく意味です。an allowance usually based on length of service that is payable to an employee on termination of employment
2)They are trying to deflect attention from the troubled economy.
3)Most nouns in English are inflected for plural use by adding-s or -es.
4)They genuflected before the altar in the church.
5)They convoked a meeting of the delegates.
6)The old house evoked memories of his childhood.
7)The suspect invoked his right to an attorney.---多義語につき要注意
8)The animal will not attack unless it is provoked.
9)The judge revoked her driver's license.
10)an illusory sense of security
11) Hiroshi's mother is unwittingly taking her frustrations out on her ill-starred offspring.

13)gubernatorial---例文でなく意味です。of or relating to a governor
参考:I've always wondered what that word meant. Why didn't they call it governatorial?---同感! 
14)Some potential buyers will be deterred by the price.
15)Smoking can impair your health.
16)A Summer in New York is actually Europe, the Sequel—city of transient Danes and Italians and Spaniards and French. 
17)<the incessant noise from an outside repair crew was a real distraction during the test>
18)People have shown surprising apathy toward these important social problems.
19)And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance
20)  The layman cannot understand the medical jargon.

( ? )
1)inhibited⇒インヒビティッドゥ→そんなに( ? )いいーん?(ひ)びってっど出し抜かれるよ。内気で
2)insecure⇒インセキューア→そんなに( ? )ではいん席は取れないよ。不安げ
3)timid⇒ティミッドゥ→血見っど逃げ出す( ? )臆病
4)cumbersome⇒カンバーサム→冬嵐の中の作業( ? )、寒風(かんぷう---かんばー)は寒し。うんざり
5)irksome⇒アークサム→冬嵐の中の作業( ? )、扉は開く(あく---あーく)、し。うんざり
6)aberrant⇒アベラントゥ→国会大荒れ、阿部乱闘、( ? )常軌逸す
7)abhorrent⇒アブホレントゥ→虫嫌い、どんな事せよアブ惚れんと。見るだけでも( ? )ぞっとするほどいや
8)skew⇒スキュー→スキューバダイヴィングは吸い口( ? )はだめ。斜めにずれて
9)spate⇒スペイトゥ→こう不景気では、犯罪は( ? )すべー(ぺい)思う。多発
10)nuzzle⇒ナズル→きたないよ、( ? )(ぞ)鼻でなぞる
11)recoup⇒リクープ→以前の損失を( ? )と、このところの株上昇で利食うロ。取り戻そう
12)recourse⇒リコース→意地張らず人に( ? )こと利口す頼る
13)gaffe⇒ギャフ→五輪招致運動、知事の( ? )でギャフンとし。失言
14)altruist⇒アルトゥロイストゥ→自分の為には動かない( ? )或るとろい(すと)。利他主義
15)tweakトゥウィークトーイック(トゥイーク)高得点取り夢かと頬を( ? )。つねる
16)symptomatic⇒シンプトマテッィック→神父止まっていくのは信者を信じている( ? )ある表われで
17)vie⇒ヴァイ→( ? )場合(ヴァイ)じゃない。争っている
18)pilgrim⇒ピルグリム→( ? )する時は日焼け止めに(ぴる)クリーム(グリム)塗れ。巡礼
19)galore⇒ガローア→銀座には画廊は( ? )有る。沢山
20)semantics⇒セマンティックス→ダジャレ文作っていると、時折( ? )に迫って(せまんてぃ)行く言葉の意味の問題

1)They’re down-to-earth guys who also have done amazing things on and off the field.
Forbes Apr 22, 2013
Witness statements backing up Oscar Pistorius as a down-to-earth guy were presented at the hearing.
Time Feb 24, 2013

2)There’s Hopper’s buddy Paul Newman squinting in the sun, the shadow of a volleyball net casting a grid over his smooth, shirtless skin.
New York Times May 3, 2013
The brightness made my eyes squint until they adjusted.
Slate Apr 30, 2013

3)He stopped leering when told she used to be the World No1.
The Guardian Apr 11, 2013
Like an Old Testament heavy, lumbering and leering through a Martin Scorsese gangster flick, Carmichael doesn’t take double-crosses lightly.
Seattle Times Feb 1, 2013

4)But for the most part Fitzgerald's prose is a kind of experiment in restrained extravagance.
The Guardian May 4, 2013
It’s not that he’s always asking for things that are extravagances.
Slate Mar 14, 2013

