

1)影響受けやすく、抗うことをやめた人々、政府に好き勝手させ、プチブルに甘んじる。 ⑨susceptible (a)
例文:"The Tokyo Okympics will increase global attention and make (Japan) susceptible to cyberattacks," an official for Microsoft warned. (Kyodo1/15)

例文:Washington's abruptdeclaration Monday that China is no longer a currency cheat―two days before that signing of a trade deal with Beijing―Trump has turned a routine technical report on foreign exchange into a political cudgel.(Bloomburg、Reuters, Jan.15,2020)

例文:Cashbenefits to businesses have been set at a maximum of ¥2 million for small and midsize companies and ¥1 million for sole proprietors, including freelancers, on condition that their sales decline by more than 50% from the previous year.

例文:A special system to provide loans with effectively no burden of interest or collateral through governmentaffiliated financial institutions has already received many applicants.

例文:The law does not give the Texas Workforce Commission much leeway, even under extraordinary circumstances.( San Antonio Express-News    6 Jul.2020)

 例文:Brazilians in recent weeks have demanded the removal of the notorious statue in São Paulo of a 17th-century settler who enslaved indigenous people.(Fortune,18May 2020 )

7)ここは貧しい人々のための無料食堂です。いんでじぇ(いいんだぜ)うんと食べて。⑮indigent(a)---何でpoorじゃだめなのさ。英語に接していて良く感じさせられる、pet peeveの一つです。
例文:Bond king Bill Gross and über free-markets economist Milton Friedman have both argued for some form of a minimum income aimed at indigent Americans.(Fortune,18May 2020 )

8)若い女性教師でも、生徒に物事を教え込むには、長い髪じゃだめだ。髪の毛刈るよ。いいん?刈るけど。⑮inculcate (vt)
例文:Bezos has inculcated his business with three bedrock principles that guide all decision-making: customer obsession, extreme innovation, and long-term management.(Fortune,18May 2020 )   

例文:Facebook tussles with Brazil's central bank.(The Japan News Jul.19,2020)

例文:InBrazilian payments, the prize is large, with a burgeoning market that saw 1.8 trillion reais in card transactions last year.(The Japan News Jul.19,2020) 
