



―near words in the dictionary―(l~)

「次の二つの等式のどこかに たは / のどちらかを付け加えて、それぞれの等式が成立するようにして下さい。
           101010=9:50   (ヒント:等式は数学のものだけではありません。)

1)If  you hone something,for example a skill,technique, idea, or product,you carefully develop it over a long period of time  so that it exactly right for your purpose.(他動詞としての使用例で、名詞の「砥石」としてよりはるかに使用頻度は高いようです。)
2)<a moral question that has puzzled the pundits throughout the ages>

3)<a truncated version of the 11 o'clock newscast followed the awards show, which ran over its time slot—as it always does>

4)<die-hard fans who became truculent and violent after their team's loss>

5)<the U.S. Capitol is one of our nation's most impressive edifices>

6)The windows give the church an ethereal glow.

7)The fallacy of their ideas about medicine soon became apparent.

8)Humor is the keynote of the play.

9)kilnan oven, furnace, or heated enclosure used for processing a substance by burning, firing, or drying(例文ではなく解説文)

10)<she's tried every knack in Cupid's book to get her guy to marry her>

11)a patient with a damaged kidney

12)keel;to fall in or as if in a faint —usually used with over(例文でなく解説文;多義語)

13)<the church bells knelled to mark the death of the nation's beloved leader>

14)The audience was in a jovial mood.

15)mountains jutting into the sky

16)<with his ship rapidly sinking, the captain ordered a last-ditch jettison of much of its cargo>

17)<the blade of the adze is still good, but the haft is broken and will have to be replaced>

18)<she mistakenly believed that she could insult people with impunity.>

19)My mother would not tolerate impudence from any of us。

20)<impale a marshmallow or two on that stick and let's start toasting>

1)hoax⇒ほーくす→くすぐって人を( ? )かつぐ
2)horde⇒ほーど→人の( ? )多いにもがある。群れ
3)horrendous⇒ほれんだす→( ? )人には人は惚れんだす恐ろしい
4)hoarse⇒ほーす→怒鳴って声( ? )干す嗄れ
5)hoist⇒ほいすと→力持ち、物をほいすと( ? )持ち上げる
6)gravity⇒ぐらヴぃてぃ→事の( ? )を比べて重大さ
7)gregarious⇒ぐれげりあす→学校嫌いコンビニ前で( ? )でだんだん皆グレげりやす(ぐれていく)。群れるの好き
8)grit⇒→( ? )ぐりっと噛んで歯を( ? )。砂利、軋ませ
9)groin⇒→( ? )黒いです。股の付け根
10)gross⇒→( ? )態度で愚弄るのか。下品で粗野
11)grueling⇒→校庭をぐるんぐと回らせてへとへとに( ? )疲れさせ
12)jest⇒→( ? )にするのは是非じぇすもやめて。笑い種
13)gauntlet⇒→( ? )、(( ? )と)ガウン取れと言われ。ムチ打ち刑、長手袋
14)indenture⇒→就職契約、この際昔の( ? )でもいんでんちゅ(いいですわ)。丁稚奉公
15)onlooker⇒→( ? )おるかーおんるっかー)。見物人
16)sibilant⇒→口をしっかり(び)らんと( ? )漏れちゃうよシューシュー
17)intimidation⇒→お前もそんな( ? )言ってみてーしょん脅し文句
18)intertwine⇒→酒はどんな料理にも合い、とてもいいんだーとワインと( ? )からみあわせ
19)unanimity⇒→一致点あんなに見も( ? )とはいかず。満場一致
20)phony⇒→どっちのに( ? )かよく判断せよ。ウソが多い

severance,evoke,invoke,provoke,deter の5語
1)(severance payの使用例は無し)
New Mexico, $220 million of severance tax revenue bonds.
New York Times Jun 17, 2013
In March, Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt said gagging clauses in NHS severance agreements must end.
BBC Jun 12, 2013

2)“I’m just bending wire,” he said, deflecting a compliment.
New York Times Jun 15, 2013
Mr Waters said Mr Jones had kept his minority government in power since 2011 and "deflected" blame for spending cuts on to Westminster.
BBC Jun 5, 2013

3)There is no change in his expression or vocal inflection.
Slate Jun 18, 2013
"We're at an inflection point in how people watch television," he said.
Seattle Times Mar 14, 2013

