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―near words in the dictionary―---fu~の14語、馴染み薄い語ほぼ網羅しています。
1)If you forget any of your lines, try to improvise.
2)The judge excused herself from the case to avoid any appearance of impropriety.
3)<although five different lines had been written, the best choice turned out to be an impromptu from the tired actor himself>
4)improvident statement to threaten regional stability
5)<interrogated him about where he'd gone the night before>
6)Her parents grilled her when she came home late.
7)Police debriefed the hostages upon their return.
8)Add onions and garlic, making sure not to scorch.
9)<bulky packages might cost more to mail>
10)the building's high ceilings and voluminous spaces
11)No one could understand his inner torment.
12)The men were planning to perpetrate a robbery.
13)Use of the company's jet is a perquisite of the job.
14)the gaping maw of the tiger
15)<there's always one maverick who has to go his own way>
1)reprieve→レップリーブ→「何とか21」って、「りーぷ(れっぷ)、りーぶ」のどっちだった?どちらであれそんなの( ? )にしかず。⇒一時の逃げ
2)reprimand→レプリマンドゥ→礼振(ぷ)り回んど(して回らんと)( ? )されるぞ。⇒けん責
3)reprisal→リプライザル→リプライざる即ち返答せざるは、国家間では 「( ? )」に同じ。⇒報復
4)reproof→リップルーフ→リップ、ルーフ(天井)にくっつけて何しようというのだと( ? )られ。⇒たしなめ
5)reprove→リップルーブ→リップブ(プ)ルブル震わし( ? )。⇒激しく叱る
6)repudiate→リピューディエイトゥ→( ? )たらレイプでい(え)いど(と)、どうせ( ? )んだ。⇒拒否し、縁切る
7)repugnant→リパグナントゥ→( ? )が立腹(ぱぐ)なんとか抑えた。⇒不快このうえなかった
8)repulse→リパルス→立派、留守に押し売り( ? )できたとは。⇒撃退
9)slacker→スラッカー→奴は( ? )なすれ(ら)っからしだ。⇒仕事のいい加減
10)polarized→ポラライズドゥ→インスタントカメラ初期はポラライズド(ポラロイドのなまった言い方?)派とデジカメ派とに( ? )された。ウソ。⇒二分
11)hog→ホッグ→そんな( ? )にホグホグのご飯やる事はない。⇒穀つぶし
12)hoard→ホアードゥ→金ならともかく、ゴミをこんなに( ? )とは程がある。⇒貯め込む
13)juncture→ジャンクチュアー→我が社の装備こんなジャンクじゃー(ちゅあー)いよいよ全交換の( ? )に来てるな。⇒重大時期
14)authentic→オーセンティック→教え(おーせん)て行くのは、( ? )事に限る。⇒根拠のしっかりした信頼できる
16)hiatus→ハイエタス→( ? )ができたらダメになるのは早えだす。⇒割れ目
17)demise→ディマイズ→補修工事は完了し、今後は( ? )者は出まいず。⇒死亡
18)huddle→ハドル→ハードルを乗り越え皆( ? )。⇒中に集まった
19)herbal→ハーバル→これらはほ(は)ーばる( ? )ことのできる葉っぱです。⇒ほーばる
20)diffident→ディフィデントゥ→話し合いには、( ? )な人ほど是非(ディフィ)出んといけません。⇒遠慮がち
1)~4)はNHK講座に出てきた単語で三例掲載、敬意を表して太文字表示。ここ一か月以内のものは赤色表示、全例とも一か月以内のものは次の3語。plausible、tantamount、 halting
1)The Argo program, named after the mythical Greek ship, is run by 50 research institutions in more than 30 countries.
Scientific AmericanFeb 12, 2013
Based on Lucy Alibar's play Juicy and Delicious, Zeitlin's unexpected awards contender boasts rising waters, mythical creatures and superbly believable characters.
The GuardianFeb 10, 2013
She described running an outreach programme for children who lived next to fossil sites in the Gobi but who thought dinosaurs were mythical creatures.
The GuardianJan 28, 2013
2)The Japanese business media have been quick to jump on the historical tidbit, trumpeting the Nikkei’s best weekly run in 54 years.
New York TimesFeb 2, 2013
The first few chapters had him sitting in libraries in Australia trying to dig up tidbits about his family history.
SalonJan 16, 2013
He actually wrote pages about sitting in Australian libraries trying to dig up tidbits about his grandfather, a missionary?
SalonJan 16, 20133)As “Just So” stories go, it is perfectly plausible.
EconomistFeb 15, 2013
However with interest rates already at extraordinarily low levels it is not plausible that deficit reduction would have a noticeable impact.
