

      1/28号(20of 910)(青色背景文字部は毎回同文)
毎週月曜日9:00更新。今回もご来訪心より感謝申しあげます。各方面から幅広く情報を頂き、このブログをより充実、有益にして行きたく、英語に強い関心持たれておられる方々に、このブログの存在を口伝えに広めて頂けますれば、願ってもないことです。(「eitango-dajare」をグーグる、又は http://eitango-dajare.blogspot.jp/ です。)    


2)幽霊 出て慌て果て、スクープとスプーク取り違える新聞記者。 ⑪spook(n) ---不完全ダジャレ、形容詞形は⑬spooky で 「幽霊が出そうな」の意、ここの類義語としてはこちらが当てはまる。




1)Many see television as an opiate of the masses.
2)Many people opine that the content of Web pages should be better regulated.
3)the gestation of new ideas
4)The entire transaction took place over the phone.
5)<the star player's transcendent performance helped the team to a surprise victory>
6)He who transgresses must seek forgiveness.
7)<wary of the transience of popular enthusiasms, the writers of the U.S. Constitution made changing the document a long and difficult process>
8)We want to have a smooth transition when the new owners take control of the company.
9)I must have accidentally transposed the numbers when I dialed his phone number.
10)"For one of those gnostics, the visible universe was an illusion or (more precisely) a sophism."
11)<he spent the entire evening quibbling about the historical inaccuracies in the television series on World War II>
12)The cobra is a venomous snake.
13)He is as obstinate as a mule.
14)The area became a locus of resistance to the government.
15)We exchanged some chitchat about the weather.
16)<the cafeteria's self-serve table has a full array of condiments>
 1.the gestalt of human consciousness
2.Squawkbox is the gestalt combined form of the two cassettes,
18)<the murderer seemed possessed by a demoniac wish to destroy life>
19)Pus oozed from the cat's injured ear.
20)<the Union and the Confederate accounts of the battle don't dovetail at all>‐‐‐動詞用法

1)vet's→ヴェッツ→( ? )病院とだ。動物病院
2)diarrhea→ダレヤロウ→( ? )してるのは誰やろう。ちゃんとトイレでやれよ。下痢
3)dote→ドウトゥ→よその子はどうとも思わず、我が子を( ? )過保護親。盲愛する
4)fiasco→フィアスコ→( ? )しても、カッカしないよう頭ひやすことね。大失敗
5)rascal→ラスカル→皆から好かる、( ? )子。いたずらっ
6)bundle→バンドゥル→寒空や、順番取る為、( ? )着こんどる
既掲載)voraciousヴォレイシャス→とにかくボレーしやす、勝利( ? )テニスプレーヤー欲しがる
7)butch→バッチ→( ? )方(かた)のキスはブッチュと力強い。男っぽい
8)misogyny→ミソジニー→( ? )も三十路(ミソジ)なると性に目覚める。女嫌い
9)sphere→スフィアー→ソフィア・ローレンの胸には二つの( ? )が存在し、( ? )広く、いろんな( ? )で活躍し、( ? )に輝くきら星の如し。球体、社交範囲、分野、天空
10)impetuous→インペチュアス→初めて会ったその場で結婚決めるとは( ? )だが、ま、いん(ぺ)ちゅわあす(幸せ)ならば。性急
11)snide→スナイドゥ→オレは絶対すないど、( ? )( ? )いやみな、卑劣な
12)pucker→パッカー→( ? )言うとパッカーでなくプッカーになっちゃうよ。口つぼめて
13)naivety/naivetéナイーブティナイーブって、「( ? )」という事で、ほめた語ではない。世間知らず
14)tilt→ティルトゥ→( ? )ると、コップ落ちると傾け
15)stilt→スティルトゥ→してると楽しい( ? )遊び。竹馬
16)impediment →インピーディメントゥ→( ? )といってわざわざ隠すこともなかろう、作業が隠ぺいで面倒になるだけだ。邪魔物
17)impiety→インパイアティ→なまくら坊主、一杯(いんぱい)遣ってお経上げる( ? )者不信心
18)pious→パイアス→いくら( ? )と言え、そんな事信じちゃだめ、少し頭(ぴ)やすとよいぞ。信心深い
18-2)impinge→インピンジ→準備ばんたん、いつでもピン(ジ)に( ? )突き当たっ
19)eclectic→イクレクティック→「寿司、今日いくら食ってく?」「( ? )、3000円」間取って
20)ecclesiastical→イクレジアスティッカル→いくら幸せだから言って、( ? )はどうかねー、結婚相手に。聖職者---超苦しい語呂合わせ、前回は名詞形のecclesiasticでしたがこの形容詞系の方が高頻出の模様で急きょ変えました。


