




near words in the dictionary(mo-,mu- 10語)
別案:まだ微量漏れ来る---第二義のダジャレ文、a molecule of ~で「微量な~」という意味で使われ易い模様。

11)誰も虫を好きにはなれない、、アブ惚れんと忌み嫌う。⑫abhorrent(a)---5‐Ⅱ号に既掲載でした。そこでのダジャレ文は虫嫌い、どんな事せよアブ惚れんと。見るだけでもぞっとするほどいやで」 でした。ついでに 別案:政敵を阿部惚れんと、ぞっとするほど嫌がり。(元案の方が良いか)

7/2号(このページにリンクしてます。)の「ハッとする英文」で言及しました、原典を忘れた言い回し「死は全てを平等にする」の原典英文フレーズを探し出せました。それは、”Death levels us all.” でした。(学習研究社スーパーアンカー辞書今のコズミ辞書)何と意味深な文でせう、この簡単な英文は。簡単だけにドキッとしたものです。
 それはさておき、このlevelという語彙は現在いろいろな意味で使われるという事がALK社の「現代の英単語」で最近とりあげられ、上記の、”Death levels us all.” もlevelを辞書を引いていて再発見する事ができたのでした。levelという単語はいろいろな場面で使われる事を知りました。level the playing field (競争条件を公平にする)もその一つで、以下はEJサイトの解説文です。
---level とは動詞で「平らにする」という意味で、playing field はサッカーやテニスなどの競技を行う「グラウンド」を指す。これらを組み合わせた熟語、level the playing field は、「段差を無くして競争条件を同じにする」という意味。経済や社会の問題について、競争条件の公平性を議論するときによく使われる。なお、level には形容詞で「平らな」という意味もあり、a level playing field とすると「平らな競技場」すなわち「公平な条件」という意味になる。---