4)Duncan said nothing, continuing to genuflect until play resumed.
New York Times Apr 21, 2013
But he concentrated powers – the courts, armed forces, state oil company, national assembly, all genuflected before the voice of the comandante.
The Guardian Mar 9, 2013

5)Fernandez currently has a working majority in both houses of Congress, but would need two-thirds' congressional support to convoke an elected constitutional assembly.
Reuters Oct 18, 2012
I have also convoked a few young laureates of the college, but only such as are little versed in affairs.
Sue, Eug?ne

6)She's well matched by the tall, lean Alexis Denisof as Benedick, evoking Cary Grant and Clark Gable, who both played smart men puzzled by women.
The Guardian Jun 16, 2013
So bricks, once designed for children to build towns and buildings, are now used to evoke human shapes and brush strokes.
New York Times Jun 14, 2013

7)That would have been too much, so instead the president invoked calculus.
Slate Jun 15, 2013
He invoked his Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination during the House committee hearings.
Washington Post Jun 13, 2013

8)The unemployment and earnings figures provoked a heated exchange during Prime Minister's Questions in Parliament.
BBC Jun 12, 2013
The combination of synthesis, trends and possible learning opportunities provoked my interest.
Scientific American Jun 14, 2013

9)The agency also alleged that retailer Dollar General revoked job offers to two black women after conducting criminal background checks.
Washington Post Jun 12, 2013
But when later research showed it did not prolong life and brought more side effects, its approval for breast cancer was revoked.
Seattle Times Jun 3, 2013

10)Firstly, the cherished pre-war mantra of "the bomber will always get through", based on World War I experience and inter-war rhetoric, had proved illusory.
BBC May 16, 2013
An Illusory Right At times, the public defenders and the corporate lawyers seemed to have come from two different legal planets.
New York Times May 1, 2013

11)His ill-starred partner was not long left in doubt.
School, A Sexton of the Old
After a few ill-starred risings, the life seemed to be crushed out of us, the last gleam of hope had faded.
Peretz, Isaac Loeb

You are much given to making distinctions in the choice of words, are extremely critical and well-disposed.
Coffman, C. J.
Mr. McHenry, Secretary of War in both cabinets, was undoubtedly an honorable and well-disposed gentleman.
Van Buren, Martin

13)Tuesday is New Jersey’s gubernatorial and legislative primary day.
Salon Jun 5, 2013
FRANKLIN, Va. — Terry McAuliffe wasted little time pursuing new business opportunities after his defeat in Virginia’s gubernatorial primary four years ago.
Washington Post May 9, 2013

14)An unreliable patent system will deter future investment and innovation.
Forbes Jun 14, 2013
Our findings should not deter people from exercising, especially as we did not find any increased incidence of arrhythmias leading to sudden death….
Forbes Jun 13, 2013

15)It says making it mainstream would also help give deaf and hearing impaired children equal access to education and employment opportunities.
BBC Jun 17, 2013
Though smoking or possessing small amounts of cannabis is no longer breaking the law, anyone who drives while impaired is still subject to arrest.
New York Times Jun 8, 2013

16)The functionality of some promoters in was tested by transient expression assay.
Nature Jun 6, 2013
So actually, vampires – however fancily dressed – would have to be anonymous black-economy transients.
The Guardian May 30, 2013

17)Momentary gasps of awe re: architecture/general lavishness drowned out by the incessant hammering of non-secular buttocks.
The Guardian Jun 14, 2013
Such incessant cutting can go on for only so long before morale suffers.
Nature May 23, 2013

18)Commencement speakers now and then worried about apathy born of cynicism and crisis fatigue.
New York Times Jun 16, 2013
For Mr Stevenson, both ways are steps in the right direction, though there is "apathy in the town towards the football team".
BBC May 23, 2013

19)He made each word audible and brought grace to every utterance, not easy given the slow pace of the vocal writing.
The Guardian Apr 21, 2013
Why keep him so conspicuously silent unless his first utterance holds some deeper meaning?
Slate Apr 9, 2013

20)You “bounced” in Web traffic jargon, meaning you spent no time “engaging” with this page at all.
Slate Jun 7, 2013
He has complained of officials' speeches and writings being clogged with party jargon and demanded more plain speaking.
Reuters Jun 5, 2013




このブログは 「難解英単語ダジャレ集」をグーグる、又はhttp://eitango-dajare.blogspot.jp/で開きます。お知り合いの方々ににご紹介賜りますれば幸甚です。