5)He was awaiting extradition back to New York.
New York Times Jun 5, 2013
It had given him a two-week grace period before extradition proceedings could start.
BBC Jun 3, 2013

6)Among Republicans, there’s consternation that the agency is sloughing off congressionally mandated regulations and wasting time on extraneous policy issues.
Washington Post May 16, 2013
There is plenty of extraneous spending going on at these federal agencies.
Reuters Apr 19, 2013

7)"Nothing in the text of the statute suggests that Congress intended causes of action recognised under it to have extraterritorial reach", Chief Justice Roberts wrote.
BBC Apr 18, 2013
Roberts said courts must presume that laws passed by Congress do not have extraterritorial reach.
Washington Post Apr 18, 2013

8)Yet everywhere are eccentric touches, extremities that wobble and wiggle.
New York Times May 17, 2013
Starting in the 1880s, naval shipyards and arms factories were established on its flat, watery western extremities.
The Guardian Feb 19, 2013

9)Two burly men in dark blue uniforms joined the fray, grunting as they finally extricated the patient from his chair.
New York Times May 24, 2013
Bodies were extricated and wrapped in blankets from the Great Northern Railway, then hauled away on sleds.
New York Times Dec 21, 2012

10)He’s handed another model, which is also extruded and more rectangular in shape.
Forbes Aug 1, 2012
The two-hour surgery Monday in New York involved removing a "large extruded disk fragment" that had been pressing on a spinal nerve, the school said.
Seattle Times Mar 3, 2012

11)His humorless descendants evicted them, but one statue turned up years later hidden in the rocks.
New York Times May 31, 2013
Evicted homeowners and tenants, mentally ill and often estranged from relatives, became homeless.
New York Times May 27, 2013

12)Video, filmed by an onlooker, was quickly picked up by news organizations and disseminated on social media.
Time May 25, 2013
Radical monks have been accused of inciting anti-Muslim violence through speeches delivered throughout the country and disseminated on recordings sold at shops and street stalls.
Reuters Apr 30, 2013

13)On the other hand, imported workers are tethered to their sponsoring employer like indentured servants.
Slate May 25, 2013
Google has acquired a US company that generates power using turbines mounted on tethered kites or wings.
BBC May 23, 2013

14)These are bite-sized morsels of the best British crime writing around.
Seattle Times Mar 2, 2013
Other nematodes are saprophytes, getting by on whatever tasty morsels they can scavenge.
Scientific American Feb 10, 2013

15)An excruciating scene at Cooke’s 30th birthday party, in which he serenades his fiancée but soon after is teary and morose, might suggest otherwise.
New York Times Apr 24, 2013
Seventy-five years later, we hear an eloquently morose God speaking through Valjean’s capacious heart and in Javert’s vengeful voice.
Time Dec 30, 2012

16)Although touted as an informal meeting, summits like this one are highly choreographed.
Reuters Jun 2, 2013
Many female politicians, though, would prefer to tout practicality over labels.
New York Times Jun 1, 2013

17)Balotelli, the soccer player, got lost in this maelstrom of stories.
Seattle Times Jan 31, 2013
In the maelstrom of the impact, steam clouds were formed mixed with pulverised rock.
Scientific American Oct 4, 2012

18)World Digest: May 23, 2013 Death toll at 16 after five days of fighting in Lebanon’s Tripoli; Taliban rickshaw bomb kills 13 in Pakistan.
Washington Post May 24, 2013
Yellow rickshaws used as taxis returned to the sandy streets, which were still heavily guarded by military checkpoints and patrols.
Reuters May 22, 2013

19)"There were no dose limiting toxicities," Gordon, research director at Pinnacle Oncology Hematology in Scottsdale, Arizona, said in a telephone interview.
Reuters Apr 10, 2013
The vessels are feats of engineering more complex than the space shuttle, produced by men and women at the very pinnacle of British manufacturing.
The Guardian Apr 1, 2013

20)They are no longer young, yet not terribly old, although in that era, a 31-year-old unmarried woman like Sally was considered a hopeless spinster.
Seattle Times Mar 6, 2013
"Family matters should be argued only by married people, not spinsters," he is reported to have remarked.
BBC Sep 6, 2012



