1)「えっ火にあぶるんですか?」「はい、いんです。ぷーっとあぶると文が浮き出てくるのは疑う余地もない。」⑬indisputable(a)---dispute からの連想で日本語の意味の掌握は十分可能か?
例文:The harm from the accident, which dwarfed the 1989 Exxon Valdez spill of 11 million gallons, was indisputable.(Recent examples on the web 10June2020)
例文:Evidence for the substance’s existence is close to incontrovertible, but no one yet knows what it is made of.(Recent examples on the web 9June2020)
例文:Why not treat yourself to a floral Tory Burch dinner plate or grab a set of cheese knives for the gourmand in your life?(Vogue 14 Nov.2019)
例文:An omnipotent celestial body has a lot to teach five college best friends.( USA Today 15 May 2020)---この例文の日本語の意味やや不明です。
例文:At first he was depicted as a country yokel, but by the end of that first season the puppet’s operator, Carroll Spinney, had changed tack.(The Economist 14 Dec.2019)
例文:It is important for each country to try to exercise power in a restrained manner while the international community keeps an eye on authoritarian governments.(Yomiuri Shinbunn 25Apr.2020)
7)いきなり立ち退き迫られりゃ、誰も「えー」びっくしょん。(えーっとびっくりするだろう。)⑫eviction(n)例文:They were facing eviction from their employer-assigned residence even while struggling to secure a return flight after completing intern training.(Yomiuri Shinbunn 25Apr.2020)
※今米国では”The Covid-19 Eviction Defence Project"なる運動が盛んになっているようです。(立ち退きを迫られる非持ち家住まいの人々を助ける運動)(7/17記)
例文:Now he is expanding his epithets into rants and has explicitly raised the issue of height as if to suggest it is central to political leadership.(The Washington Post 20Feb.2020)
9)地味な(にゅ)ちぶさは、小柄な女性だから仕方はない。⑩ diminutive(a,n)---ここでは「小柄な」の形容詞ではなく、「接頭辞・呼びかけ語」の意味の名詞のようです。
例文:His fascination with stature has been on display over the past four years, as he has repeatedly tarred his antagonists unsubtle diminutives:‟Little ~、Little ~,---.”(The Washington Post 20Feb.2020)
例文:These had the feeling of mere playground taunts.(The Washington Post 20Feb.2020)