The GuardianFeb 9, 2013
Prosthetic eyes were made, realistic skin texture created and a plausible wig added.
BBCFeb 6, 20134)Brown was in a brawl last month with fellow singer Frank Ocean outside a West Hollywood recording studio.
ReutersFeb 6, 2013
Ocean has said he wants Brown prosecuted following the Sunday brawl.
ReutersJan 31, 2013
Then came the death sentences handed down Saturday to 21 Port Said soccer fans for their role in a deadly brawl.
New York TimesJan 29, 20135)The Dalí painting is filled with classical allusions, possibly reflecting the stories being written about her Capri villa.
The GuardianJan 28, 2013
Given how narrow the subject matter can be, one ends up sussing out which songs sneak in the bawdiest allusions.
New York TimesNov 15, 20126)No doubt the assembled throng could have provided countless additional quotations and remembrances.
New York TimesFeb 6, 2013
In fact, "growth figures" needs to come wrapped in quotation marks.
The GuardianJan 26, 20137)He and his men also moved 100 meters under heavy fire to recover the bodies of dead soldiers, the citation said.
ReutersFeb 12, 2013
On any given shift, an officer can decide to focus on traffic citations, bike arrests, or busting drug corners.
SlateJan 7, 20138)There was once opposition to in vitro fertilisation, with pejorative terms like “test-tube baby” being bandied about.
EconomistOct 26, 2012
The most famous images of physical difference in great art, from Mantegna to Velazquez, are either pejorative or, at best, tragic.
The GuardianAug 29, 2012 9)Houses, some newer ones that stand with a certain hauteur and older ones dating back 70 or 80 years, are often passed down generations.
New York TimesDec 25, 2012
The clothes, equal parts practicality and racy hauteur, represent a contradiction, Ms. Von Teese acknowledged in a telephone interview.
New York TimesJul 28, 201210)But wouldn’t life be more entertaining – not to mention more euphonious – if someone like Gore Vidal were writing their dialogue?
New York TimesMay 4, 2012
The slurs at the euphonious jingler and effeminate Alfred are in place no more.
Parsons, Eugene11)固有名詞としての例のみ。
Smaller companies will show their wares–including some fun ideas, like a gaming device that prints smells–in the Eureka Park hall.
ForbesJan 5, 2013
Some reviewers also like the Eureka AirSpeed, but, as mixed Amazon reviews indicate, it leaves dirt behind on hardwood floors.
SalonAug 20, 201212)For hours, Republicans fulminated about the Justice Department’s alleged malfeasance and renewed calls for Holder to resign.
TimeJun 21, 2012
In years past, Bradbury has fulminated against automobiles,telephones, and TV sets; more recent targets include ATMs, theInternet, and personal computers.
SlateJun 7, 201213)Mr. George Rutherford, as I have hinted in a former chapter, was becoming entangled in his pecuniary circumstances.
Roe, Azel Stevens
Always in pecuniary straits through his extravagance, he pursued a foreign policy which would have been expensive under the most careful management.
Various14)Las Vegas odds show that gamblers think falling in love with team synergy is tantamount to cheap complacency.
Washington PostFeb 28, 2013
By comparison, he said, a provocateur like Michael Moore is tantamount to an opinion page writer.
Seattle TimesFeb 16, 201315)Sunday was sanctified by rest, but on Monday the bank won four thousand sequins.
Seingalt, Jacques Casanova de
In other words, that Sunday is not holy enough to sanctify fraud.
Ingersoll, Robert Green16)Some Democrats in Congress are sanguine about the cuts, happy to see military spending, viewed as too big anyway, take the brunt.
The GuardianFeb 26, 2013
But other transplant experts such as Abul-Ezz are less sanguine, citing evidence that raises red flags.
Washington PostJan 29, 201317)Mr. Stucky has long written in an intricate, pungent yet transparent and, in the best sense, accessible musical language, as in this symphony.
New York TimesDec 1, 2012
He likes this kind of language - folksy, sometimes pungent turns of phrase.
BBCNov 29, 201218)However, several others argued there was a danger in halting it prematurely.
ReutersFeb 26, 2013
Indeed, by endangering the economy's halting recovery, they would be counterproductive.
The GuardianFeb 25, 201319)Mr Davies is an evangelist for considered investing.
BBCJan 15, 2013
Evangelist Pat Robertson once stated that the world would end on April 29, 2007.
NewsweekDec 21, 201220)The baffling evanescence of dreams caught sight of on awakening is familiar to every one.
Leuba, James H. (James Henry)
He belted out a cover of Bring Me To Life by American goth rockers Evanescence.
BBCJun 3, 2011本日の大賞
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