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   三例とも一か月以内に使われていたもの、 fiasco(一般名詞)、bundle(多義語の動詞) の二語                         
   三例とも一か月以内に使われていなかったもの diarrheal、rascal (場面が限られる生活用語)の二語


1)非難されたのはどれ?こんで(ん)ねーしょん?(これでもないでしょう) ⑨condemnation(n)


near words in the dictionary—(chintz,chintzyの2語)---読書中に、このての単語ピンときたら快適でせうね。大抵は辞書ひかされる破目になる。ただし、存命中に出会う保証無し。だいたいネーティブ達はいつどこでこんなもの覚えるというのでせう?

18)膝と膝 突き合わせて語る間柄には今のところ、まだなってはいない⑧hitherto(adv)
19)飽きん坊はすぐそれだ、両手腰に張ってプイっとする。▲akimbo(adv)---with arms akimboの形で使われるようです。

1)The flames cast an eerie glow
2)<Halloween is the night when spooks and goblins are said to roam abroad.>
3)Shakespeare's plays can be daunting for a young reader.
4)The seeds will remain dormant until the spring.
5)<he has a latent talent for acting that he hasn't had a chance to express yet>
6)<my tongue and throat remained torpid for a time following the endoscopy>
7)The wristbands hold a power that's been untapped.
8)The technology allows data to be transmitted by cellular phones.
  They conveyed the goods by ship.
9)a tree with pretty foliage
10)Several professors will be taking sabbaticals this year.
11)<there was a dearth of usable firewood at the campsite>
12)The players saluted the fans.
13)<the tiny kitten mewled for its mother>
14)We walked the beach at a sedate pace.
15)The cut on her finger was oozing with blood.
16)The disease afflicts an estimated two million people every year.
17)She finally badgered me into cutting my hair.「人にせがんで~させる」用法
18)<heritable characteristics like skin and eye and hair color>
19)He accepted the responsibility, with all that it entails.
20)One division of the company was broken off as a separate entity.

1)opiate→オピエイト→異物をオッパイへと入れる時は、( ? )を使う。麻酔剤
別案:誰だって怯えっと( ? )剤には。⇒催眠
2)opine→オパイン→オッパイの話はやめようと皆( ? )意見し
3)gestation→ジェステイション→アメリカで議論沸騰。じゃ(じぇ)捨てーしょんとは何事ぞ、せっかく( ? )というに。身ごもった
4)transaction→トゥランズアクション→対策取らず(とらんず)アクション起こしても( ? )は増えない。取引
5)transcendent→トゥランセンデント→その会社案内、誰も取らん宣伝と、業績( ? )で。抜群
6)transgress→トゥランスグレス→法を( ? )とらんすぐれす者は。逸脱し
7)transience→トゥランシェンス→まだまだ通らんしぇんす(通らせんです)、)こんな( ? )またいつ( ? )古いトンネルはかない、どうなるか分からん
8)transition→トゥランジッション→いくら株価上がっても本当に景気良くなったとは誰もらんで(じ)しょんまだ( ? )( ? )なので移行期、過渡期
9)transpose→トゥランスポウズ→フィルム( ? )でモデルは未だ取らんずポーズ。入れ替え
10)sophism→ソフィズム→この程度の( ? )なら意味そう歪む事はない。こじつけ
11)quibble→クイブル→下手な言い逃れがましい( ? )言ってしまい深く悔いぶる(「悔いている」の古い言い方?)悪い癖。屁理屈
12)venomous→ヴェナマス→誘拐犯には、飲ます飲ますべ( ? )ジュース。毒入り
13)mule→ミュール→動きにぶく( ? )に見ゆる( ? )頑固、ラバ
14)locus→ロウカス→今夜の寝( ? )は廊下す場所
参考:loci→ロウサイ→労災がみとめられるかどうかは、その( ? )が問題となる。場所
15)chitchat→チットチャット→もうちっとちゃん(ちゃっ)と( ? )しよう。
16)condiment→カンデメント→( ? )は匂いかんでめんと(嗅いでみないと)違い分からん。薬味
17)gestalt→ゲシュタルト→それで月謝足ると思うな、( ? )もっとだ。全体になると
18)demoniac→デモニヤック→でもね悪は居ないんだよ、本当の( ? )なんて悪魔
19)pus→パス→傷口をプスっと刺すと( ? )が出る。
20)dovetail→ダヴテイル→この削った材木「( ? )」ダブってる、( ? )ないぞありほぞ、ぴったり合わ


2)According to a study released in July, 2.3 billion people contract diarrheal illnesses annually from animals, usually from eating infected meat, eggs, or dairy products.SlateAug 18, 2012
About 1.5 million children die each year from diarrheal disease.SalonAug 16, 2012
Falls in numbers of deaths from diarrheal disease and measles have been particularly striking, the WHO said.ReutersMay 16, 2012

3)Like a little girl showing off her princess costume to a roomful of doting grandparents, he twirled.
SalonJan 15, 2013
They grow up as the sole focus of doting parents.Seattle TimesJan 11, 2013
But she morphed overnight into a demure, doting first lady whose style and composure helped her frenetic husband rally in opinion polls.NewsweekOct 26, 2012

