例文:Rogue company(ブラック企業---ある英文サイトから)
日頃出会うことの少ない、しかし時折出現し悩ませられる英単語(即ち難解な)を、反射運動の要らない読解用として、日本国内で身につけるには、日本語で(語呂合わせで)覚えるのが、特に記憶力の低下している中高年者には効果的のようです。一英語ファンの私が、作り溜めた語呂合わせ文を、英単語習得に奮戦されている皆様に見て戴きたく、英語にまつわる随想を交えつつ毎月公開する面白ブログです。尚、バックナンバーは左のブログアーカイブ欄の日付をクリックすれば見られます。 尚、更新は毎月一日、日本時間で午前0時(世界標準時で月末の午後3時)に執り行う予定です。 姉妹ブログで算数パズルを掲載しています。(下記URL)海外でこのブログをご覧の邦人の方は、是非このパズルをだしにして現地の方々との交流を深めて下さい。 https://gontanoe.muragon.com/ 尚、ブログ発信者のメアドは gotoh@cosmos.ocn.ne.jpです。
2月号---The New York Times から
例文:Rogue company(ブラック企業---ある英文サイトから)
1月号---The Washington Postから。4)におまけ有り。
今回は、全てThe Washington Post(2020. 5/27)の一つの記事(Growing Iran-Venezuela ties draw U.S. concern)からの単語です。もっと平易な単語がいくらでもありそうのに何でこんな難解な単語を使うのか不思議です。(難解に感じるのは私だけか)
1)雲は、ハッブル望遠鏡を、邪魔する。⑮hobble (vt)
例文:Venezuela and Iran have been stung by sanctions and also hobbled by the novel coronavirus.
例文:The first of the ships was intended to relieve fuel shortages so dire that the sick cannot get to hospitals and produce is rotting on farms.
例文:You have two pariah states finding that they are able to exchange things.
例文:Opposition leaders have warned that Teheran could be providing materials for what they describe as a covert operation to help Maduro's intelligence apparatus construct a listening post to intercept aerial and maritime communications.
例文:The Pentagon dispatched destroyers and littoral combat ships.
6)取り締まりを逃れんと、麻薬取引者になる子、テロリズムに走る。(難易度不明)narcoterrorism (n)
例文:The Justice Department indicted him in March on narcoterrorism charges.
7)根気よく待ってりゃ有るぞ、実現した合図、そう、待ってりゃ有る合図。⑨ materialize(vi)---materialから連想可か。
例文:Many of those deals were propaganda on paper that never truly materialized.
例文:They have to help Venezuela restart its moribund domestic gas refineries.
9)ズタズタでも役に立ったー。破損してても いいんですリペアー(直す)すればまた使えるから。(難易度不明)tatter(n)、⑭in disrepair(熟語)---~in tatters=ズタズタになった~、 ~in disrepair=使えなくなった~、といった意味らしい?
例文:But years of mismanagement and corruption have combined to leave its petroleum industry in tatters and its gas refineries in disrepair.
例文:But with both countries now under crippling U.S. sanctions and confronting painful recessions amid the coronavirus pandemic collapsing oil prices, they are moving to solidify mutually beneficial bonds.
お詫び ここ半年は更新日時が月初(1日)0:00ではなく、月初の12:39になっているという設定間違いをしていました。(ブログの書式変更の影響による)本日(2021年1/1)も早朝には更新されず、12月号のままになっていて皆様にはご迷惑をおかけしました。来月からは、毎月、見出しの説明通り、日本時間月初(1日)の0時(=GMT⦅UST⦆前月末13:00)に更新されますので宜しくお願い申し上げます。
1)判決が差し迫った今でも、隠蔽で行く(いんぺんでいぐ)とは、意味ねん(ない)と同じことだ。---意味ねん(ない)とはimminentで、ここでの impending と同意語なので付け足しただけで、深い意味はありません。(意味ねんす)
例文:Rumors about impending action by police to clear the road have not deterred them, either.
