―near words in the dictionary ―(g~7語)
「次の二つの等式のどこかに ― または / のどちらかを付け加えて、それぞれの等式が成立するようにして下さい。
101010=9:50 (ヒント:等式は数学のものだけではありません。)
100=1:100(ヒント:大きさのバランスが悪いのは大目に見て下さい。) 」
「 上問 10TO10=9:50 ---真ん中の1の上部に―をつけてTにし0をOと読みTOにし、10時10分前の意味にすれば9:50つまり9時50分過ぎに等しくなる。
下問 1%=1:100---左辺の0と0の間に /をつけて%と読ませると、両辺とも1/100を意味し等しくなる。 」
「-101010 Can you move the "minus" to make this equal nine-fifty?」
1)lagoon---例文でなく解説: a shallow sound, channel, or pond near or communicating with a larger body of water
2)She runs the project from her private lair in the suburbs.
3)An actor who in his lifetime received all the laud and honor that the theater world could bestow. 4)Improving the schools is a laudable goal.
5)a flow of molten lava
6)<a leaden performance of a classic American play that nearly put us to sleep>
7)The money transaction was denied so he reviewed his checkbook ledger.
8)A leech will stick to your leg.---名詞(「ヒル」の意味)としての例文がほとんど。
9)The document is not legible.
10)Many people felt that the punishment was too lenient.
11)The patient is weak and lethargic.
12)He made lewd remarks to the woman at the bar.
13)The newspaper's attorneys argued that the article was not a libel.
14)They agree to litigate all disputes in this court.
15)The owners were ordered to liquidate the company and pay their creditors.
16)He spoke with a lisp.
17)The heat made everyone tired and listless.
18)A protest to the grant of a patent will not result in any litigant party rights.
19)The lobe was imperfectly developed.
20)He is able to recognize his wife in his lucid moments.---二番目の「正気の」の意味
1)hone⇒ホウン→骨だ、( ? )での包丁研ぎは。→砥石
2)pundit⇒パンディットゥ→( ? )の会話には、良くパン(だじゃれ)出っと。(ウソ)→学者・評論家
3)truncate⇒トゥランケイトゥ→( ? )余計なもの取らんけいと指示された。→バッサリ切って
4)truculent,truculence⇒トゥルキュレンントゥ(ス)→( ? )は去勢しないと取り切れんと。その通り、取り切れんす。→凶暴性
5)edifice⇒エディフィス→その( ? )わざわざ絵で秘す事ないよ。→堂々とした建物
6)ethereal⇒エセリアル→今回の景気回復、えせ・リアルどちらなのかは ( ? )だね。→微妙
7)fallacy⇒ファラシー→ただの感情での恨み晴らしは、( ? )だ。→誤った考え
8)keynote⇒キーノウトゥ→きのうと違う( ? )演説。→基調
9)kiln⇒キルン→この( ? )で陶器ができるんです。→窯(カマ)
10)knack⇒ナック→これをうまくやる( ? )は無くもない。→コツ
11)kidney⇒キドゥニー→きっとね,その激しい痛さは( ? )結石だよ。→腎臓
12)keel⇒キール→そんな( ? )不安定じゃ、( ? )きーるぞ。→ひっくり
13)knell⇒ネル→永遠に寝るときの( ? )。→鐘の音
14)jovial⇒ジョヴィアル→薬は常備あると安心で、いつでも( ? )いられる。→陽気で
15)jut⇒ジャットゥ→激しく怒られじゅーっと( ? )ままのこどもの唇。→突き出た
16)jettison⇒ジェティスン→絶対損(ジェティスン)、( ? )しては。→じゃまだと言って投棄
17)haft⇒ハフトゥ→その包丁刃太過ぎて、( ? )が入らん。→柄
18)impunity⇒インピュネィティ→陰部に手も触れず( ? )。→罪にはならず
19)impudence⇒インピューデンス→初めに( ? )注意されたら、誰も自分の言い分出んす。→厚かましさ
20)impale⇒インペイル→吉良上野介はいずこ、俵に槍( ? )方がいんべ、いるかも知れないから。→突き刺した
gravity,groin,gross ,grueling,jest,onlooker,intimidation,intertwine の8語。
1)Part Manti Te'o's inspirational story turned out to be the result of an elaborate hoax.
New York Times May 27, 2013
Resorting to easier explanations that simply discount global warming as a hoax is then of course much more comforting and convenient psychologically.
Scientific American Apr 30, 2013 2)Hordes of news organizations are primed for the spectacle.
New York Times Jun 12, 2013
Whatever provoked the fashionable audience, it turned them, by all reports, into an unsettled horde.
Salon May 31, 2013
3)Then again, maybe their characters will die in horrendous fashion before that becomes too noticeable.