---今回は、例文ではなく意味の解説(Definition )が多いです。それだけ低頻出語が多いという事で、悪しからず。

1)Don't cop out on your promise to pay for the damage.
2)What are they gibbering about now?
3)The news made him positively giddy.
4)gig---例文ではなくDefinition です。多義語で要注意ですね。
a job usually for a specified time; especially :  an entertainer's engagement
5)She giggled like a little kid.
6)gill---例文ではなくDefinition です。これも多義語で要注意ですね。
 an organ (as of a fish) for obtaining oxygen from water
7)gilt---例文ではなくDefinition です。これも多義語で要注意ですね。
:  covered with gold or gilt :  of the color of gold
8)gin---例文ではなくDefinition です。これも多義語で要注意ですね。
1:  a colorless alcoholic beverage made from distilled or redistilled neutral grain spirits flavored with juniper berries and aromatics (as anise and caraway seeds)
2a :  gin rummy b :  the act of laying down a full hand of matched cards in gin rummy
9)<gave the cork on the bottle of champagne a gingerly twist>
10)gird---例文ではなくDefinition です。これも多義語で要注意ですね。
transitive verb
1a :  to encircle or bind with a flexible band (as a belt) b :  to make fast (as a sword by a belt or clothing with a cord) c :  surround
2:  provide, equip; especially :  to invest with the sword of knighthood
3:  to prepare (oneself) for action
intransitive verb
:  to prepare for action
11)slough---例文ではなくDefinition です。これも多義語で要注意ですね。
1a :  a place of deep mud or mire b also slew or slue \ˈslü\ (1) :  swamp (2) :  an inlet on a river; also :  backwater (3) :  a creek in a marsh or tide flat
2:  a state of moral degradation or spiritual dejection
12)She walks with a slouch.
13)a sports star surrounded by fawning fans
14)He had to grovel to get her to accept his apology.
15)ingratiate---例文ではなくDefinition です。
to gain favor or favorable acceptance for by deliberate effort —usually used with with <ingratiate themselves with the community leaders — William Attwood>
16)ilk---例文ではなくDefinition です。
:  same —used with that especially in the names of landed families
17)The mayor gave a cursory glance at the report.
18)She whittled a walking stick from a maple tree branch.
20)punctilious---例文ではなくDefinition です。
1:  a minute detail of conduct in a ceremony or in observance of a code
2:  careful observance of forms (as in social conduct)
1)genteelジェン(ティ)ル人は( ? )ジェン(ティ)ルマンぶる必要はない。→上品ぶって
2)snobbish(す)伸び(しゅ)人は( ? )(す)伸び(しゅ)る必要はない。→上品ぶって
3)simultextさー今あるテキストさー今あるテキスト( ? )よう。→同時発信
4)revelレベルそんな画像の投稿、( ? )レベルを超えている。→楽しむ
5)thriftスリふと( ? )も度が過ぎると、スリふと犯すことになる。→倹約
6)reekリーク( ? )リークするな。→悪臭
7)affordableアホー、ダブル何とアホー、ダブルの部屋予約するとは、いくら( ? )だからと言って一人で泊まるのに。→手頃な価格
8)seerしーや相談は( ? )ーや。→先見性ある
9)seethe( ? )程でかにしてられん。→腹煮えかえる
10)chapチャプ冷水チャプチャプしてたら指( ? )。→ひびきれ
11)punctuateパン食っちぇーと仕事の途中で腹すかし、パン食っちぇーと言って( ? )。→中断する
12)charadeされど奴のいつもの丁寧さ、されど( ? )。→見せかけ
13)thawそー大ゲンカの後直ぐ( ? )ようとしてもはいかず。→打ち解け
14)anagram穴倉(む)穴倉(む)中でもできる( ? )。→文字遊び
15)enlighten偉いとそれを( ? )してくれて偉いと思う。→啓発
16)arsenal汗なる辞書 は、言語学者の汗なる言葉の( ? )。→宝庫
17)sonorousそうならずプレゼンは特訓せねば( ? )はそうならず。→格調高く
18)orgy(じー)( ? )(じー)でやるに限る。→乱痴気パーティー
19)opus(ぱ)すどんな( ? )でも(ぱ)す。→作品
20)opaqueオペックオペックってどんな組織かいまいち( ? )。→不明瞭

 1)New research has cast light on how pesticides can cause physiological stress in bees.
  Pesticides and other pollutants that are banned in developed countries find new uses in developing countries, where regulations are weak.
 2)He also adds that spiders play an important role as "nature's safest insecticides": snacking on midges, mosquitoes and other insects.
      Any surviving brinjals are coated with a thick white film of insecticide residue as much as 500 times the maximum permissible level.
 3)no examples found
 4)Formal definitions of primary care are mired in policy verbiage these days, but most people know it when they see it.
  Green chalkboards on the walls are covered by mostly illegible verbiage scribbled in chalk.

5)A New York Times review said Knox, as an author, was by turns evocative and verbose, sympathetic and enigmatic.
  Looking at leading roles, Shakespeare's most verbose female character is Rosalind in As You Like It with 730 lines.

6)One official said agencies were generally authorized to keep on board personnel needed to ensure the shutdown does not jeopardize lives or national security.
  Senior military personnel still hold key government positions, however, and an upsurge in racial and religious violence could jeopardize reform.

7)In a fiery speech at the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation gala, Obama also renewed his push for sweeping new restrictions on firearms purchases.
  Big-ticket promotional events like an introductory gala for its flagship model, the Galaxy S4, at Radio City Music Hall have driven up marketing costs.

8)Immediately, strengths and lamentable weakness were pitilessly exposed.
  The Cubs have chosen a local ad agency, after using one from Brooklyn that came up with the lamentable "Baseball is Better …" campaign.

9)On 20 September, he lost his case to exempt such research from export control laws, which are aimed at restricting biological weapons.
  Tribes are exempt from state and local environmental and zoning regulations.

10)A video posted online purported to show rebel fighters firing mortars at government positions.
  This week, judges ordered hearings to be held in closed session after Kenyan bloggers posted information purporting to reveal the identity of the first witness.

