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2)幽霊 出て慌て果て、スクープとスプーク取り違える新聞記者。 ⑪spook(n) ---不完全ダジャレ、形容詞形は⑬spooky で 「幽霊が出そうな」の意、ここの類義語としてはこちらが当てはまる。




1)Many see television as an opiate of the masses.
2)Many people opine that the content of Web pages should be better regulated.
3)the gestation of new ideas
4)The entire transaction took place over the phone.
5)<the star player's transcendent performance helped the team to a surprise victory>
6)He who transgresses must seek forgiveness.
7)<wary of the transience of popular enthusiasms, the writers of the U.S. Constitution made changing the document a long and difficult process>
8)We want to have a smooth transition when the new owners take control of the company.
9)I must have accidentally transposed the numbers when I dialed his phone number.
10)"For one of those gnostics, the visible universe was an illusion or (more precisely) a sophism."
11)<he spent the entire evening quibbling about the historical inaccuracies in the television series on World War II>
12)The cobra is a venomous snake.
13)He is as obstinate as a mule.
14)The area became a locus of resistance to the government.
15)We exchanged some chitchat about the weather.
16)<the cafeteria's self-serve table has a full array of condiments>
 1.the gestalt of human consciousness
2.Squawkbox is the gestalt combined form of the two cassettes,
18)<the murderer seemed possessed by a demoniac wish to destroy life>
19)Pus oozed from the cat's injured ear.
20)<the Union and the Confederate accounts of the battle don't dovetail at all>‐‐‐動詞用法

1)vet's→ヴェッツ→( ? )病院とだ。動物病院
2)diarrhea→ダレヤロウ→( ? )してるのは誰やろう。ちゃんとトイレでやれよ。下痢
3)dote→ドウトゥ→よその子はどうとも思わず、我が子を( ? )過保護親。盲愛する
4)fiasco→フィアスコ→( ? )しても、カッカしないよう頭ひやすことね。大失敗
5)rascal→ラスカル→皆から好かる、( ? )子。いたずらっ
6)bundle→バンドゥル→寒空や、順番取る為、( ? )着こんどる
既掲載)voraciousヴォレイシャス→とにかくボレーしやす、勝利( ? )テニスプレーヤー欲しがる
7)butch→バッチ→( ? )方(かた)のキスはブッチュと力強い。男っぽい
8)misogyny→ミソジニー→( ? )も三十路(ミソジ)なると性に目覚める。女嫌い
9)sphere→スフィアー→ソフィア・ローレンの胸には二つの( ? )が存在し、( ? )広く、いろんな( ? )で活躍し、( ? )に輝くきら星の如し。球体、社交範囲、分野、天空
10)impetuous→インペチュアス→初めて会ったその場で結婚決めるとは( ? )だが、ま、いん(ぺ)ちゅわあす(幸せ)ならば。性急
11)snide→スナイドゥ→オレは絶対すないど、( ? )( ? )いやみな、卑劣な
12)pucker→パッカー→( ? )言うとパッカーでなくプッカーになっちゃうよ。口つぼめて
13)naivety/naivetéナイーブティナイーブって、「( ? )」という事で、ほめた語ではない。世間知らず
14)tilt→ティルトゥ→( ? )ると、コップ落ちると傾け
15)stilt→スティルトゥ→してると楽しい( ? )遊び。竹馬
16)impediment →インピーディメントゥ→( ? )といってわざわざ隠すこともなかろう、作業が隠ぺいで面倒になるだけだ。邪魔物
17)impiety→インパイアティ→なまくら坊主、一杯(いんぱい)遣ってお経上げる( ? )者不信心
18)pious→パイアス→いくら( ? )と言え、そんな事信じちゃだめ、少し頭(ぴ)やすとよいぞ。信心深い
18-2)impinge→インピンジ→準備ばんたん、いつでもピン(ジ)に( ? )突き当たっ
19)eclectic→イクレクティック→「寿司、今日いくら食ってく?」「( ? )、3000円」間取って
20)ecclesiastical→イクレジアスティッカル→いくら幸せだから言って、( ? )はどうかねー、結婚相手に。聖職者---超苦しい語呂合わせ、前回は名詞形のecclesiasticでしたがこの形容詞系の方が高頻出の模様で急きょ変えました。


