


1)はなはだしい劣等クラスはわが校にはない。⑰crass (a)

例文:Tesla, who believes the virtue of his rare intellect separates him from crass moneymen like Morgan, seems mortified.

(The New Republic,26 Aug. 2020)
2)あっこれどう?、皆に称賛されるのでは。⑫accolade(n)例文.It was a small act for which he expected no accolades. It should not have taken the police killing of George Floyd, Mr. Reese knew, to face what he had long known to be true, that the flag he had grown up thinking of as "a beautiful trophy" was" a symbol of hate, and it's obviously wrong to glorify it." (The new York Times Jun. 24)
3)3月の節句には女雛(メビナ→ウェビナ)と男雛(オビナ)のオンラインセミナーをやります。(難易度不明)webinar(n)---ご存じ、ウェブとセミナーの合成語のようで、PCいじっていると日本語でもカタカナで時折出てくるネット用語のようです。私(ブロガー)は知りませんでした。例文:Large number of white Americans have attended racial justice demonstrations, purchased books about racial in equality and registered for webinars on how to raise children who are anti-racist.( The new York Times Jun. 24)3.5) アフリカのガーナは沢山の鉱物資源が集積されている豊かな国である。⑪garner(vt) 例文:Some have asked themselves pointed questions, like how much professional advantage they have garnered from being white and whether they would willingly cede it if they could.  (The New York Times Jun.24 ) 4)どう配分すべきか、相談のアポしよう。⑯apportion(vt.n)---多義語で、例文での意味は「~を負わせた」となるようです。例文:The report marks the first time the Investigation and identification Team, set up in 2018 by the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, has apportioned blame for an attack in Syria and will likely lead to fresh calls for accountability for the regime of President Bashar Assad. (AP Apr.19)
5)国民が二つに分裂すれば国は沈む。⑫schism(n)例文:How to prevent a societal schism in Japan.(The Japan Times Jun.24)
下記4語は下部一例文で、該英単語は順番に並んでいます。 6)あんた美人隔世遺伝だね。㉙atavism (n)7)エセの(国境)線取り済む自民族一番主義となる。⑯ethnocentrism(n)8)国民がこぞってこれ食ってひずむ重産業主義。⑯collectivism(n)9)本質的な因取りしっかりやれよ。⑯intrinsically(adv) 別案:本来総理が言う(イン)通りしっかりやるのが閣僚だ。例文:Biologically speaking, the tendency for national isolation and atavism, ethnocentrism and collectivism are intrinsically seen among homo sapiens as a fixed type of thought and behavior.(The Japan Times Jun.24)10)大統領選挙戦、相手の邪魔のし合い半端ない。⑩hamper(vt)---別意味有り例文:A factor that hampers the healthy development of peace and democracy is the existence and action of groups whose embers in common a complex of one type of perception, emotion, discourse and behavior, and and who empathize with each other.(The Japan Times Jun.24)