4)Gary Jean, an engineer at the public works ministry, said the state had learned an expensive lesson with the OAS road fiasco.ReutersJan 26, 2013
Nevertheless, the fiasco was a major missed opportunity to take on Washington’s spending problem.”
Washington PostJan 6, 2013
But my article was not about Rushdie's strenuous justifications of his government's fiascos.The GuardianJan 4, 2013

5)The junior class dressed as characters from "The Little Rascals" movie.Seattle TimesNov 13, 2012
Ryukins are hardy and comical looking: fat little rascals, some with quadruple tails.ForbesOct 20, 2012
Smart man, given that the winners list contained some failures and a few rascals.The GuardianOct 13, 2012

6)An old woman bundles together thin olive branches to help kindle a fire.TimeJan 26, 2013
Researchers already knew that bundling was important in strengthening biopolymers.Scientific AmericanJan 25, 2013
Those little bundles of cells could grow up to be pop superstars, after all!The GuardianJan 24, 2013

 既掲載)China's voracious appetite for German cars and machines provided the needed boost, even as Germany's traditional trade partners in Europe struggled.The GuardianJan 18, 2013
Other common labels included "predatory," "voracious," and "rapacious."
Science MagazineJan 16, 2013
He fed his voracious need for publicity by feasting on his son’s renown.
New York TimesNov 10, 2012

7)Butcher's men went one better within five minutes of the restart.The GuardianJan 27, 2013
“Look at the prices — it’s crazy,” said Mr. Gottschlich, who grew up in the same building on Prenzlauer Allee where the butcher shop is located.New York TimesJan 18, 2013

8)American Horror Story: Asylum has, in turns, been about the Catholic Church, sexual repression, Nazis, eugenics, the Devil, misogyny, interracial relationships, serial killing and aliens.
TimeJan 24, 2013
Ahhh, misogyny, colliding with sensationalistic statements about the nature of conflict: another stylized packge, delivering thoughtlessly manufactured content. New York TimesDec 15, 2013
9)Our work and personal and lives are no longer different spheres governed by different rules.TimeFeb 2, 2013
Shifting economic and political conditions have spread gun raffles to other spheres, too. New York TimesJan 27, 201

10)Running 20 minutes without a break, the piece has an impetuous opening movement, followed by a dancing, gentle Allegretto and a swirling finale.New York TimesJan 1, 2013
From the work’s impetuous opening bars, Mr. Lisiecki’s sound was cool, bright and clear.   New York TimesDec 15, 2012

11)In reality, Carson is a snide, vindictive, sanctimonious brat.New York TimesJan 11, 2013
"I was blessed to grow up in Seattle, and I watched Ken Griffey Jr. do that on a regular basis," Snider said.   Seattle TimesSep 28, 2012

12)Puckered leather seats, a hint of mildew, headlights beaded with condensation.New York TimesJan 13, 2013
Weber says finding out whether such puckering occurs in other primates might shed light on the evolutionary origins of the phenomenon.    Science MagazineJan 9, 2013

13)Her genuine naivety on the witness stand went a long way towards getting the two young men released.The GuardianJan 26, 2013
Children's "naivety" on social media was also causing concern among parents,PhonepayPlussaid.BBCJan 16, 2013

14)But he noted that "more spectrum always tilts the scales in favor of better service."New York TimesJan 26, 2013
For years, she has argued that scientists were getting at best a tilted view of the wonders of the deep sea.SlateJan 25, 2013

15)"It's unique," said Stephen Bates, reassuring listeners in a stilted appearance on BBC Radio Five Live.The GuardianJan 31, 2013
Benedikt: I'm thrilled Drew’s going to Berkeley cause then he and his adorably stilted emotions get to stick around next season.SlateJan 23, 2013

16)For too long, most planners and investors have thought about the natural environment as an impediment to developing infrastructure.ForbesJan 23, 2013
U.S. tax laws are also an impediment to growth in the United States.ForbesJan 21, 2013

17)He was blazing with passion at the thought of such flagrant impiety.Parton, James
"There is no impiety," said the burgomaster's servant respectfully.Reade, Charles

18)In him the conflicting passions of pious spirituality and ordinary human love are tragically combined.The GuardianJan 31, 2013
There have been many pious words of solidarity and lots of regional integration accords.
New York TimesOct 6, 2012

18-2)The experiments made use of the constant flow of cosmic rays impinging on Earth.Science MagazineDec 21, 2012Dr. Heffner said the plan would have impinged on academic freedom.New York TimesDec 8, 2012 

19)"We had an eclectic selection, spread out over all branches of science."Science MagazineJan 26, 2013
An absolutely amazing record that would point towards me being eclectic, but then so would anything by the James Taylor Quartet.
The GuardianJan 19, 2013 

20)Some variations were adorned with golden embroidery and jeweled accents fitting of ecclesiastical vestments.Seattle TimesJan 13, 2013
The Greek Church has warmed to the mosque idea but some senior ecclesiastical figures remain opposed.BBCDec 28, 2012



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