1)Well, at least it was a bit of entertainment on a Tuesday, which turned out to be stocked with plenty of absurdity to go around.
New York TimesJan 10, 2013
Laughing at the absurdities of North Korea is a decades-old pastime.
2)When the vaginal community becomes unbalanced, on the other hand, acidity decreases.
SlateJan 12, 2013
When carbon dioxide is dissolved in seawater, chemistry changes and acidity increases.
Scientific AmericanJan 12, 2013
3)Cyprus says it is in full conformity with international rules against money laundering.
ReutersJan 9, 2013
It must also be brought into conformity with emerging European Union rules.
New York TimesDec 20, 2012
4)But then, continuity errors don’t generally bother me much.
SlateJan 21, 2013
Continuity is frequently discarded; the same actor who played Louie's mother in one episode will turn up as his girlfriend in the next.
The GuardianJan 19, 2013
5)Increasing prosperity in China, coupled with a large influx of Chinese workers and investors across Africa, has sent demand for ivory soaring.
BBCJan 15, 2013
Societies that share more information are better off — there’s more innovation, more technological and medical progress, faster economic growth, and more prosperity at all.
SalonJan 15, 2013
6)The visual fields were all partially overlapping, creating an area of very high sensitivity right at the midline.
Scientific AmericanJan 21, 2013
"We expect politicians, as responsible authorities, to display the same sensitivity," he said.
ReutersJan 17, 2013
7)He's just mature; a 28-year-old former professional baseball player who's married and doesn't get caught up by trivialities that might slip up younger players.
NewsweekJan 2, 2012
He's just mature; a 28-year-old former professional baseball player who is married and doesn't get caught up by trivialities that might slip up younger players.
Seattle TimesJan 2, 2012
8)"But in reality, they go for the same aim: universality."
Wall Street JournalAug 11, 2012
There are very sound moral, ethical, humanitarian, and even financial arguments in favor of universality.
TimeJul 2, 2012
9)He glosses over his past arrogance with a further fantasy.
IncJan 24, 2013
These are intelligent songs about love going wrong, glossed with heavenly coos and backing harmonies and given percolation by the band's gentle funk.
The GuardianJan 20, 2013
10)The board will have mulled over why their advances were spurned.
The GuardianJan 17, 2013
Caver Nick Chipchase said he had avoided the mulled wine after falling "quite a height" at last year's party.
BBCDec 19, 2012
11)Researchers are now pondering making their next great leap in supercomputing power, up to 1000 petaflops, also known as an exaflop.
Science MagazineJan 23, 2013
Two years ago, Brodeur first began pondering retirement, he said.
New York TimesJan 19, 2013
12)The United Nations deems all Israeli settlements in the West Bank to be illegal.
ReutersJan 24, 2013
Not all online activities were deemed equal by the researchers, however.
TimeJan 23, 2013
13)The men were attacked during raids on three homes overnight, he said in an account confirmed by a local reporter.
BBCJan 23, 2013
Mark Smith, 47, joined as a partner in 2007, taking on a “ handyman” role to figure out payroll, accounting and gritty internal operations.
ForbesJan 23, 2013
14)We’re not driven only by emotions, of course—we also reason, deliberate.
TimeJan 16, 2013
One wealthy man’s purchases turned out to be “deliberate forgeries, in which he had been bamboozled,” Mr. Frank said in a phone interview.
New York TimesJan 11, 2013
15)"He contemplated ending this with mass destruction," Houston told reporters Tuesday.
ReutersJan 23, 2013
Griego told detectives he also contemplated killing his girlfriend’s parents, Houston said at a news conference.
SalonJan 23, 2013
16)He was meditating one day on a sermon delivered by Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., on the parable of the Good Samaritan.
Scientific AmericanJan 23, 2013
And yet he takes time out to meditate before he goes to work.
The GuardianJan 14, 2013
17)This made it expedient for him to get out of Beantown.
Seattle TimesAug 23, 2012
“The police have a very expedient system for making people they consider troublesome disappear without any kind of due process,” he said.
NewsweekAug 9, 2012
18)The Ravens gained just 130 yards in the first half, yet trailed by only six points.
Seattle TimesJan 21, 2013
At least one bat flew smack into a trail walker’s forehead.
Washington PostJan 21, 2013
19)“This kind of torture was definitely by a professional goon squad,” Ms. Akter said.
New York TimesSep 10, 2012
Later, he was hospitalised for shell shock, which is no doubt why people keep getting blown up in the Goon Shows.
The GuardianJul 7, 2012
20)It’s called “eve-teasing” here, conjuring up images of dalliance under apple trees.
NewsweekJan 2, 2013
They mostly come across as singing stereotypes engaging in trite romantic dalliances and professional rivalries.
New York TimesDec 5, 2012




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