1)Well, at least it was a bit of entertainment on a Tuesday, which turned out to be stocked with plenty of absurdity to go around.
New York TimesJan 10, 2013
Laughing at the absurdities of North Korea is a decades-old pastime.
2)When the vaginal community becomes unbalanced, on the other hand, acidity decreases.
SlateJan 12, 2013
When carbon dioxide is dissolved in seawater, chemistry changes and acidity increases.
Scientific AmericanJan 12, 2013
3)Cyprus says it is in full conformity with international rules against money laundering.
ReutersJan 9, 2013
It must also be brought into conformity with emerging European Union rules.
New York TimesDec 20, 2012
4)But then, continuity errors don’t generally bother me much.
SlateJan 21, 2013
Continuity is frequently discarded; the same actor who played Louie's mother in one episode will turn up as his girlfriend in the next.
The GuardianJan 19, 2013
5)Increasing prosperity in China, coupled with a large influx of Chinese workers and investors across Africa, has sent demand for ivory soaring.
BBCJan 15, 2013
Societies that share more information are better off — there’s more innovation, more technological and medical progress, faster economic growth, and more prosperity at all.
SalonJan 15, 2013
6)The visual fields were all partially overlapping, creating an area of very high sensitivity right at the midline.
Scientific AmericanJan 21, 2013
"We expect politicians, as responsible authorities, to display the same sensitivity," he said.
ReutersJan 17, 2013
7)He's just mature; a 28-year-old former professional baseball player who's married and doesn't get caught up by trivialities that might slip up younger players.
NewsweekJan 2, 2012
He's just mature; a 28-year-old former professional baseball player who is married and doesn't get caught up by trivialities that might slip up younger players.
Seattle TimesJan 2, 2012
8)"But in reality, they go for the same aim: universality."
Wall Street JournalAug 11, 2012
There are very sound moral, ethical, humanitarian, and even financial arguments in favor of universality.
TimeJul 2, 2012
9)He glosses over his past arrogance with a further fantasy.
IncJan 24, 2013
These are intelligent songs about love going wrong, glossed with heavenly coos and backing harmonies and given percolation by the band's gentle funk.
The GuardianJan 20, 2013
10)The board will have mulled over why their advances were spurned.
The GuardianJan 17, 2013
Caver Nick Chipchase said he had avoided the mulled wine after falling "quite a height" at last year's party.
BBCDec 19, 2012
11)Researchers are now pondering making their next great leap in supercomputing power, up to 1000 petaflops, also known as an exaflop.
Science MagazineJan 23, 2013
Two years ago, Brodeur first began pondering retirement, he said.
New York TimesJan 19, 2013
12)The United Nations deems all Israeli settlements in the West Bank to be illegal.
ReutersJan 24, 2013
Not all online activities were deemed equal by the researchers, however.
TimeJan 23, 2013
13)The men were attacked during raids on three homes overnight, he said in an account confirmed by a local reporter.
BBCJan 23, 2013
Mark Smith, 47, joined as a partner in 2007, taking on a “ handyman” role to figure out payroll, accounting and gritty internal operations.
ForbesJan 23, 2013
14)We’re not driven only by emotions, of course—we also reason, deliberate.
TimeJan 16, 2013
One wealthy man’s purchases turned out to be “deliberate forgeries, in which he had been bamboozled,” Mr. Frank said in a phone interview.
New York TimesJan 11, 2013
15)"He contemplated ending this with mass destruction," Houston told reporters Tuesday.
ReutersJan 23, 2013
Griego told detectives he also contemplated killing his girlfriend’s parents, Houston said at a news conference.
SalonJan 23, 2013
16)He was meditating one day on a sermon delivered by Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., on the parable of the Good Samaritan.
Scientific AmericanJan 23, 2013
And yet he takes time out to meditate before he goes to work.
The GuardianJan 14, 2013
17)This made it expedient for him to get out of Beantown.
Seattle TimesAug 23, 2012
“The police have a very expedient system for making people they consider troublesome disappear without any kind of due process,” he said.
NewsweekAug 9, 2012
18)The Ravens gained just 130 yards in the first half, yet trailed by only six points.
Seattle TimesJan 21, 2013
At least one bat flew smack into a trail walker’s forehead.
Washington PostJan 21, 2013
19)“This kind of torture was definitely by a professional goon squad,” Ms. Akter said.
New York TimesSep 10, 2012
Later, he was hospitalised for shell shock, which is no doubt why people keep getting blown up in the Goon Shows.
The GuardianJul 7, 2012
20)It’s called “eve-teasing” here, conjuring up images of dalliance under apple trees.
NewsweekJan 2, 2013
They mostly come across as singing stereotypes engaging in trite romantic dalliances and professional rivalries.
New York TimesDec 5, 2012




このブログは 「難解英単語ダジャレ集」をグーグる、又はhttp://eitango-dajare.blogspot.jp/で開きます。お知り合いの方々ににご紹介賜りますれば幸甚です。




     1/21号(20of 890)(青色背景文字部は毎回同文)
 毎週月曜日0:00更新。今回もご来訪心より感謝申しあげます。各方面から幅広く情報を頂き、このブログをより充実、有益にして行きたく、英語に強い関心持たれておられる方々に、このブログの存在を口伝えに広めて頂けますれば、願ってもないことです。(「eitango-dajare」をグーグる、又は http://eitango-dajare.blogspot.jp/ です。)末尾に前回の本日の大賞を再掲しました。(初公開時以降に追記した部分が有る為)見られなかった方はご覧になって下さい。








1)At the vet's
 参考)I have to take my dog to the vet.---辞書の例文
2)If he gets diarrhea or starts vomiting, give him these pills three times a day.
3)They are doting parents.
4)This is a fiasco!
5)および参考)That little rascal has a voracious appetite.---rascalはlittleを伴って「いたずらっ子」となる。
6)Bundle up! We're going outside.
7)Actually, Kumesaburo's mother opposed having him appear in a butch haircut from the very beginning of Act Two.「butch hair style(男っぽい髪形)」と使われる事多し。
8)misogyny of medieval Christianity ---辞書には良い例文見当たらず。
All points on a sphere are the same distance from the center.
Women at that time were confined to the domestic sphere.
They recognize that jobs in the public sphere are valuable.
10)He's always been an impetuous young man.
11)<a snide trick to get the old woman to sell her antiques for practically nothing>
12)His skin puckered a little around the scar.
13)<the contention that the royal family took advantage of the young Diana's naivety>
14)tilt one's head against the window
15)Children are shown walking on stilts and catching dragonflies.
16)<tough going for the burros on the canyon trail, even without the added impediment of heavy loads>小さなロバ
17)<the unspeakable impiety of spitting in a church>
18)They lived a quiet, pious life.
19)The collection includes an eclectic mix of historical artifacts.
20)<as the leading ecclesiastic for his church in the state, the bishop must be beyond reproach in everything he does>