このブログは 「難解英単語ダジャレ集」をグーグる、又はhttp://eitango-dajare.blogspot.jp/で開きます。お知り合いの方々ににご紹介賜りますれば幸甚です。





1)経営陣の本音、さー減らんす(ぺ)い解雇手当⑯severance pay(n句)---監視の意味のsurveillanceと要区別

―flect接尾辞語3語―(ほかに「反射」 の意味のreflect有り)

7)部下たちの陰謀苦にして法に訴え⑨invoke (vt)

―near words in the dictionary―(illで始まる3語)---どれも苦しく長ったらしいか。





1)He was inhibited by modesty.
2)I feel shy and insecure around strangers.
3)She's very timid and shy when meeting strangers.
4)The application process is cumbersome and time-consuming.
5)I hate the irksome task of cleaning up.
6)<aberrant behavior can be a sign of rabies in a wild animal>
7)She finds violence in films abhorrent.
8)They were accused of skewing the facts to fit their theory.
9)There was a spate of corporate mergers in the 1980s.
10)The dog nuzzled my leg.
11)It will be hard for us to recoup the loss.
12)The dispute was settled without recourse to law.
13)He realized that he had committed an awful gaffe when he mispronounced her name.
14)A few skimpy corporate pensions were paid, but they were offered as much as departure incentives designed to promote business efficiency as expressions of altruism. 
15)My brother hates it when our grandmother tweaks his cheek.
16)<a fever's refusal to respond to antibiotics is symptomaticof a viral infection>
17)They are vying to win the championship for the third year in a row.
18)Thousands of Muslim pilgrims traveled to Mecca.
19)<there was food galore at our Thanksgiving meal>
20)Semantics is the study of meaning in language. It can be applied to entire texts or to single words. For example, "destination" and "last stop" technically mean the same thing, but students of semantics analyze their subtle shades of meaning.

1)down to earth⇒ダウントゥアース→(だう)んと(あーす)付けてもっと( ? )現実的に考えろ
2)3)squint,leer⇒スクイントゥ、リーア→(きん)といって( ? )も何も利は無い、( ? )のでなければ。横目や細目で見て流し目で見る
4)extravagance⇒エックストゥラヴァガンス→俳優でもないエキストラヴァ(ガ)ンス取るとはなんと( ? )な。ぜいたく
5)extradition⇒エックストゥラディション→( ? )される犯人役は、俳優でなくエキストラでしょう強制送還
6)extraneous⇒エックストゥラナス→俳優たちとは直接の( ? )エキストラねーやす関係
8)extremity⇒エックストゥリミティ→エックス(出口)どれ見るの、( ? )の出口だよ。端っこ
9)extricate⇒エクストゥリケイトゥ→エックス(出口)取り換えっと、( ? )きるぞ。脱出
10)extrude⇒エックストゥルードゥ→エックス(出口)通ると、ストッパー( ? )くるぞ。突き出て
11)evict⇒エヴィクトゥ→住み慣れた家を( ? )言われて、えーっ!びくっと立ち退け
12)disseminate⇒ディセミネイトゥ→新競技実戦見ねーと( ? )しない。普及
13)tether⇒テザー→ザラザラな手触りの( ? )。命綱
14)morsel⇒モースル→( ? )くれろと所望する一口ちょっと
15)morose⇒マロウス→歳老いて人は、( ? )くなり、記憶もうろうす気難し
16)tout⇒タウトゥ→( ? )とうう根負けし買わされた。ほめちぎられ勧誘されて
17)maelstrom⇒メイルストゥラム→誰一人メールしとらん( ? )の中。混乱の渦
18)ricksha⇒リックシャ→途上国には人(リキシャ)( ? )が多い。力車
19)pinnacle⇒ピナクル→( ? )ピン無ければ( ? )に非ず。頂上、尖塔
20)spinster⇒スピンスター→結婚に失敗(すぴん)した( ? )。オールドミス


1)But that conclusion turned out to be too hasty.
Scientific American May 5, 2013
So any digestive slack caused by hasty chewing would be taken up in the small intestine.
Slate Apr 11, 2013

2)He was hotheaded, they said, and had spent nine years in prison for theft.
New York Times Dec 1, 2012
Samuel Adams, the hotheaded patriot, called on me in the meeting hall.
New York Times Jul 4, 2012

