1)文章の結びがやや皮肉めいていても、それが言い得て妙な言い回しなら、たとえダジャレでも、食いっぷあ(ぱ)ぐねることはない。(うそ)⑪ quip(n,vi)
例文:Many of my colleagues and business associates are making a point of signing off their emails and text messages with lighthearted quips and observations. (※上記のダジャレ文はこの英文の翻訳文では全くなく、例文はたまたまquipが使われていた文章に過ぎません。新聞などにあった英文が例文で、そこから難解単語quipを見つけ、それをダジャレ文のようにだじゃれた、という事です。)
例文:Receiving a text message asking her to click on a link to" arrange for a coronavirus test," she did and it downloaded malware onto her computer, unfortunately.
例文:Yes,an essential ingredient for developing your sense of humor is to learn not to take yourself too seriously and to laugh at your own mistakes and foibles.
例文:There may be mundane things that are funny about social distancing and isolation, but I don't think we'll truly be able to laugh about this overall situation
for years to come.
例文:That has left struggling tenants and their landlords in a state of purgatory, in which some renters cannot pay but their landlords cannot do anything about it.
例文:Schoolchildren would fling themselves on these paper scraps: the lucky recipients clutched their bounty to their chests while the not so fortunate crept away, desolate.
例文:When humor is used tastefully and with empathy, it acts as a social lubricant that can put people at ease and enhance relationship.
例文:The trip revealed Wednesday is the latest example of a public official who has pleaded for vigilance in the face of rising cases and hospitalizations across the U.S. seeming not to heed their own guidance.
例文:History shows that the darkest hours can be made a little brighter with some well-timed levity.---この例文では「軽薄な言動」というよりは、「あまり深刻でない言動即ち軽いジョーク」のような意味合いのようです。このブログのようなものですね。
例文:She's no grump and is really a very nice person, though a bit uptight, frankly.