1)absurdityアブサディティ阿部定どんな人?( ? )変な事した( ? )奴さ。屈に合わない、馬鹿げた---合掌、「愛のコリーダ」の映画監督。
2)acidityアシディティ( ? )強いの食べると汗出て来る。酸味
3)conformityコンフォミティ車庫入れは、コーン(円錐形の目印の置物)方見て、ハンドルきれば、すぐにできるよ( ? )は。順応---超苦につきただ今改良版思案中。
4)continuityコンチュヌイティもう混んでないって、混雑は( ? )しない田舎町。継続
5)prosperity→プロスペリティ→寂しかったスキー場、プロ滑りて( ? )し。繁栄
6)sensitivity→センスティビティ→戦死ちびって(びくびくして---本来は「小さくなり」か。)、兵役拒否する、戦況不利読む( ? )奴。敏感
7)trivialityトゥリビアリティローマ飽きた今や、トレビ有も、ローマ寄るか寄らぬかは( ? )問題。些細---超苦につきただ今改良版思案中。

8)universalityユニバッサリ湯にバッサリ浸かって、思い巡らす、入浴習慣の( ? )。普偏性

9)gloss1→グロス→( ? )でなく、実際に役立つ2.( ? )書き込むのにとても苦(ぐ)労るのですが、ブログの3.( ? )を増さんが為、頑張りたいと思います。うわべの飾り、注釈、輝き(つや)---超苦につきただ今改良版思案中。

10~16)mull   ponder deem  account deliberate  contemplate  meditateマル、ポンダー、ディーム、アカウント、デリバレイト、コンテンプレイト、メディテイトプロ雀士まる一日、ポンだチーだと( ? )てーも(ディーム)儲からず、ただのプレイと揶揄されて、これではあかんと猛特訓、それレバレイト(時間当たり儲け)は上昇し、こんで(これで)プレイと言われずに済んで、目出度いと言われたんだとさ。熟考し

17)expedientエクスペディエイト自分の事はさておいて、えぐすっぺ(良くしよう)って言えんと、( ? )になっちゃうよご都合主義---超苦につきただ今改良版思案中。
18)trail→トレイル→人の( ? )なら通れる通った跡
19)goonグーン会社で雇う警護の為の( ? )。軍団員---超苦につきただ今改良版思案中。
20)dallianceダリアンス誰あんす?そんなとこで( ? )いるのは。いちゃついて

1)No one wants their dad trailing round behind them dressed as an Elf, after all.
The GuardianJan 9, 2013
I realised I was just about to shout at an elf.
The GuardianDec 22, 2012
2)She's a floating sprite, her murmurs and wordless refrains sprinkling sonic pixie dust as plucked harps, pounding drums and dynamic swells echo.
Chicago TribuneAug 6, 2012
Then the girls put on their boating togs, and they started out to try the sailing qualities of the rejuvenated Water Sprite.
Penrose, Margaret
3)Movies, television shows, Broadway musicals, ballets, operas and even rap songs have been inspired directly by these fairy tales.
Washington PostJan 5, 2013
Based on a fairy tale by the Brothers Grimm.
Seattle TimesJan 4, 2013
4)Surprise live acts, including Pixie Lott and the Pet Shop Boys, have been popping up to play at Wimbledon and other venues.
Seattle TimesAug 7, 2012
She's a floating sprite, her murmurs and wordless refrains sprinkling sonic pixie dust as plucked harps, pounding drums and dynamic swells echo.
Chicago TribuneAug 6, 2012
5)"Ghoulish Song," to be published in March, is also set in Zombay and takes place at the same time as "Goblin Secrets."
Seattle TimesNov 17, 2012
Hollywood filmmakers are releasing movies that feature epic battles with vampires, goblins, extremists and a few elves.
ReutersNov 14, 2012
6)Congress and medical experts have called on sports officials at all levels to treat doping like a scourge.
New York TimesJan 6, 2013
Death by fire was once a scourge in the city, killing someone, on average, nearly every day through the 1960s and 1970s.
New York TimesNov 28, 2012
7)Sophisticated diners insist that soya is scrumptious, but others vehemently disagree.
EconomistApr 27, 2012
“Say! we’ll have scrumptious times,” cried Agnes, with sparkling eyes.
Hill, Grace Brooks
8)For his part, Nucky has never seemed troubled by scruples.
TimeNov 19, 2012
We have too many scruples regarding Western diplomatic actions.
BBCOct 16, 2012
9)Irradiation is by no means intended as a substitute for scrupulous hygiene standards, but it does provide that extra measure of safety.
ForbesJul 12, 2012
Perhaps the Chinese mining company will proceed with scrupulous care.
NewsweekJul 4, 2012
10)But a violent media culture is being scrutinized, too, alongside mental health laws and policies.
New York TimesJan 12, 2013
The target demographic includes customers looking to scrutinize social media, oversee orders or just sift through torrents of Big Data.
ForbesJan 12, 2013
11)Miller recently called the Hagel attacks “scurrilous,” writing in Foreign Policy.
SalonJan 8, 2013
Several incidents went unreported, but after his story broke it took on a momentum of its own, becoming speculative and scurrilous.
The GuardianAug 26, 2012
14)Talks over Graham's future are imminent and Laudrup remained coy about whether they would consider any offers from rival clubs.
BBCJan 7, 2013
Everyone involved is being rather coy about its actual literary merit.
The GuardianDec 18, 2012
16)Authorities said a battery in the auxiliary power unit aboard the plane jet had suffered "severe fire damage".
The GuardianJan 9, 2013
Officials said a battery in the auxiliary power system exploded around 10.30am, shortly after passengers had disembarked.
The GuardianJan 9, 2013
17)Local laws stipulate that this be done with mud and coral limestone drawn from the Red Sea, using costly traditional building techniques.
ReutersJan 9, 2013
But the accord did not stipulate when such steps would be taken.
New York TimesNov 25, 2012
18)Every time one of the captured spiny mice struggled in his grasp, its skin peeled off.
Scientific AmericanOct 6, 2012
However, spiny mice have far larger hair follicles than typical mice.
Scientific AmericanOct 6, 2012
19)Poverty and lawlessness have lured many young men into piracy.
ReutersJan 12, 2013
Meanwhile, the maritime authorities are warning seafarers that a decline in piracy off Somalia is being offset by an increase in incidents off West Africa. New York TimesJan 11, 2013
20)Mr. Shanks said the company will adjust production to meet lower demand, bur did not provide details.New York TimesJul 25, 2012
However last month, the militants retook their northern base of El Bur - a strategic training camp - after Ethiopian troops withdrew.
BBCJul 11, 2012