3)He had a horrendous first half, he was impetuous, tried to win the war right away, diving in at players.
The Guardian Feb 16, 2013
Running 20 minutes without a break, the piece has an impetuous opening movement, followed by a dancing, gentle Allegretto and a swirling finale.
New York Times Jan 1, 2013

4)Her voice was creaky, impatient — unburdened by any trace of pep.
New York Times May 23, 2013
But many younger veterans have been more impatient for change.
New York Times May 19, 2013

5)President Jonathan said Mr Achebe's writings - which were often fiercely critical of Nigeria's leadership - remained an inspiration for political leaders to do better.
BBC May 24, 2013
Two policemen injured in the blast were in a critical condition, police said, with nine other people requiring hospital treatment.
Reuters May 25, 2013

6)Even the timing between syllables can be crucial to a phrase’s meaning.
Salon May 26, 2013
Mr Ban earlier said the timing was "very crucial and important" in the conflict.
BBC May 24, 2013

7)On the decisive free kick, Jones was to target Tyler John — and almost found him.
Seattle Times May 26, 2013
A Department for Education spokeswoman said "decisive action" was being taken to "transform vocational education".
BBC May 21, 2013

8)Eating and drinking together is an indispensable part of Chinese elite culture as business deals are usually discussed and sealed at the dining table.
Reuters May 8, 2013
The crackling record player is indispensable in building the mysterious, chilling atmosphere.
The Guardian May 2, 2013

9)The financing announced on Wednesday could prove a pivotal development in the intense debate over Tesla’s future.
New York Times May 16, 2013
David Silva might become an even more pivotal player.
The Guardian May 13, 2013

10)Their erudition, musical and lyrical, remains a pleasure, but what convinces on Modern Vampires are their beating hearts.
The Guardian May 12, 2013
But in these makeshift textbooks, Ruta found an unconventional voice, a scary good mixture of erudition and hardened street smarts.
Slate Mar 2, 2013

11)And, yes, you are excused for looking for vestiges of blood on the floor.
New York Times May 3, 2013
In narrative terms, there are only vestiges of the 1911 ballet.
The Guardian Apr 13, 2013

12)The couple is known in large part for upending Modernism by embracing the vernacular of neon signs and kitsch as legitimate design.
New York Times Apr 18, 2013
We’re all used to walking into chain restaurants and seeing slightly different takes on kitsch.
Slate Feb 1, 2013
13)The United States imposed tariffs last year, and the EU recently imposed provisional duties averaging 47 percent on imports of Chinese-made solar panels.
Washington Post May 21, 2013
Meanwhile, community infrastructure levy tariffs on new development are at such high levels that affordable housing is being sacrificed to keep housing schemes viable.
The Guardian May 21, 2013
14)On the next possession, James tied up a rebound with Hibbert then won the ensuing jump ball.
Seattle Times May 25, 2013
Maryland won the ensuing draw control and ran out the clock.
Washington Post May 25, 2013
15)In 2004, Liberty Media Corp's John Malone had quietly snapped up a 20 percent voting stake in the company.
Reuters May 25, 2013
At the time Mr. Ackman made his stake publicly known, Procter & Gamble shares were trading at about $63.70.
New York Times May 25, 2013
16)But his dogged fight has not withered with age, although he does sometimes seem more susceptible to nerves.
New York Times May 26, 2013
In America, Jewish professionals, especially in academia, were just coming into their own, as blacklists and quotas withered away.
New York Times May 25, 2013
17)Aquiline is making a specialty of investing in consolidation of the battered banking industry.
Reuters Jun 5, 2012
But the three dead men, as well as he who was yet alive, had aquiline noses, thin lips, and rounded eyes.
Gilson, Charles
18)Nevertheless, Khan’s autobiography creates a cogent picture out of his — and Pakistan’s — clashing identities.
New York Times May 8, 2013
If these clubs have cogent plans, they are not letting on.
The Guardian May 3, 2013
19)Captain Dove cogitated deeply, and then drank again.
Douglas, Hudson
And waking at midnight and cogitating, good thoughts came down to me, and sudden my heart was enlightened.
Reade, Charles

20)When Chinese troops camped out for weeks recently on mountainous territory claimed by India, Mr. Singh’s muted response infuriated opposition politicians.
New York Times May 26, 2013

Muted wage growth increases competitiveness, and underutilised labour and capital are redeployed.
The Guardian May 20, 2013