11)One has called an ambulance to examine his piles, two are "gouging" on heroin and one "drank till he was making tractor noises".
  Somebody gouges out a guy’s eyes onstage in “King Lear” —— HIM I think I get it.

12)Sources said cursory discussions produced such a gulf that counteroffers weren't exchanged.
  He says they were given only cursory interviews and subjected to degrading body searches.

13)But he was convinced that the rodents offered unique opportunities.
  But after decades of focusing on primates, researchers have some catching up to do in rodents, says Callaway.

  Of the Muridae there are several genera and a large number of species, some of them evidently importations from the Old World.

15)Institutions and accredited individual investors can buy into the fund.
  And the fact the investors are accredited does not guarantee sophistication.

16)Next year's European stress tests will be a seminal moment.
  That seminal study, carried out over 12 weeks at Vanderbilt University, had mixed results.

17)When yet another quorum call is requested, the clerk frequently calls just Mr. Akaka’s name as a formality rather than proceeding through all 100 names.
  The Indiana House of Representatives conducted no official business Thursday because it lacked a quorum, as Democrats caucused and attended committee meetings.

18)Debt-relief companies help consumers mired in debt by negotiating settlements with creditors.
   Many black South Africans remain mired in poverty nearly 20 years after the end of white minority apartheid rule.

 19)Excited by news of the growing global tampon market, tampon makers are focusing on “organic” products and snazzy, colorful wrappers.
   Still, as other device makers have learned, it takes more than snazzy features to gain traction in the handset business.

 20)The fire occurred in an area where galley equipment such as water boilers and heaters also are located.
  Walls, floors, ceiling panels, lavatories, and galleys are removed to look for cracks and corrosion.



このブログは 「難解英単語ダジャレ集」をグーグる、又はhttp://eitango-dajare.blogspot.jp/で開きます。お知り合いの方々ににご紹介賜りますれば幸甚です。





1)俺に、あの気弱コップ会うと直ぐ逃げ出す。▲cop  out(句動詞)---コップ(警官)を日本語扱いした。ALK社の「EJの英単語一日一問」に掲載された句で、以下はそのサイトの解説文です。
1970年代に普及した表現で、今でもよく使われる。「果すべき責任から逃げ出す」ことを意味する句動詞で、cop-out(責任回避)の形で名詞としても用いられる。国連を無視してイラク戦争を始めておきながら、後始末の段になって国連の手を借りようとするブッシュ大統領の態度などは cop-out の顕著な例。政治やビジネスにかかわる大きな問題から、恋愛や結婚、小銭の貸し借りといったささいな問題まで、さまざまな場面で使うことができる。

―near words in the dictinary―(gi~9語)
5) 気狂(ぎぐる)クスクス笑った。⑧ giggle(vi,n)

―near words in the dictinary―(slou-2語)



前回のクイズの答え;「The sun  rose ,the wind  blue.Because the sun rises and the wind blows.」

前回のクイズの問題 ; What color would you paint the sun and the wind?これに対する(だ)しゃれた答を考えてください。  」

1)<the genteel manners of an old southern gentleman>
2)He gave us one snobbish glance and then disregarded us.
3)If you are simultexting, please sit in the last two rows so that you won't disturb the audience around you.(EJのサイトの例文)
4)Reveling all night is not conducive to a productive next day at work.
5)Through hard work and thrift they sent all of their children to college.
6)<a terrible reek coming from the garbage can>
7)That is an affordable price.
8)Several leading Wall Street seers have cautioned investors to prepare for a downturn in the economy。
9)He seethed at his brother's success.
10)Washing and doing the dishes will chap your hands.
11)Do you know how to punctuate a sentence correctly?
12)We've grown tired of your charades.
13)The sun will soon thaw the snow and ice.
14)The word secure is an anagram of rescue.
15)I don't understand what's going on; can someone please enlighten me?
16)Doctors have a broad arsenal of medicines to choose from.
17)He has a deep, sonorous voice.
18)During the orgy Megumi ran naked round the lawn.
19)The composer's final opus was performed posthumously to great acclaim.
20)Somehow listeners seem to connect with the songwriter, despite his deeply personal, often opaque lyrics.