20)いつも木槌を持ってる人はまれと思う  ⑬mallet(n)---12/10掲載

A mortar and a mallet are essential tools for making mochi.(餅作りに欠かせないのが臼とです。)Mochi rice that has been left to soak in water overnight is steeamed and then pu into the motar.It's thoroughly mashed  using the mallet.(もち米は一晩水に漬けて蒸したものをつかいます。最初にで米粒をすりつぶします。)

このブログは 「難解英単語ダジャレ集」をグーグる、又はhttp://eitango-dajare.blogspot.jp/で開きます。お知り合いの方々ににご紹介賜りますれば幸甚です。





                    1/14号(20of 870)
毎週月曜日0:00更新。今回もご来訪心より感謝申しあげます。各方面から幅広く情報を頂き、このブログをより充実、有益にして行きたく、英語に強い関心持たれておられる方々に、このブログの存在を口伝えに広めて頂けますれば、願ってもないことです。(「eitango-dajare」をグーグる、又は http://eitango-dajare.blogspot.jp/ です。)




1)動物病院は病院とだ。⑪vet's(n)---veterinary hospital由来、ほとんどの辞書(英英でも)では非収載。これだから困る、B.E.では、barber'sのように「's」が「お店」を表す付随句なる事は知ってはいましたが、veterinarianをvetに詰めて、更に、これに「's」を付けて「その店」にまでしてしまうとは、想像だにできませんでした。日常ではveterinary hospitalなどよりもこちらの方が多く使われる事はNHK講座でなければ知りえない事実で、正にNHK講座面目躍如でした。尚、難易度⑪はveterinary のもの。


9)ソフィア・ローレンの胸には二つの球体が存在し、社交範囲広く、いろんな分野で活躍し、天空に輝くきら星の如し。(ただし現在74歳でお元気)。④sphere(n,vt,vi)---多義語で一網打尽風に、複数の意味を内包させた。尚、ソフィアの実際のスペルはsophia。これのnear wordにsophism発見、この一網打尽語呂合わせ文は正に”sophism"(こじつけ)?、語呂合わせ文だけでなく、随想自体”sophism"か?現在、その類語のquibbleのダジャレ文思案中。



14)傾けると、コップ落ちると! ⑦tilt(n,vt,vi)
16) 邪魔物といってわざわざ隠すこともなかろう、作業が隠ぺいで面倒になるだけだ。⑩impediment(n)
18-2)準備ばんたん、いつでもピン(ジ)突き当たって 。⑫ impinge(vi)---通し番号が重複しましたので、18-2)とします。
20)いくら幸せチックに見えても、聖職者はどうかねー、結婚相手に。 ㉕ecclesiastic(n,vi)---またまた非ネーティブ鬼門の宗教用語で、この類義語多し。              


1)<to say men can't cook as well as women is of course an absurdity>
2)<the acidity of their relationship was well known to their mutual acquaintances>
3)The corporate culture demands a certain conformity of appearance.
4)There's a problem with the movie's continuity.
5)a period of prosperity for our nation
6)Her decision shows a lack of sensitivity.
7)We shouldn't spend time on such trivialities.
8)The "universality" of answered prayer from one faith to the next, suggests that, God does not have "favorites" when it comes to religions.
9)I am trying to find how the word 'gloss' applies to linguistics: The questiion reads: "Two of the forms have the same gloss. What distinction might account for this?" The previous questions refer to affixes. Will accept any and all help.
10)The Obama administration is still mulling over how to release gory photos of Bin Laden's body.
11)He pondered the question before he answered.
12)The principal will take whatever action she deems appropriate in this case.
13)<account themselves lucky to be alive>
14)The jury deliberated for two days before reaching a verdict.
15)He contemplated the meaning of the poem for a long time.
16)<I've been meditating a career change for months.>
They found it expedient to negotiate with the terrorists.
Do the right thing, not the expedient thing.
18)Stay on the trail if we get separated.
19)He was beat up by a couple of goons.
20)<an extremely serious scientist who is not much given to dalliance or idle chitchat>