--- 自虐的語呂合わせ文で大賞。

このブログは 「難解英単語ダジャレ集」をグーグる、又はhttp://eitango-dajare.blogspot.jp/で開きます。お知り合いの方々ににご紹介賜りますれば幸甚です。







―類義語2―(troublesome 属2語)



 今回は、数字の表記についての愚痴(pet peeve)です。


1)She hasn't come down to earth.
2)She had to squint to read the small print.
3)She complained that some disgusting man was leering at her.
4)That coat is an extravagance that you can't afford.
5)An extradition warrant would be necessary.
6)She sped up the process by eliminating all extraneous steps.
7)Abolishment of extraterritorial rights. ---「宇宙人」よりは「治外法権」のような意味で使われる事が多いようです。
8)The extremity of her grief is impossible to imagine.
9)They extricated the tractor from the mud.
10)The machine extrudes enough molten glass to fill the mold.
11)They were evicted from their apartment.
12)The Internet allows us to disseminate information faster.
13)They tethered the horses in the shade.
14)<the chef's cuisine is so good that diners will want to savor every morsel>
15)He became morose and withdrawn and would not talk to anyone.
16)People were touting tickets outside the stadium.
17)She was caught in a maelstrom of emotions.
18)Rickshaws that run around the areas are very popular among young people and foreign tourists.
19)<a singer who has reached the pinnacle of success>
20)I was half-dragged up to the altar, and before I knew where I was I found myself mumbling responses which were whispered in my ear, and vouching for things of which I knew nothing, and generally assisting in the secure tying up of Irene Adler, spinster, to Godfrey Norton, bachelor.


1)hasty⇒ヘースティー→そんなに( ? )にへー)どうする。せっかち
2)hot-headed⇒ホットゥヘデッドゥ→( ? )にやらなければ、ゆっくりしてほっと屁(へ)出っどせっかち
3)impetuous⇒インペチュアス→今日結婚したからと言って、いんべ(ぺ)チューは明日でも。そんなに( ? )しなくてもせっかち

4)impatient⇒インペイシェントゥ→そんなに( ? )にいんべ(ぺ)しえ(せ)んとも。せっかち

5)critical⇒クリティカル→篤志家のくれていかるる( ? )品必需
6)crucial⇒クルーシャル→しいあるよ( ? )な物が無ければ。不可欠
7)decisive⇒ディサイシヴ→( ? )な物を(で)し渋るのは良くない。不可欠
8)indispensable⇒インディスペンサブル→無くてもいんですペンスはぼろいから( ? )はないです。不可欠
9)pivotal⇒ピヴォタル→真に( ? )物は微々(ピヴォものだ。不可欠
10)erudition⇒エリューディション→( ? )偉い(えりゅー)でしょん博学
別案;erudite⇒エリューダイトゥ→( ? )偉い(えりゅー)だいとひけらかし博学
11)vestige⇒ヴェスティッジ→スコアではベスト維持した( ? )は有る。形跡
12)kitschキッチュキスシーンだらけの( ? )作品低俗
13)tariff⇒タリフ→( ? )見て予算 足り不足無しを確信し。関税の料金表
14)ensue⇒エンスー→実践演習は講義の( ? )あとに続いて起こり
15)stake⇒ステイク→この( ? )は昼飯のステーキ(ク)賞金

別案;stake⇒ステイク→愚か者、生活費まで( ? )にして吸っていくかけ金
16)witherウィザー本日のウィザー情報では植物は( ? )やすくなるようです。枯れ
17)aquilineアクイラインアクアラインは上から見ると( ? )形だ。鷲鼻
18)cogent⇒コージェントゥ→広辞苑と普通の辞書、どちらが( ? )の?説得力ある別案の方を用いた。)
19)cogitate⇒コジテイトゥ→その分野、もっと深かじってーと、もっと( ? )と叱咤した。深く考えて―

20)muted⇒ミューテッドゥ→見(ミュー)てども見てども目の疲れぬ( ? )色。淡い


2)The official, who was not authorized to divulge details of the investigation, said the suspect was expected in federal court.
TimeApr 18, 2013
The new assessment was divulged Thursday at a hearing of the House Armed Services Committee.
Wall Street JournalApr 12, 2013

