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1)At the vet's
参考)I have to take my dog to the vet.---辞書の例文
2)If he gets diarrhea or starts vomiting, give him these pills three times a day.
3)They are doting parents.
4)This is a fiasco!
5)および参考)That little rascal has a voracious appetite.---rascalはlittleを伴って「いたずらっ子」となる。
6)Bundle up! We're going outside.
7)Actually, Kumesaburo's mother opposed having him appear in a butch haircut from the very beginning of Act Two.「butch hair style(男っぽい髪形)」と使われる事多し。
8)misogyny of medieval Christianity ---辞書には良い例文見当たらず。
All points on a sphere are the same distance from the center.
Women at that time were confined to the domestic sphere.
They recognize that jobs in the public sphere are valuable.
10)He's always been an impetuous young man.
11)<a snide trick to get the old woman to sell her antiques for practically nothing>12)His skin puckered a little around the scar.
13)<the contention that the royal family took advantage of the young Diana's naivety>
14)tilt one's head against the window
15)Children are shown walking on stilts and catching dragonflies.
16)<tough going for the burros on the canyon trail, even without the added impediment of heavy loads>小さなロバ
17)<the unspeakable impiety of spitting in a church>
18)They lived a quiet, pious life.
19)The collection includes an eclectic mix of historical artifacts.
20)<as the leading ecclesiastic for his church in the state, the bishop must be beyond reproach in everything he does>
1)absurdity→アブサディティ→阿部定ってどんな人?( ? )変な事した( ? )奴さ。⇒理屈に合わない、馬鹿げた---合掌、「愛のコリーダ」の映画監督。
2)acidity→アシディティ→( ? )強いの食べると汗出て来る。⇒酸味
3)conformity→コンフォミティ→車庫入れは、コーン(円錐形の目印の置物)方見て、ハンドルきれば、すぐにできるよ( ? )は。⇒順応---超苦につきただ今改良版思案中。
4)continuity→コンチュヌイティ→もう混んでないって、混雑は( ? )しない田舎町。⇒継続
5)prosperity→プロスペリティ→寂しかったスキー場、プロ滑りて( ? )し。⇒繁栄
6)sensitivity→センスティビティ→戦死ちびって(びくびくして---本来は「小さくなり」か。)、兵役拒否する、戦況不利読む( ? )な奴。⇒敏感
7)triviality→トゥリビアリティ→ローマ飽きた今や、トレビ有りても、ローマ寄るか寄らぬかは( ? )な問題。⇒些細---超苦につきただ今改良版思案中。
8)universality→ユニバッサリ→湯にバッサリと浸かって、思い巡らす、入浴習慣の( ? )。⇒普偏性
9)gloss1→グロス→( ? )でなく、実際に役立つ2.( ? )書き込むのにとても苦(ぐ)労するのですが、ブログの3.( ? )を増さんが為、頑張りたいと思います。⇒うわべの飾り、注釈、輝き(つや)---超苦につきただ今改良版思案中。
10~16)mull ponder deem account deliberate contemplate meditate→マル、ポンダー、ディーム、アカウント、デリバレイト、コンテンプレイト、メディテイト→プロ雀士まる一日、ポンだチーだと( ? )てーも(ディーム)儲からず、ただのプレイと揶揄されて、これではあかんと猛特訓、それでレバレイト(時間当たり儲け)は上昇し、こんで(これで)プレイと言われずに済んで、目出度いと言われたんだとさ。⇒熟考し
17)expedient→エクスペディエイト→自分の事はさておいて、えぐすっぺ(良くしよう)って言えんと、( ? )になっちゃうよ⇒ご都合主義---超苦につきただ今改良版思案中。
18)trail→トレイル→人の( ? )なら通れるぞ。⇒通った跡
19)goon→グーン→会社で雇う警護の為の( ? )。⇒軍団員---超苦につきただ今改良版思案中。
20)dalliance→ダリアンス→誰あんす?そんなとこで( ? )いるのは。⇒いちゃついて
1)No one wants their dad trailing round behind them dressed as an Elf, after all.
The GuardianJan 9, 2013
I realised I was just about to shout at an elf.
The GuardianDec 22, 20122)She's a floating sprite, her murmurs and wordless refrains sprinkling sonic pixie dust as plucked harps, pounding drums and dynamic swells echo.