6)scourge→スコージ→少ーじ(  ?  )るか。懲らしめ
7)scrumptious→スクランプシャス→その歌聞くと誰しもすぐ乱舞しやす、(  ?  )ので。すごくいい
)scruple→スクラループル→せっかくの作品スクラップ(ル)するのは(  ?  )。気がとがめためらった
9)scrupulous→スクリューパラス→マイナス思考より優るプラス思考、そんな係員なら(  ?  )手を抜かず実直だ。よく調べて吟味した---超苦
10)scrutinize→スクルータナイズ→(  ?  )と寿司屋の酢飯、酢狂ってないず、とてもうまい。よく吟味する
別案:よく(  ?  )そう狂ってないず調べてみる---あまりにもぴったりした語呂合わせでも、ぴったりし過ぎて思い出せないときも有り。
11)scurrilous→スカーララス→(  ?  )も(  ?  )も、必ず好かれらす、役立つブログ。毒舌で、下品で
12)cow→カウ→か買わんかはっきりせいと(  ?  )れ。脅かさ                  
13)cox→コックス→風止んで(  ?  )もコックリとこっくす(コックリする事の方言?)始め。舵取り
14)coy→コイ→は(  ?  )。恥かし                                    
15)coz→コズ→(  ?  )は多過ぎて不明。 いとこ                      
16)auxiliary→オーグジリアリ→(  ?  )購入小口より大口利有り予備品
17)stipulate→スティピュレイト→こんな(  ?  )や(  ?  )なんて、全部捨てっぱれーと(「捨ててしまえ」の方言?)皆叫び。取り決め、規定
18)spiny→スパイニ→(  ?  )で(  ?  )で失敗に終わりそうだ。トゲだらけ、やっかい
別案:盗もうたって、(  ?  )で(  ?  )だから、持ってかれる心配ねートゲだらけ、やっかい
19)piracy→パイラシ→彼らの企んだ(  ?  )に似た(  ?  )は失敗らしい海賊行為、著作権侵害行為
20)bur→バー→めったに見られぬ(  ?  )栗頭のバーコード。毬(いが)   


1)McConnell, speaking late on Friday, said a deal was feasibleThe GuardianDec 30, 2012
“The market just says, ‘They are not coming up with any feasible plan.’  New York TimesDec 21, 2012

2)Deaf gerbils - the first time the feat had been achieved by using stem cells in animals.  BBCDec 29, 2012
Jan Vesely hit back-to-back free throws in the first quarter, the first time he had accomplished that feat since April.  Washington PostDec 23, 2012

3)Washington has feasted on lesser competition the past two weeks while building a four-game winning streak.  Seattle TimesDec 29, 2012
Extended families gather for a generous feast on New Year's eve.  BBCDec 25, 2012

4)The walls are marked with gang signs, demonic drawings, mucus, feces and rust.  New York TimesOct 2, 2012
“Well, not really feces,” he quickly acknowledges in the video.  New York TimesSep 29, 2012

5)Michael Richards: best known for his role as Seinfeld's feckless neighbour, Kramer.    The GuardianDec 5, 2012
Only the poor are feckless, yet employers also freeload on tax credits.    The GuardianNov 20, 2012

6)Crucially, immigrant women, whose fecundity had been holding up the U.S. numbers, opted out of the maternity ward in the greatest numbers.---意味不明、分かる方ご指導あれかし。    New York TimesDec 7, 2012
Still more astonishing than our past fecundity in invention would be future barrenness.    Hubert, Philip Gengembre

参考)“Some people are just fecund with their minds,” my mom said.    SlateJun 5, 2012
Clovers yield several cuttings each year in this fecund territory.    Calvert, A. F. (Albert Frederick)

7)Perhaps you are feigning naivety to generate a reaction, looks like it is working .     TimeDec 22, 2012
There is the tedium of sitting at a filthy felt table for hours, sometimes days, feigning a studied intensity.    SlateNov 17, 2012

8)Heroines can be feisty, like the young woman raising her younger siblings by herself on the astonishingly titled “Hitler Didi.”    New York TimesDec 26, 2012
Or maybe the authorities simply decided that holding feisty derby matches fueled by alcohol was probably not the best way to mark the holidays.    New York TimesDec 23, 2012

9)The original "feral" youth, they made my childhood seem positively pastoral.    BBCNov 28, 2012
They are among Israel's two million or so feral cats - most of whom appear to live in the bin shed outside my apartment building.    BBCOct 18, 2012

10)I think everybody is on the Corso looking at the festal preparations.    Waddington, Mary Alsop King
They were all sitting in the parlor, waiting, in festal array.    Robins, Elizabeth

11)A fervent Chávez follower, Ms. Mocoa was given an apartment in a new government-erected building this year.    New York TimesDec 13, 2012
Many Austrians were fervent Nazis but the country has made significant progress in dealing with its role in crimes committed under Hitler.    Seattle TimesNov 9, 2012

12)He can catch underneath dumpoffs in the passing game, but unlike Hightower, he is not a fervid or refined blocker.    New York TimesJul 23, 2012
The year waxed fervid, and the sun Fell central down.    Miller, Joaquin

13)As such the unrealist novel is less tightly fettered to the real world.    TimeJul 11, 2012
By nature his ideas were transformed and released from the fetters of inherited prejudice.    Mach, Ernst

14)"Preparations for launch at Cape Canaveral have begun," said Major Tracy Bunko at the Pentagon’s Air Force press desk.    Scientific AmericanSep 26, 2012
There are several paths toward certification, and the requirements can vary, Air Force spokeswoman Tracy Bunko said.     ReutersJun 6, 2012

15)John Cohen, who has previously worked on Iron Man, Despicable Me and Ice Age, will produce the Angry Birds film.    BBCDec 12, 2012
Such despicable nonsense is spouted for one reason: to dehumanize Palestinians.    NewsweekNov 23, 2012

16)But in France, hateful statements like this are more than contemptible.    The GuardianJan 2, 2013
Speaking at the Veterans of Foreign Wars' national conference in Reno, Nevada, Mr Romney said the leaks were "contemptible" and demanded an investigation.    BBCJul 25, 2012

17)Starboard said Office Depot's management can cut expenses and take other measures to improve profitability.    Wall Street JournalSep 18, 2012
The news of Starboard's letter was first reported in The Wall Street Journal.    New York TimesSep 17, 2012