1)だ、砥石での包丁研ぎは。⑩hone(n)‐‐‐ローマ字読みのダジャレ に注意。
6)今回の景気回復、えせ・リアルどちらなのかは 微妙ね。⑪ethereal(a)



1)<a skilled forger who hoaxed the art world into believing that the paintings were long-lost Vermeers>
2)Hordes of reporters were shouting questions.
3)Her taste in clothes is horrendous.
4)She could only speak in a hoarse whisper.
5)The cargo was hoisted up onto the ship.
  He stopped at a bar after work to hoist a few beers with his friends.---二番目の意味の例文。
6)<the hospital waiting room was filled with the kind ofgravity that inevitably accompanies worry>
7)She is outgoing and gregarious.
8)He shook out his shoes to remove the small rocks and grit.
9)I kneed him in the groin and pushed him away.---groinはcrotchの方がよく使われるのか?(2019,2/14記)
10)She has a gross habit of chewing on the ends of her hair.
11)<running a marathon is grueling>
12)It was a harmless jest.
13)I was watching tv and was looking for a good movie and the 'Gauntlet' was on where they were in the boxcar. Starring Clint Eastwood and I wanted to know what a gauntlet was!
14)The Isralites could not be slaves when they were overcome with debt. They were required to work off the debt and wait until the year of Jubilee.
They were indentured servants.
15)Curious onlookers watched the ceremony.
16)I heard the sibilant hiss of a snake.
17)He tries to intimidate his opponents.
18)He's always telling stories in which the present and the past intertwine.
19)<in a rare moment of unanimity the club members decided to throw a party for themselves>
20)<she always has this phony smile just before she betrays you>
( ? )
1)severance pay⇒サーヴェランスペイ→経営陣の本音、さー減らんす(ぺ)い、( ? )。解雇手当
2)deflect⇒ディフレクトゥ→デフレ来っと、経済の( ? )。進路はずれる

3)inflect⇒インフレクトゥ→インフレ来っと、経済に( ? )生じる。抑揚

4)genuflect⇒ジェニュフレクトゥ→銭触れクッと涙こらえ( ? )献金す。片膝ついて

5)convoke⇒コンヴォウク→棍棒駆使していやがる民兵( ? )。招集し

6)evoke⇒エヴォウク→話聞きその(ボウ)ック( ? )呼び起こし

7)invoke⇒インヴォウク→部下たちの陰謀苦にして( ? )法に訴
8)provoke⇒プロヴォウク→プロボクサーを( ? )ちゃまずい。怒らし

9)revoke⇒リヴォウク→僕は社長だよ。あまり僕を怒らせちゃ就職内定( ? )よ。取り消す

10)illusory⇒イリューソリー→責任は、誰にも( ? )事と、辞任慰留され現実にはない

11)ill-starred⇒イルスタードゥ→「悪」は許した後また悪事働き、許した事が必ず( ? )出る裏目に

12)ill-disposed⇒イルディスポウズドゥ→いるです、ポーズ言葉だけで本当は( ? )思ってない奴は。好意的

13)gubernatorial⇒ギュバナトリアル→( ? )仕事増え、知事まるで牛馬なっとりある知事の

14)deter⇒デター→とこ勝負は( ? )やめさせ

15)impair⇒インペアー→そこまで( ? )ては「それでいんべあなどとは言っておれない。悪化させ

16)transient⇒トランシエントゥ→苦労の道を通らしえんと(通らせんと)、何やらせても( ? )な。長続きせん

17)incessant⇒インセサントゥ→(数学は)大学院生さんと( ? )勉強すべし。絶え間ない
18)apathy⇒アパシー→あっぱし、こんなダジャレ文じゃ( ? )だけだね。しらける
19)utterance⇒アタランス→他人の( ? )は当たらんす発言
20)jargon⇒ジャーゴン→この( ? )訳分からん。じゃーゴンタのダジャレと同じだ。業界用語
insecure,skew, spate,recoupの4語。
1)If so, luminescence might be reversibly inhibited at a certain pH,” he recalled.
New York Times May 13, 2013
Wigan came again, but they were inhibited now, struggling for fluency. BBC May 8, 2013