例文:In the South 、people decided to venerate confederates. Protesters are saying ,'No more.'
例文:The statues and monuments honoring people central to the U.S. slaves system have been pulled down or vandalized.
例文:A crowd tried to topple the statue of Andrew Jackson, the seventh president, in Lafayette Park, close to the Whit House.
例文:He draped his stethoscope, which he'd worn most days for the previous 20 years.
例文:Their long-running vigil has been featured on prime-time news shows, inspired similar sit-ins and attracted solidarity from across India.
例文:Zurfi had been widely viewed as antagonistic toward the militias, and as a result, his candidacy hemorrhaged support in its final days.
例文:What I was witnessing was the new generation of Muslim women who speak boldly without an iota of fear.
例文:Several protests have devolved into showdowns with the police, who have responded with force.
例文:She went out for her new nightly activity: participating in a sit -in against the government.
例文:Virus lockdowns they sought refuge in have left thousand of the new arrivals destitute.
上記2)3)の例文:Reports of the conditions in the regime's "quarantine camps " portray squalid conditions, with hundreds, crowded into dilapidated buildings such as unused schools with no beds, and water for only half an hour a day.
例文:Infection adapted and evolved over time , proving highly resistant to scientific debunking.
5)高値で ダイヤぼりかる(‟ぼる”の方言?)極悪非道な宝石商。⑮diabolical(a)
例文::It was rumo(u)red that the influenza was a diabolical biological weapon unleashed by the Kaiser's scientist.
例文:Rio's Christ the Redeemer statue is illuminated in doctor's attire, with the word "Thanks" in Portuguese.
例文:Oil pushed higher after swinging wildly in early trading as investors weighed whether a historical deal by the world's biggest producers to cut output would be enough to steady a market pummeled by the coronavirus.
例文:The move is seeking permission to drive about 70,000 piles into the seabed.
例文:Now when contemplating the future, the mayor named Keisha is sanguine.
例文:Sweden has maintained a relatively lax approach to combating the spread of the virus.
1)はなはだしい劣等クラスはわが校にはない。⑰crass (a)
例文:Tesla, who believes the virtue of his rare intellect separates him from crass moneymen like Morgan, seems mortified.
(The New Republic,26 Aug. 2020)2)あっこれどう?、皆に称賛されるのでは。⑫accolade(n)例文.It was a small act for which he expected no accolades. It should not have taken the police killing of George Floyd, Mr. Reese knew, to face what he had long known to be true, that the flag he had grown up thinking of as "a beautiful trophy" was" a symbol of hate, and it's obviously wrong to glorify it." (The new York Times Jun. 24)
3)3月の節句には女雛(メビナ→ウェビナ)と男雛(オビナ)のオンラインセミナーをやります。(難易度不明)webinar(n)---ご存じ、ウェブとセミナーの合成語のようで、PCいじっていると日本語でもカタカナで時折出てくるネット用語のようです。私(ブロガー)は知りませんでした。例文:Large number of white Americans have attended racial justice demonstrations, purchased books about racial in equality and registered for webinars on how to raise children who are anti-racist.( The new York Times Jun. 24)3.5) アフリカのガーナは沢山の鉱物資源が集積されている豊かな国である。⑪garner(vt) 例文:Some have asked themselves pointed questions, like how much professional advantage they have garnered from being white and whether they would willingly cede it if they could. (The New York Times Jun.24 ) 4)どう配分すべきか、相談のアポしよう。⑯apportion(vt.n)---多義語で、例文での意味は「~を負わせた」となるようです。例文:The report marks the first time the Investigation and identification Team, set up in 2018 by the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, has apportioned blame for an attack in Syria and will likely lead to fresh calls for accountability for the regime of President Bashar Assad. (AP Apr.19)