18)BBC Radio 5 live's Colin Paterson said Sir Mick's energy "was just frightening" while described the "sprightly legends" who played a "blistering" set.    BBCNov 26, 2012
The sprightly prince has continued to carry out royal duties.    ReutersAug 17, 2012

19)They almost deter the poor blunderer in London from ever trying to grow a rose or to talk about one.   Pain, Barry
But a second failure is unforgivable, men turn away from the blunderer in contempt.    Orczy, Emmuska Orczy, Baroness

20)Even in moments of amorous surrender one part of his women stays unreachable.  New York TimesSep 24, 2012
In another, females engineered to produce the pheromone kept the amorous males at bay, even though the females had not mated.  BBCAug 20, 2012

21)Its descriptive text — emblazoned in black Chinese characters — was interrupted only by the English words “epicurean powder,” which stood for MSG.  SalonDec 25, 2012
They also announced Lisbon’s epicurean ambitions, and validated its achievements.  New York TimesMay 26, 2012

22)In the last 50 years, incidence has increased 30-fold.  BBCJan 5, 2013
“There are things going on that we don’t understand,” including an increased incidence of otters being killed by sharks.  New York TimesDec 21, 2012

23)I was either binge eating or not eating at all. The sky was always falling.  SalonJan 5, 2013
Bingeing on prescription painkillers Rising addiction to opiates is tied to pharmaceutical companies’ effort to shape medical opinion and practice.  Washington PostJan 2, 2013

24)The moral code in merchandising was yet inchoate, unformed.  Hungerford, Edward
Perhaps the protesters were motivated by an inchoate feeling that standard economic theory is inherently slanted toward a conservative world view.  New York TimesDec 4, 2011

25)Rachmaninov's The Rock, an early, rather insubstantial tone poem based on Lermontov, was admirably decorous, though it left you wondering why it was chosen.  The GuardianDec 15, 2012
Sheridan specialised in decorous English heroines, giving moderately prim performances in an era when being "ladylike" was considered desirable rather than off-putting.  The GuardianNov 26, 2012

26)Years of drought beginning in 1999, however, annihilated the Hamouns, desiccating the lakes, displacing communities and turning once-fecund sanctuaries into sterile salt flats.  New York TimesOct 19, 2012
“I would welcome the spotlight moving away from what I think is an increasingly tired, hackneyed, desiccated, super-masticated issue,” he said.  New York TimesOct 10, 2012

27)自動車メーカーの Fiatとしての例文がほとんどを占めていました。そこには、但し書きとして下記が記述されていました。
You might think a fiat is just an Italian car, but it actually means a legal, authoritative decision that has absolute sanction.

28)It says deputy prime minister Nick Clegg is unhappy with Tory rhetoric contrasting "shirkers verses strivers". BBCJan 8, 2013
That involved sending out local deputy sheriffs in patrol cars with loudspeakers.  New York TimesJan 8, 2013

29)This faceted crystal, spouted mixing glass is just too fetching to pass up. New York TimesDec 15, 2012
Given the chance, women bosses match their male counterparts – and spout just as many cliches. The GuardianNov 25, 2012

30)The game has changed dramatically even in 10 years - you cannot win a Super Bowl by playing stout defense, good running game, ball control. New York TimesDec 21, 2012
But it was stout enough to render the UW pass rush only decent, not devastating, as Tuel was sacked four times. Seattle TimesNov 24, 2012






この二つはNHK語学講座「実践ビジネス英話」12月号(lesson12)に、取り上げられていて、「obnoxious jerkというフレーズは最近、最もよく使われる用語の一つ」と解説されていました。両者をこのブログで同一回に掲載したのはまったくの偶然で、実際jerkはアルク社の「毎日一単語」から引用したものでした。尚、テキストの中の例文は次のようなものでした。
The other morning,for example,some obnoxious jerk butted in front of me as I was waiting for the subway, and made me drop my purse.(たとえば、先日の朝地下鉄を待っているときに、とても不愉快な人が私の前に割り込んできて、私はハンドバッグを落としてしまいました。)


このブログは 「難解英単語ダジャレ集」をグーグる、又はhttp://eitango-dajare.blogspot.jp/で開きます。お知り合いの方々ににご紹介賜りますれば幸甚です。




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毎週月曜日0:00更新。今回もご来訪心より感謝申しあげます。尚、英語に強い関心持たれておられる方々から、幅広く情報を頂き、このブログをより充実、有益にして行きたく、このブログを広めて頂けますれば、心強い限りです。(「eitango-dajare」をグーグる、又は http://eitango-dajare.blogspot.jp/ です。)

                          随  想

                         本  題






⑪mull (vt,n)  ⑥ponder(vt,vi)   ⑦deem (vt) ① account(n,vi,vt) ⑤deliberate(a,vt,vi) ⑥ contemplate (vt,vi) ⑤meditate(vi,vt)


1)<elves are often portrayed as rather mischievous>  ~として描写する
2)<the child insisted that he'd seen a sprite hiding in the garden>
3)<fairies are part of the folklore of many countries and cultures>
4)<leave a dish of milk and some bread out for the pixies>
5)<dressed up the toddlers like goblins for Halloween>
参考)<she bought the book of fairy tales for the beautiful engravings of nymphs and fairies featured between the stories>
6)The disease continues to be a scourge in the developing world.
7)<baked a scrumptious chocolate cake>
8)<a tabloid journalist who has never scrupled to reveal the most intimate details about the lives of celebrities>
9)The work requires scrupulous attention to detail.
10)I closely scrutinized my opponent's every move.
11)<a scurrilous satire on the scandal that enveloped Washington>
12)I refuse to be cowed by their threats.
13)And the coxswain, Israel Hands, was a careful, wily, old, experienced seaman who could be trusted at a pinch with almost anything. ‐‐‐「舵取り」はcoxwainの形で表されるのが多そうです。
14)It is distinctly odd to read a whole page dedicated to Hitler's life and character without a reference to his anti-Semitism. To say that Swiss banks contained gold coming from the bank accounts, the jewelry boxes, and the teeth of concentration camp victims is a little coy.
15)I have it in my head that I first read "coz" in Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet but I could be mistaken. I like greeting my cousins with it because it makes me feel quite old school!


