
12月号 ダジャレの効用---某TV番組から


1)出かけときはひざれるようにしておけ。▲hit the trail---「EJの単語テスト一日一問」よりのフレーズ、曖昧なダジャレ文でそれなりに解釈して定着図られたし。hit the roadのtrail版。
4)英単語の全領域を制覇するにはガマンとガマットゥ執念が要る。⑬gamut((n)---成句run the gamut from A to B(AからBまでの全般にわたる)として使われる模様。

11)癒しになる絵だ、目をそらすな。⑪solace(n,vt)---find solace in ~「~に慰めを見出す」と使われる模様。


1)<a summer internship will stand you in good stead when applying to college>---stand A in good stead は「いざという場合にAにとって大変役に立つ」という意味のイディオム。
2)The fox uses stealth and cunning to hunt its prey.
3)The movie has a stellar cast.
4)<sterile couples sometimes choose to adopt needy children>---sterilityの形容詞形の例文
5)Definition of STET:  to direct retention of (a word or passage previously ordered to be deleted or omitted from a manuscript or printer's proof) by annotating usually with the word stet
6)The photographer is known for her deft use of lighting.
7)She is adroit at handling problems.
8)He has the dexterity needed to deal cards quickly.
9)The old man lifted his cane and whacked the mugger on the head.
10)Our boss is a real tyrant.
11)I swear to God, I'll kill him if he comes back.
12)Full Definition of CONVENT
:  a local community or house of a religious order or congregation; especially :  an establishment of nuns
13)<wrote hermetic poetry whose sole intended readership was himself>
14)The actress is now focusing on her nascent singing career.
15)Help in the sentence Help me! is an imperative verb.
16)All this paperwork is a hassle.
17)<she decelerated the car as we entered the school zone>
18)Definition of INEBRIATE---inabriationの動詞形の意味、「そんなに酔ってるならいねーふり(したほうが)えーと」とダジャレて身に付けましょう。
1:  to exhilarate or stupefy as if by liquor
2:  to make drunk :  intoxicate
19)He was afraid he would run out of steam before the end of the race.
20)The bounardy between the countries must be clearly demarcated.---demarcationの動詞形の例文

1)concur来んかー( ? )知らせんかなー同時に賛成の
2)incurいんかー被害( ? )ハメになってもいんかこうむる
3)occurおっかーそんな事件( ? )とはおっかねー。起きる
4)recur李下李下に冠を正さず」は実生活でよく( ? )繰り返されることを思い出し
5)ignominy行くの?見にストリップ行くの?見に、それって( ? )じゃないの?恥ずべき事
6)ignobleイグノーベルイグノーベル賞は( ? )ものではない。下劣で不名誉な
7)igniteいぐないとむやみに物に( ? )のはいぐないと(良くないと)思う。火をつける
8)igneousいぐねーやす( ? )で建てた家は崩れやすくいぐねーやす(良くないです)。火成
9)stagすたぐ( ? )パーティーなんてすたぐ(したく)ねー。男だけの
10)stagnationすたぐねーしょん( ? )の時は何すたぐねーしょん(したくないでしょう)。不景気
11)staidすてっど( ? )すてっど(してっと←していると)信用される。落ち着いた
12)stalwartしとるわーと( ? )身体(からだ)しとるわーと皆に頼りにされる。強くたくましい
13)stampedeしたんべーとその暴漢何したんべーと言いつつ皆( ? )。どっと逃げ出し
14)stanchion下チョン下チョンと切断すれば( ? )は倒れる。支柱
15)stash(す)たしゅリスは木の実を( ? )(す)たしゅ
16)spin offすっぴんの婦すっぴんの婦人には美肌という( ? )がある。副産物
17)impetusいんべ出すやる気いんべと、それが( ? )となって。呼び水
18)bummerバマバマ大統領には( ? )だがっかり
19)emeritus余りだす( ? )教授など身に余りだす(余ります)。名誉
20)implicit陰部リセット陰部リセットしろと暗に( ? )。ほのめかし

1)The 1987 Nobel Prize in Chemistry was given to chemists for showing how complex molecules can perform very precise functions.
Such conjoined molecules might be “too large to be appropriately optimized and developed as potential drug leads”, he adds.