5)国民が二つに分裂すれば国は沈む。⑫schism(n)例文:How to prevent a societal schism in Japan.(The Japan Times Jun.24)
下記4語は下部一例文で、当該英単語は順番に並んでいます。 6)あんた美人、隔世遺伝だね。㉙atavism (n)7)エセの(国境)線取り済むと、自民族一番主義となる。⑯ethnocentrism(n)8)国民がこぞってこれ食ってひずむ重産業主義。⑯collectivism(n)9)本質的な原因取りしっかりやれよ。⑯intrinsically(adv) 別案:本来総理が言う(イン)通りしっかりやるのが閣僚だ。例文:Biologically speaking, the tendency for national isolation and atavism, ethnocentrism and collectivism are intrinsically seen among homo sapiens as a fixed type of thought and behavior.(The Japan Times Jun.24)10)大統領選挙戦、相手の邪魔のし合い半端ない。⑩hamper(vt)---別意味有り例文:A factor that hampers the healthy development of peace and democracy is the existence and action of groups whose embers in common a complex of one type of perception, emotion, discourse and behavior, and and who empathize with each other.(The Japan Times Jun.24)
下記1)の emoji には驚きました。見たこともない何か難しそうな単語だと思って、私の持っている2007年発行の辞書を引いたところ、これには収載されておらず、weblio、Merriam-Websterの両辞書で見て、なんだ「絵文字」のことで日本語由来の英単語だったことに気づかされ、自分のバカさに呆れたわけです。(sns・ネット関係に詳しい方ならすぐお分かりになる事象なのでしょうね。ことほど左様に英語・語学に関しては、実践と学習レベルのものとは全く異なるもののようですね。)英単語も新しい造語や外来語がどんどん作られ、新聞雑誌には当たり前のように使われたりしているわけで、日本で、それも英語の素人がそれに追随して行こうとするのはやはり無理な気がいたしました。
例文: Its textchat system is rudimentary and it gives people exactly two emojis for reacting to others in video -a wave and a thumbs-up. (AP Apr.25,2020)
例文:Terms like " permissionless innovation" and "blitzscaling" entered the tech lexicon.
例文:Speech on the web: Unfettered no more ---新聞の見出し文(The New York Times July 4-5,2020)
例文:A tech monoculture that once celebrated its recklessness and irreverence is being pushed aside by a younger and more politically conscious generation of tech workers who actually want their companies' products to reflect their values.
例文:They identified several epitopes that activate a patient's immune system, so that the vaccine design is capable of responding to mutations of the virus.(The Yomiuri Shinbun Apr.26,2020)
例文:They identified several epitopes that activate a patient's immune system, so that the vaccine design is capable of responding to mutations of the virus.(The Yomiuri Shinbun Apr.26,2020)
例文:However, to develop vaccines, it is necessary to repeatedly conduct clinical trials and research to determine its safety and efficacy, making it likely that it will be awhile before actual vaccinations are carried out.
例文:Ideas bloom, the thinking goes when people start impromptu conversations at a whiteboard or in the cafeteria.
例文:The internet giants' unwillingness to make rules (and then, later, their inability to enforce them) empowered a generation of bigots and media manipulators who are now among our most influential public figures.
例文:Under significant pressure to resuscitate the country's economy, South Africa will loosen up considerably on Tuesday.
例文:For wealthy but parched states in the Gulf, it's resurrecting deep concerns over food.(Bloomberg Apr.28,2020)
例文:In an extraordinary reversal, the U.S. Navy has recommended reinstating the fired captain of the coronavirus-hit aircraft carrier Theodore Roosevelt, whose crew hailed him as their hero for risking his job to safeguard their lives, officials said on Friday. (Reuters Apr.25,2020)
例文:"Wearing a blue suit, [Hannah] Gadsby begins by pointing to a prop dog made of crayons onstage, immediately making fun of herself, a notable shift since 'Nanette,' when she inveighed against self-deprecation." (The New York Times¸ 26 May 2020)
12)明瞭な発音で、明確に表現するから、もう一度だけでもあってくれーと頼み込んだ。⑨articulate(vt,vi,a)例文:But he clearly adored his quick-witted and mercilessly articulate elder daughter. ( New York Review of Books, Jan. 2002)