1)feasible→フィーズブル→本当に( ? )となったら、ぶるったよ実行可能
2)feat→フィート→輝かしい( ? )ヒートアップし偉業
3)feast→フィースト→火すっと(火通すと)、おいしく焼けるよこの( ? )。ごちそう
4)feces→フィーシズ→( ? )はだれにもあるものせずとも良し糞便
5)feckless→フェックレス→フエー暗えす、そこまで行くと。( ? )( ? )というよりは。無能、無力
6)fecundity→フェカンデティ→へこんでて、水良く溜まる( ? )土地。肥沃な
別案:fecund→フェカンド→( ? )ものには、みんな発するへー、感動想像力豊かな
7)feign→フェイン→ボロを着て人( ? )な奴。装う
8)feisty→フェイシテ→頭にくると、( ? )屁して帰る( ? )男生きのいい、怒りっぽい
9)feral→フェラル→住めなくなって人減らる、残りし動物、( ? )し。野生化
10)festal→フェスタル→秋過ぎて、( ? )終わって囃子消え、太鼓はすたる、笛すたる祭り
11)fervent→ファーベント→人気大なるハーブ得んと、秘境に分け入る( ? )ハーブファン。熱烈熱意
12)fervid→ファービッド→絶対に、そのハーブいいど言い、ずらりと並ぶ( ? )ハーブファン。激烈熾烈
13)fetter→フェター→時代は変わり、( ? )は、ドンドン減ったー、なくなった。足かせ
14)bunko→バンコ→晩婚で、結婚( ? )に合い。詐欺
別案1:bunko→バンコ→蛮行は( ? )よりひどし。詐欺
別案2:バンコ→バンクを真似た金融( ? )詐欺
15)despicable→デスピカブル→男のくせに、「かみなりですピカッブルブル」では( ? )見下げらる
16)conptemptible→コンテンプチブル→政党乱立、まだこんでも(これ)プチブル押し通す、( ? )二世政治家見下げ果てた
17)starboard・port→スターボード→船上のスターぼーっ(スターボード・ポートの両方を含む)見とらんで、( ? )しっかり見なさい右左
18)sprig→スプリッグ→冬終わり、いざスプリっりんグ、雪の中から萌え出る( ? )若芽
19)blundererブラーン・ダラーブラーン・ダラーっとしている怠け者より、( ? )慌ててミスる( ? )そこつ者
参考:plundererプラーン・ダラープラーン・ダラーとした( ? )なんて怖くない?いやいやこれが一番恐ろしい。金融街や、券売り場、プラーン・ダラーとしたスーツ姿の( ? )。略奪者
20)amorous→アマラス→あたしが( ? )だなんてあんまらす(あんまりです)。セクシー
別案:「いいの?断って」「あ、もらうす。( ? )から。」なまめかしい
21)epicure→エピキュア→エビ食うわ食うわ、( ? )だもんね。美食家
22)incidence→インシデンス→納税( ? )したら支払は印紙でんす発生
23)binge→ビンジ→( ? )の後にやって来る(ビ)(ヂドンチャン騒ぎ
24)inchoate→インコエイト→( ? )、( ? )、「ゆっくりやって(いん)こえー声をかけあい始まったばかりで、まだこれからだ
25)decorous→デコラス→大事な客に出がらし茶入れる( ? )不作法
別案:decorous→デコラス→( ? )で、こらしめるべし。不作法
26)desiccate→デシケイト→( ? )不十分湿気っとまずい。もっと( ? )させなさい。乾燥
27)fiat→フィアット→当局の( ? )ヒヤっとし。命令
28)deputy→デピュティ→デブッいては、務まらない( ? )。代理人
29)spout→スパウト→スパーッと水出る( ? )。噴出口
30)stout→スタウト→何であれ スタート時は( ? )、( ? )り。どっしりして、丈夫


1)To shake things up, the report recommends that Congress nearly double USDA's annual budget for competitive funding of extramural research at universities.
Science MagazineDec 8, 2012
NIH extramural research chief Sally Rockey soon responded by saying the agency was holding firm.
Science MagazineNov 29, 2012

2)So I got rid of a lot of extraneous things, and I made it simple, clean and functioning.New York TimesJan 2, 2013
The bank has been disposing of extraneous and risky assets housed in its Citi Holdings unit for nearly four years.ReutersNov 28, 2012
3)Two days later, when Broadwell turned 40, Petraeus publicly announced that he was stepping down after “engaging in an extramarital affair.”TimeNov 15, 2012
General David Petraeus has resigned as CIA chief after admitting an extramarital affair.BBCNov 15, 2012

He was extradited to Thailand on 2 December after having an appeal turned down by the High Court.  BBCDec 28, 2012
Saudi Arabia has so far failed to extradite Ben Ali, despite a request by Tunisia's new government.  BBCDec 15, 2012
“It’s a fabulous children’s exhibit, in the right hands,” he said.New York TimesDec 28, 2012
Photograph: David Davies/PA So Britain's year of sporting wonders was celebrated with some lovely speeches, fabulous frocks, unbelievable bodies, and ghastly puns.
The GuardianDec 17, 2012

A larger perspective might have illuminated anti-Communist excesses and prevented facile contemporary parallels.New York TimesDec 29, 2012
At first Mr. Thomas hammers the bluff conceit so hard that he risks sounding forced and facile.
New York TimesSep 25, 2012