2)Tracing the Steps That Led Up to the March on Washington Outside of natural disasters, few of history’s momentous events happen spontaneously.
Nothing that Nehru said in his momentous speech indicated that those pains would be remedied quickly.

3)He said he wanted to use abandoned Catholic monasteries and convents to house refugees.
He has also said that Catholic convents and monasteries that are empty should be opened up to house migrants and refugees.

4)In March, Archbishop Welby acknowledged that some gay couples have loving, stable and monogamous relationships of "stunning" quality.
On joining, every member must pledge to seek a “monogamous, committed relationship.”

5)Burton sits looking into the distance, morose, miserable.
Damascenes said none had ever witnessed such a morose Ramadan.

6)They are not nearly so glowing about their current muddle.
Muddled property rights make it difficult to buy land or provide collateral for loans.

7)Living lawmakers scare the public in more mundane ways.
Instead, a more mundane travel option awaited: her tour bus.

8)The result is mushy frustration, like trying to play the guitar wearing boxing gloves.
So far, consumer ratings have been rather bleak, ranging from “mushy” to “rubbery,” according to the Los Angeles Times.

9)Technology companies mustered great enthusiasm in recent years over paying for things with smartphones, promising it would be easier and more useful than credit cards.
The Cavaliers, meanwhile, mustered just 83 yards in the second half and have now lost five of the past six years against the Blue Devils.

10)Critics say Babis, a onetime Communist Party member, has flourished in the same murky post-communist business environment he now rails against.
Even downtown Rangoon presents an unexpectedly murky cityscape once the Sun goes down.

11)However abhorrent her abductors’ and captors’ crime, Tebbutt writes, Somalia is a shattered state offering almost no opportunity for an honest living.
An independent U.S. task force issued a report on April 16 calling indefinite detention of prisoners at Guantanamo "abhorrent and intolerable."

12)He then attacked her and another nun, before looking for more cash.
The Roman Catholic Church in Spain has beatified 522 people, most of them priests and nuns killed by Republicans during the Spanish Civil War.

13)There are… many needy females in India," says Patel.
"There won't be needy people taken off of this," said Steve King, Iowa Republican.

14)Are we influenced by TV shows that show boys as being naughty?
Naughty Boy's debut album, Hotel Cabana, is at number two.

15)They are working in Germany “under nomadic conditions, like migrant workers in China,” says Karlheinz Schmidt, president of BGL, a German logistics trade group.
His parents, who belong to a Punjabi nomadic tribe and live in temporary, thatched shelters, have moved to other grounds.

16)Jordan and the United Arab Emirates have similar misgivings over the president's failure to intervene more strongly in Syria's civil war.
She intervened, too, in this year's trade row with China over solar panels, on which Germany at first lacked friends.

17)In fact, my qualifying period included episodes of frantic job-searching fuelled by self-doubt.
The frantic finale England still needed another goal, but they could not get it.

18)There is something a little grubby about going into a local, mom-and-pop owned corner store and furtively searching for a better deal online.
The metal pellets he managed to dig out are kept in a grubby handkerchief in his pocket.

19)Actually, they often feel overwhelmed and are paralyzed to make any decision.”
And this year, Page revealed that his vocal cords are partially paralyzed as the result of a rare medical condition.

20)And given liability concerns, Chang added, gyms in the United States with indoor climbing walls are likely to be fairly scrupulous about safety.
There has never been another great football team with such scrupulous manners.

---EJの単語テスト一日一問よりの フレーズで大賞
1)出かけときはひざれるようにしておけ。▲hit the trail

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