3)“I’ve been mystified why broadcasters have declared jihad against the voluntary spectrum auction,” Mr. Wheeler wrote.
New York TimesMay 1, 2013
Furthermore, much of the letters’ contents mystified them.
New York TimesApr 27, 2013

4)There will be adorable children who'll barely ever get to talk.
The GuardianMay 9, 2013
But it did include an adorable wolf pup.
SlateFeb 4, 2013

5)Before the game, Wednesday night's stunning events dominated the chatter in both clubhouses, with several players weighing in on instant replay.
Seattle TimesMay 10, 2013
And with Mother's Day coming, stunning flower bouquets seem to be everywhere.
Scientific AmericanMay 9, 2013

6)As the following list makes clear, there are no rigid guidelines when it comes to judging who might be the best coach ever.
New York TimesMay 10, 2013
Classes were also divided, officially on the basis of academic aptitude, but in a manner that ended up grouping students along rigid ethnic lines.
New York TimesMay 10, 2013

7)“Average moviegoers,” Mr. Contrino said, “could care less about on-set squabbles.”
New York TimesMay 6, 2013
Back in King’s Landing, there’s a lot of juicy squabbling and conniving over royal weddings–both their costs and their participants.
TimeApr 29, 2013

8)During the hearing, lawmakers spent nearly as much time trading barbs and bickering over procedural rules as they did questioning witnesses.
Washington PostMay 8, 2013
Coming after years of bickering over the budget — and one day after the U.S.
Washington PostApr 19, 2013

9)On the one hand, Hogsback feels like an ancestral home, she said, because so many of her forebears passed through there.
New York TimesMay 7, 2013
Other works described the typical day, at times channeling the city’s poetic forebears.
New York TimesMay 6, 2013

There was one type, however, that tested every atom of clerical forbearance he possessed.
New York TimesApr 20, 2013
After witnessing Jesus’ arrest and crucifixion, Judah lays down his sword and instead takes up the work of honoring Christ’s message of forbearance.
SlateMar 26, 2013

11)Work to remove 100 tons of water from the hull could take up to five years.
BBCApr 29, 2013
The ship's fiberglass covering has been stripped off, exposing its wooden hull.
Wall Street JournalMar 27, 2013


13)Notes are redesigned on a relatively frequent basis, in order to maintain security and prevent forgeries.
BBCApr 26, 2013
Greenberg had denied the charges, saying any forgeries from his wine cellar got to the auction house by mistake.
ReutersApr 12, 2013

14)None at the table were troubled by the horse meat hullabaloo.
New York TimesOct 13, 2012
By noon the next day, the usual hullabaloo was in full, chaotic swing around the Colosseum.
New York TimesSep 29, 2012

15)West Ham huffed and puffed in response and Defoe sliced a glorious chance wide with time ticking away.
The GuardianApr 5, 2013
Some doctors and their lobbyists huff that retail clinics are doomed to provide substandard services.
EconomistApr 5, 2013

16)His fellow presidents described Bush as strong, resolute, courageous and compassionate.
Washington PostApr 26, 2013
They are truly loving and compassionate and caring young men.
Seattle TimesApr 14, 2013

Meredith’s meandering thoughts recall Clarissa Dalloway’s roaming mind in Virginia Woolf’s novel Mrs. Dalloway.
Scientific AmericanApr 29, 2013
But factory jobs back home were drying up, Mr. Espinoza said, while gangs roamed, kidnapping and extorting at will.
New York TimesApr 27, 2013

18)On her days off, though, she goes home and takes a luxurious siesta.
Scientific AmericanFeb 27, 2013
In 1999, government workers in Mexico took their last officially sanctioned siesta.
New York TimesJan 26, 2013

19)The French exhibits filled one-half the entire space, the remaining moiety being occupied by the other nations of the world.
As yet he has had only half-payment for his late discovered mine, the remaining moiety dependent on the working it.
Reid, Mayne

20)Segregated jails for the elderly, such as True Grit in Nevada, which offers wheelchair aerobics and crochet classes, limit victimisation.
EconomistMar 1, 2013
But it's not just crochet cupcakes that we're hugging like life preservers.
The GuardianApr 11, 2013


このブログは 「難解英単語ダジャレ集」をグーグる、又はhttp://eitango-dajare.blogspot.jp/で開きます。お知り合いの方々ににご紹介賜りますれば幸甚です。