7)He walked sedately away, followed by the hotel factotum, who carried his natty traveling bag.
Lynch, Lawrence L.Mrs. Twining slowly turned her head, and followed the poor factotum with her kindled black eyes till she had quitted the room.
Fawcett, Edgar

This faction, which includes Michael Boskin of Stanford, worry about government debt “crowding out” private investment as holdings of U.S.
TimeJan 3, 2013Unlike other Taliban factions, Mr. Nazir’s fighters did not attack Pakistani military or government targets, instead focusing on the war inside Afghanistan. New York TimesJan 3, 2013

9)Shoddy inventions designed to bolster up a factitious pride.Webster, Noah
All sudden elevations are either imaginary or factitious.Elliott, Maud How
10)This standoff has left many leaders in both parties searching for fallback plans.Washington PostDec 16, 2012
The down payment手付金 and the fallback are sticking points.(交渉等での)行き詰まりの原因、譲れない一線   New York TimesNov 23, 2012

11)Let us pray for warring women that their politically ambitious leaders may no longer dupe them with fallacious promises—surely a "pathetic fallacy."Huneker, James

Well-intended, his expedition was fallacious in plan, unsuitably equipped, inadequately supplied, and manned by inexperienced volunteers.Greely, Adolphus W.

12)Mr. Johnson was fastidious at his apartment, which he shared only with cats.New York TimesAug 25, 2012
Nature could, of course, turn out to be this fastidious.EconomistJul 6, 2012

Other activists said 12 people were wounded, with no fatalities.ReutersDec 29, 2012
Finally, an official announcement was made: 20 child fatalities.SalonDec 28, 2012

He developed severe headaches, some with migraine features, and often seemed unusually fatigued.
Washington PostDec 18, 2012
She has put on weight and in recent times appeared fatigued.New York TimesJan 3, 2013

15)Then, as these thoughts ran through his head, he smiled at his own fatuity in taking Winifred's consent for granted in this summary fashion.Matthews, BranderHe does so in the book on the pulse, mainly in order to show, as he thinks, the fatuity of such observations.Walsh, James J

16)More than this, uniformly slow looks like a tactical faux pas.
The GuardianNov 24, 2012With Indian curves, tight leggings worn over a short tunic constituted a fashion faux pas, she said.
New York TimesNov 22, 2012

Sullivan’s model is innovative: He plans to eschew advertising altogether.SalonJan 3, 2013
Party leaders seem united in eschewing “Western paths” for their political and economic development.NewsweekDec 30, 2012

18)But the bigger picture invariably gives way to intramural issues.New York TimesDec 26, 2012
“Word of mouth can be golden around here,” Mr. Young said of the intramural deal-making.New York TimesOct 28, 2012

19)This temporizing reply was dictated by his sensitive spirit.  Farjeon, Benjamin Leopol  
He continually counselled "mutual forbearances and temporizing yieldings on all sides."  Bolton, Sarah Knowles

20)As Frankie Howerd used to say, I occasionally got my titters out, but great guffaws proved elusive.BBCNov 22, 2012
People tittered nervously, looked around to see how others were voting as nearly half said yes.New York TimesNov 6, 2012
21)While stationed in Korea, he became enamored with Asia.  New York TimesDec 27, 2012
Environmentalists once enamored with the team are now openly bitter.  Scientific AmericanNov 9, 2012

22)Now and then the temptation was too strong and she fell into alliteration, writing of "ponderous puddings and curdled custards."  Pennell, Elizabeth Robins
Sportswriters, looking for imagery or lyrical alliteration in the age before cable television, made a habit of bestowing nicknames on athletes too.  New York TimesMay 11, 2011

23)Luiz, up against the club he had supported as a boy, had done well to crowd out Emerson on one barnstorming breakaway.  The GuardianDec 16, 2012
Two years after Ruth’s 1934 barnstorming tour in Japan, the country organized its first professional baseball league.  New York TimesNov 14, 2012

24)Hemophilia B is caused by a lack, or insufficient amount, of the blood coagulation factor IX protein, needed for normal blood clotting.  ReutersSep 27, 2012

Patients with hemophilia A lack or have reduced levels of coagulation factor VIII.  ReutersSep 27, 2012

25)Initial results were very promising, but then Vertex had to restate them.  ForbesDec 28, 2012
Steve Morrison, a disk jockey, has been going to Vertex for almost eight years.  ReutersAug 20, 2012

26)二例共最近の例Increasingly better and cheaper online payment solutions too are catalyzing e-commerce activities in Malaysia.  ForbesDec 28, 2012
Instead, the focus is on building a strong work culture and catalyzing behavior.   ForbesDec 12, 2012
27)I call it “The Red Carpet Siren”: head tilted down, chest out, shoulders cockeyed, lips puckered.  ForbesJan 27, 2012
But there’s no need to get up on a high horse to think Perry's dalliance is cockeyed.  SlateOct 26, 2011
28)As the details trickled out, it was so clearly inane.  Seattle TimesOct 17, 2012
Too much of the Bagley Wright's afternoon schedule was taken up instead with inane podcast performances and trivia games repeated daily — a real waste.  Seattle TimesSep 4, 2012
29)In Iran, Ahmadinejad's political foes smelled an opening.  ReutersDec 26, 2012
HIV has been one of modern medicine's most implacable foes.  BBCDec 24, 2012
30)But next door, in South Dakota’s tiny Sully County, incomes have risen an amazing 70.4% to $116,067.  TimeNov 28, 2012
Pluse, dangling wires can sully an otherwise streamlined look.  ForbesOct 30, 2012




このブログは 「難解英単語ダジャレ集」をグーグる、又はhttp://eitango-dajare.blogspot.jp/で開きます。お知り合いの方々ににご紹介賜りますれば幸甚です。