1)pesticideペーして再度( ? )口に入ったらペーして再度殺虫剤
2)insecticideいんせ(いいよ)食って再度食事中、( ? )済んだらいんせ(いいよ)食って再度虫殺し
3)acaricide明かりサイド( ? )から明かりサイドに持ってきて。ダニ殺す
4)verbage婆、米寿うちの婆、米寿になったら、( ? )なった。話くどく
5)verbose婆、坊主うちの婆、坊主になったら、( ? )なった。話くどく
6)jeopardize爺婆大事老人は( ? )易いから爺婆大事にしろ。危険にさらさ
7)galaその着物の( ? )にピッタリ。お祭り
8)lamentableラーメン食べる正晩餐( ? )良けりゃラーメン食べる粗末で
9)exempt行くぜ(プ)っとビザ( ? )国なら簡単に行けるから行くぜ(プ)っと免除
10)purportパー、ぽーっと奴ら頭パー、ぽーっとしていて、こっちの話しの( ? )汲み取れず。趣旨
11)gouge(ガウ)司神木を( ? )( ? )よいのは(ガウ)だけ。丸のみ、くりぬいて
12)cursoryコッ(カー)ソリ( ? )様子でコッ(カー)ソリ抜け出しどこ行くの?急いだ
13)rodent漏電と( ? )(ネズミ・ウサギ・リスなど歯が伸び続ける動物)が電線かじって漏電なることがある。げっ歯類動物
14)Muridaeムリだえ( ? )の事らしいが、これこそ専門用語で覚えるのはムリだえネズミ科
15)accreditedあきれててっどこの町には( ? )保育園なく、あきれててっど(あきれているぞ)。認可された
16)seminalせみなーるこのせみなーる、君の( ? )ぞ。将来の発展のもとになる
17)quorum加わらん加わらんので( ? )に満たない。定足数
18)mireまいいやこんな( ? )に陥ったままでは、まいいやとは言ってはいられない。泥沼(苦境)
19)snazzyシナジー位の高い人が( ? )すると下々の人もそうなる事をシナジー効果という。オシャレ
20)galleyガリガリ版刷りにはが欠かせない( ? )ゲラ刷り(校正刷り)


1)As I wrote , there are two kinds of computing, homogeneous and heterogeneous.
Forbes Sep 5, 2013
For those who aren’t embracing this specialized approach and are sticking with homogeneous computing, I say “good luck”.
Forbes Aug 6, 2013

2)In fact, the intensely competitive identical twins from Denmark have not spoken to each other for months.
BBC Sep 23, 2013
Turkey, and indeed Turkish dairy farmers in Cyprus, produce an identical cheese called hellim.
BBC Sep 22, 2013

3)Logical, but a bit sad as now the two system are becoming almost indistinguishable from one another.
Forbes Aug 13, 2013
Meanwhile, comments that received an initial negative vote ended up with scores indistinguishable from those in the control group.
New York Times Aug 9, 2013

4)Equivocation is perhaps not as synonymous with principle as Mr. Thompson might imagine.
New York Times Sep 3, 2013
Kodak, based in Rochester, New York, was for years synonymous with household cameras and family snapshots.
Reuters Aug 21, 2013

5)"The remaining charges against him are still tantamount to life in prison," said Nathan Fuller.
Reuters Jul 31, 2013
To conservatives, Mr. Roh’s idea on border waters was naive, tantamount to “undermining South Korea’s sovereignty,” a sentiment that Ms. Park appeared to share.
New York Times Jun 25, 2013

6)I've been screaming myself hoarse at his matches for nigh on 10 years now.
The Guardian Jul 14, 2013
Nearly all featured hoarse voices following four days of pub crawling across Chicago with the Cup in tow.
Chicago Tribune Jun 29, 2013