Chicago TribuneAug 6, 2012
Then the girls put on their boating togs, and they started out to try the sailing qualities of the rejuvenated Water Sprite.
Penrose, Margaret3)Movies, television shows, Broadway musicals, ballets, operas and even rap songs have been inspired directly by these fairy tales.
Washington PostJan 5, 2013
Based on a fairy tale by the Brothers Grimm.
Seattle TimesJan 4, 20134)Surprise live acts, including Pixie Lott and the Pet Shop Boys, have been popping up to play at Wimbledon and other venues.
Seattle TimesAug 7, 2012
She's a floating sprite, her murmurs and wordless refrains sprinkling sonic pixie dust as plucked harps, pounding drums and dynamic swells echo.
Chicago TribuneAug 6, 20125)"Ghoulish Song," to be published in March, is also set in Zombay and takes place at the same time as "Goblin Secrets."
Seattle TimesNov 17, 2012
Hollywood filmmakers are releasing movies that feature epic battles with vampires, goblins, extremists and a few elves.
ReutersNov 14, 20126)Congress and medical experts have called on sports officials at all levels to treat doping like a scourge.
New York TimesJan 6, 2013
Death by fire was once a scourge in the city, killing someone, on average, nearly every day through the 1960s and 1970s.
New York TimesNov 28, 20127)Sophisticated diners insist that soya is scrumptious, but others vehemently disagree.
EconomistApr 27, 2012
“Say! we’ll have scrumptious times,” cried Agnes, with sparkling eyes.
Hill, Grace Brooks8)For his part, Nucky has never seemed troubled by scruples.
TimeNov 19, 2012
We have too many scruples regarding Western diplomatic actions.
BBCOct 16, 20129)Irradiation is by no means intended as a substitute for scrupulous hygiene standards, but it does provide that extra measure of safety.
ForbesJul 12, 2012
Perhaps the Chinese mining company will proceed with scrupulous care.
NewsweekJul 4, 201210)But a violent media culture is being scrutinized, too, alongside mental health laws and policies.
New York TimesJan 12, 2013
The target demographic includes customers looking to scrutinize social media, oversee orders or just sift through torrents of Big Data.
ForbesJan 12, 201311)Miller recently called the Hagel attacks “scurrilous,” writing in Foreign Policy.
SalonJan 8, 2013
Several incidents went unreported, but after his story broke it took on a momentum of its own, becoming speculative and scurrilous.
The GuardianAug 26, 201212)省略
14)Talks over Graham's future are imminent and Laudrup remained coy about whether they would consider any offers from rival clubs.
BBCJan 7, 2013
Everyone involved is being rather coy about its actual literary merit.
The GuardianDec 18, 201215)省略
16)Authorities said a battery in the auxiliary power unit aboard the plane jet had suffered "severe fire damage".
The GuardianJan 9, 2013
Officials said a battery in the auxiliary power system exploded around 10.30am, shortly after passengers had disembarked.
The GuardianJan 9, 201317)Local laws stipulate that this be done with mud and coral limestone drawn from the Red Sea, using costly traditional building techniques.
ReutersJan 9, 2013
But the accord did not stipulate when such steps would be taken.
New York TimesNov 25, 201218)Every time one of the captured spiny mice struggled in his grasp, its skin peeled off.
Scientific AmericanOct 6, 2012
However, spiny mice have far larger hair follicles than typical mice.
Scientific AmericanOct 6, 201219)Poverty and lawlessness have lured many young men into piracy.
ReutersJan 12, 2013
Meanwhile, the maritime authorities are warning seafarers that a decline in piracy off Somalia is being offset by an increase in incidents off West Africa. New York TimesJan 11, 2013
20)Mr. Shanks said the company will adjust production to meet lower demand, bur did not provide details.New York TimesJul 25, 2012
However last month, the militants retook their northern base of El Bur - a strategic training camp - after Ethiopian troops withdrew.
BBCJul 11, 2012本日の大賞
20)いつも木槌を持ってる人はまれと思う ⑬mallet(n)---12/10掲載
A mortar and a mallet are essential tools for making mochi.(餅作りに欠かせないのが臼と杵です。)Mochi rice that has been left to soak in water overnight is steeamed and then pu into the motar.It's thoroughly mashed using the mallet.(もち米は一晩水に漬けて蒸したものをつかいます。最初に杵で米粒をすりつぶします。)
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