2)Real human translators are being made anonymous, invisible, and insecure.
BBC May 28, 2013
“There’s always going to be some insecure jerk yelling something, but I think I’d feel comfortable in almost every neighborhood in New York,” I said.
Salon May 27, 2013

3)Viewers are cast as timid drivers in rough weather or drunks about to crash.
New York Times Apr 19, 2013
Benedict, intellectually fearless yet personally timid, was unable to keep order.
Economist Mar 8, 2013

4)But new rules could also make the systems more cumbersome, taking away some advantages, currency experts say.
Wall Street Journal Jun 1, 2013
With huge quantities of data being produced by ever-growing computer systems, traditional data storage solutions, like magnetic hard drives are becoming bulky and cumbersome.
BBC Apr 25, 2013

5)In an earlier time, it would have meant an irksome trip home.
New York Times May 14, 2013
The obligation to remember is inscribed on every Holocaust memorial, but even the words "Never Forget" become irksome eventually.
The Guardian Apr 5, 2013

6)Ask anyone with lupus, multiple sclerosis or other diseases caused by an aberrant immune system.
New York Times Jun 4, 2013
“These abuses do not represent isolated incidents or aberrant behavior by a few rogue officers,” the report stated.
New York Times Dec 22, 2012

7)An independent U.S. task force issued a report on April 16 calling indefinite detention of prisoners at Guantanamo "abhorrent and intolerable."
Reuters May 1, 2013
The edited Family Guy clip currently circulating is abhorrent.
BBC Apr 17, 2013

8)Some said they believed that recent polls showing Mr. Liu languishing in single digits, and trailing four other Democrats, were skewed.
New York Times May 30, 2013

The administration tried to explain on its Web site two days later that the finding used a small, skewed sample and was not representative. New York Times May 22, 2013

9)Tejada’s trying start to the season also included a perplexing spate of errors early on.
New York Times May 29, 2013
Islamist suicide bombers have carried out a spate of attacks there in recent months, including one on a Niger army barracks earlier this month.
Reuters May 23, 2013

10)They communicate through verbal commands but also expressive snorts, ear twitches, nuzzles, tail swishes.
Seattle Times Feb 16, 2013
They communicate through verbal commands but also expressive snorts, ear twitches, nuzzles, tail swishes.
Seattle Times Feb 15, 2013

11)"Possibly my kids might recoup it," he says, laughing.
The Guardian May 26, 2013
The Energy Department recouped $26 million by seizing reserve accounts they had to set up to get their loans, according to .
Forbes May 23, 2013

12)A statement quoted by state media said there would be no recourse to appeal.
Reuters May 22, 2013
Unlike lawsuits, arbitrations are binding on both parties and typically offer no recourse of an appeal.
Reuters May 4, 2013

13)As he had with other gaffes in recent years, Mr. Gee quickly apologized, saying his remarks were a misguided attempt at humor.
New York Times Jun 5, 2013
Ohio State trustees warn he could be fired for any more verbal gaffes.
Seattle Times Jun 4, 2013

14)The Darkest Year of Medical School Students come in altruistic and empathetic.
Slate Jun 4, 2013
Luxembourg's gift was practical as well as altruistic.
Wall Street Journal May 31, 2013

15)The system needs some tweaks to shore up its finances over the long haul.
BusinessWeek Jun 7, 2013
The report said too often the health service had been reactive, tweaking services rather than properly planning change.
BBC Jun 5, 2013

16)My husband has a slightly enlarged prostate that is usually not symptomatic.
Seattle Times May 2, 2013
While high blood pressure is sometimes symptomatic, it's not always.
Reuters Jan 8, 2013

17)Four of the six candidates vying to succeed Rogge as International Olympic Committee president were sitting around the same conference table.
Seattle Times Jun 8, 2013
Mr. King, a Democrat, has said he will vie for his party’s nomination.
New York Times Jun 7, 2013

18)Development League washout embarking on a pilgrimage through the European basketball leagues.
New York Times May 18, 2013
Last weekend, he made the annual pilgrimage to the Kentucky Derby.
Seattle Times May 12, 2013

19)There are opportunities galore in this new world, but Adams also highlights some of the threats.
Nature May 30, 2013
Note: Spoilers galore below, insofar as our intrepid viewers understood what was going on.
Slate May 17, 2013

20)So the debate has seemingly become about semantics.
New York Times May 14, 2013
No, the term “patent troll” is not merely semantics.
Forbes May 14, 2013


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