7)Then there are left-field innovations such as literary "death matches", raucous readings where authors do battle on stage.
BBC Sep 24, 2013
One is encouraged to propose to his girlfriend in a raucous rendition of Let's Get Married.
BBC Sep 18, 2013

8)Bob Knight, his mentor long ago, is older and gruffer.
Washington Post Sep 26, 2013
He was a gruff, plain spoken man with a booming voice who came from simple farming roots.
Scientific American Aug 31, 2013

9)After all, aren’t glazed eyes, foaming at the mouth, and shrieks alternating with guttural curses just par for the course from a junkie in withdrawal?
Slate Apr 6, 2013
His voice is a legendary rasp: words come out in a long guttural cough.
The Guardian Nov 6, 2012

10)He has enjoyed the strident support of Rupert Murdoch's newspapers, and remains ahead in the opinion polls.
BBC Sep 7, 2013
Once one of the Kremlin’s most strident critics, he’s fallen from leading opposition figure to discredited bigot.
Newsweek Sep 5, 2013

11)Gray wrote a dyspeptic diary, Fat Chance, about what he saw as Fry's treachery.
The Guardian Mar 2, 2013
Ancient pagans recognized, honored, and respected the way an ethical line between honesty and treachery inevitably blurs when profit enters the equation.
Forbes Jan 28, 2013

12)He was found, and later executed for treason.
BBC Sep 16, 2013
This month’s treason trial brought out sharp divisions between secularists and Islamists, underscoring how Turkey’s nation-building model remains a work in progress.
New York Times Aug 25, 2013

13)Besides stimulating eyelash growth, it also can make blue eyes brown.
Seattle Times Jan 17, 2013
Storm's eyebrows and eyelashes also were burned off.
Seattle Times Jan 2, 2013

14)Amnesty International, citing Brotherhood lawyers, said Murad Ali's eyesight had been affected by the lack of light in his solitary cell.
Reuters Sep 17, 2013
Mr. Filin has undergone numerous rounds of surgery in hopes of saving his eyesight.
New York Times Aug 15, 2013

15)Croft’s arms are tied behind her back, while her abductor runs his hands over her lasciviously, slowly slipping his fingers down toward her pants.
Salon Jun 26, 2012
Croft’s arms are tied behind her back, while her abductor runs his hands over her lasciviously, slowly slipping his fingers down toward her pants.
Salon Jun 15, 2012

16)There are hints here, too, tantalizing but frustrating, of books Orwell had in mind but never got to write.
New York Times Aug 20, 2013
Another tantalizing detail emerged later in the day: Clinton will be having breakfast with Biden at the vice president's residence on Tuesday.
Reuters Jul 30, 2013

17)Chicago, meanwhile, faces "seemingly intractable labor issues" that are impeding changes to rein in burgeoning pension costs, according to the center.
Reuters Sep 20, 2013
The history of science is littered with so-called “intractable”  problems that researchers later cracked wide open using techniques their ancestors could hardly imagine.
Scientific American Sep 12, 2013

18)The first big G measurement was made in 1798 by British physicist Henry Cavendish using an apparatus called a torsion balance.
Scientific American Sep 19, 2013
Firefighters wearing breathing apparatus rescued the woman, who suffered burns and smoke inhalation.
BBC Sep 18, 2013

19)The FBI and ATF have developed or are developing guidelines on operating drones.
Reuters Sep 27, 2013
FBI Director Robert Mueller told the Senate Judiciary Committee in June that the United States used drones in some limited law enforcement situations.
Reuters Sep 27, 2013

20)It can even be used to shunt atoms around.
Science Magazine Jul 1, 2013
They appear time and again, like heavy pieces of furniture being shunted about a room.
The Guardian Jun 25, 2013

1)俺に、あの気弱コップ会うと直ぐ逃げ出す。▲cop  out(vi---句動詞)



このブログは 「難解英単語ダジャレ集」をグーグる、又はhttp://eitango-dajare.blogspot.jp/で開きます。お知り合いの方々ににご紹介賜りますれば幸甚です。