Slate Jun 11, 2013
The death toll rivaled some of the more horrendous accidents in China’s notoriously unsafe mining industry.
New York Times Jun 5, 2013
4)I'm hoarse from saying that one in four people globally have some sort of mental illness.
The Guardian Jun 6, 2013MORE: Adele Expected to Make Full Recovery After Surgery About 14 years ago, I got a bad cold, and my voice became hoarse.
Time May 15, 2013
5)I was hoisted up a few feet and then dropped.
Slate Jun 14, 2013
Hoist is owned by the North American Thoroughbred company, who owned last year's Longacres Mile winner, Taylor Said.
Seattle Times May 20, 2013 6)For example, electrostatic or magnetic fields can exert a concentrated force on an object to counteract gravity.
Science Magazine Jul 16, 2013
New York’s musical center of gravity has shifted to Brooklyn, yet his influence is strongly felt among younger musicians.
New York Times Jul 10, 2013
7)While her family's links to a fallen dictatorship were scrutinised by parliament, the gregarious Latin American charmed the nation.
BBC Apr 30, 2013
Hobbs, who trained as an MD, is gregarious, voluble and driven.
Nature Apr 11, 2013
8)Start-ups are growing, what with cheap downtown office space, abundant talent, and "Made in Detroit" grit.
Inc May 30, 2013
He designed a T-shirt that featured Allen’s unsmiling visage framed by the words “All Heart” and “Grit.
New York Times May 19, 2013
9)Such devices are typically installed through a catheter in the groin.
Reuters Jul 10, 2013
Atchison, who returned Monday from an elbow injury, pulled his groin while warming up to enter Tuesday’s game.
New York Times Jun 20, 2013
10)Inventories are a key component of gross domestic product changes.
Reuters Jul 15, 2013
Economists expect the budget deficit to have swollen to about 15 percent of gross domestic product in the financial year that ended on June 30.
Reuters Jul 15, 2013
11)With two weeks and a grueling few days in the Alps left, Froome could be worried.
Reuters Jul 8, 2013
Rick Perry to send exhausted lawmakers, poised to adjourn Monday after a grueling budget battle, back into an immediate special session — has quickly become legend.
New York Times Jun 27, 2013
12)Even Cavendish, when asked Friday about the losses, said, perhaps only partly in jest, “Maybe I’m getting old.”
New York Times Jul 13, 2013
Or like this: “rosily pixie sir.chalet, healer partly .fanned media viva.jests, wheat skier.given rammed bath.weeded divas boxers.”
Scientific American Jun 20, 2013
13)Gauntlet laid down, Beady Eye hired an "absolute outlaw" to produce their new album, BE.
BBC May 28, 2013
France now appears doomed to run the gauntlet of playoffs in November that offer four final qualifying spots to Europe's second-best teams.
Seattle Times Mar 28, 2013
14)We are, after all, discussing loans that are so sticky, more than one commentator has compared them to indentured servitude.
The Guardian Jul 12, 2013
On the other hand, imported workers are tethered to their sponsoring employer like indentured servants.
Slate May 25, 2013
15)Evans said the operators experienced few problems from curious onlookers crowding them as they tried to walk straight lines through Venice's piazzas.
The Guardian Jul 16, 2013
Onlookers described how the plane wobbled on hitting the runway before losing control.
The Guardian Jul 8, 2013
16)In the Morning Star there appeared next day a passage from Disraeli's speech, reported in vinous forms of sibilant expression.
Holyoake, George Jacob "Fireman, save my ch-e-i-ild!" came back in sibilant tones from Mary.
Speed, Nell
17)The mayor’s lack of understanding of the debilitating effects of sexual harassment, intimidation, and bullying is an affront to all.
New York Times Jul 17, 2013
At a certain point, the villagers got tired of Mr. Mathew’s intimidation.
New York Times Jul 12, 2013
18)The state’s two most famous filibusters are strangely intertwined.
New York Times Jul 4, 2013So visual and interaction design are really intertwined.”
Forbes Jun 27, 2013
19)Unanimity is needed, and several countries are opposed, reports the BBC's Matthew Price in Brussels.
BBC May 27, 2013
There is some degree of coordination in foreign affairs, but rarely unanimity, let alone central planning.
The Guardian May 21, 2013
20)He labeled Mr. Cuomo “a total phony,” and said he wanted to “take out” Brian M. Kolb, the Assembly minority leader.
New York Times Jul 15, 2013
In the other operation, Mr. Tokhtakhounov is accused of funneling Russian oligarchs’ losses to shell companies in Cyprus, disguised as phony loans.
New York Times Jun 2, 2013 本日の大賞
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