





―類義語― (equal属5語、ほかに、the same,uniform,,interchangeable有り。)---無理矢理ダジャレたので苦しいものばかりですが、tantamountが覚えられれば無駄はないと思います。


―near words in the dictionary(trea~二語)―

―near words in the dictionary(eye~二語)―

15)その美しいコスチュームあのポルノ女優 らしい美やすみだらな感じで。⑲lascivious(a)
別案:あのポルノ女優 の美しさはいやらしい美やすみだらな感じで。
    別例:食事出してくれるのはいいが、食べようとすると痰垂ので食べられずじらされる。▲Tantalus(n)--- Zeus息子; 神々秘密漏らしたため,地獄のにあごまでつけられ,のどがいて飲もうとするとは退き,頭上に垂れている果物手を伸ばすそれが退いてしんだという》.tantalizeの語源。
このdrone、「ラジコン飛行機」などの訳語もあるが、このほどオバマ米大統領が発表した対テロ戦略の中で触れたのは、軍事用のdroneを使った攻撃のことだ。無人で運用できることから、敵からの攻撃で撃墜されても死傷者が出ないとあって、米国はdrone strikeをパキスタン国境地域、イエメン国内などで盛んに使ってきた。ただ、この攻撃で民間人が巻き添えになることも多い。(ALK社の「英語の現代用語」より)


 昔のアメリカ映画(「陽の当たる場所」という1951年もの。原題はA Place in the Sun、原作小説は「アメリカの悲劇」An American Tragedy)を、DVDで久しぶりに見ました。


1)<the wedding guest's thick makeup was garish and unnecessary>
2)Chocolate curls garnished the cake.
3)They've been researching their genealogies.
4)There was a glum silence in the room.
5)cut out the glut in the inventory ---節で文章ではありません。
6)He nervously gnawed on his fingernails.
7)A 15 percent gratuity is automatically added to the restaurant bill.
8)Nor have We been wanting in attention to our British brethren.
9)Former stars were being superseded by younger actors.
10)It is vital to introduce Global Hawk reconnaissance dronesahead of schedule.(多義語ここでは無人飛行機)
11)It irks me to have to clean up after you.
12)Buffalo wallow in mud to keep away flies.
13)You can't judge them solely on the basis of hearsay.
14)The tradition is regarded as sacrosanct.
15)The cattle roamed in search of water.
16)It would be overstating the case to say that it was a matter of life or death.
17)He understated his taxable income.
18)The exciting ending partially redeems what is otherwise a very dull movie.
19)  <fiercely independent, the elderly couple spurned all offers of financial help>                              
20)It's interesting from a techie perspective.


1)lagoon⇒ラグーン→干( ? )あれば潮干狩りはだいぶらぐーん)。
2)lair⇒レアー→ゴミ箱を( ? )にするのはレアーケース。ネグラ
3)laud⇒ロードゥ→いつの世も労働( ? )賛美
4)laudable⇒ローダブル→( ? )りその苦労ダブルでの( ? )値す。見上げ、賞賛
5)lava⇒ラヴァ→万一、( ? )流れて来たらば何とする。溶岩
6)leaden⇒レドゥン→どれどれどんな感じ?( ? )( ? )感じ鉛のよう、重い
7)ledger⇒レジャー→レジャー費は( ? )にしっかりつけるべし。元帳
8)leech⇒リーチ→リーチ短く届かないので( ? )ず。吸い取れ
9)legible⇒レジブル→レジ古くてもレシート何とか( ? )。判読出来る
10)lenient⇒リーニエントゥ→理に縁遠く、ただ( ? )だけ。甘い
11)lethargic⇒レザーティック→心地よいレザーじっくり座っていると( ? )。何もしたくなくなる
12)lewd⇒ルードゥ→ルー(ドゥ)で( ? )人はいや。みだらな
13)libel⇒ライブル→ライ(ブ)ルでも( ? )は許せん。悪口
14)litigate⇒リティゲイトゥ→( ? )するのは理知芸当訴訟
15)liquidate⇒リクイデイトゥ→保有しているよりそろそろ利食いてーと、持ち株( ? )。整理す
16)lisp⇒リスプ→リスプとリスク区別出来ない( ? )発音。もつれた
17)listless⇒リストゥレス→リスとレスリングして( ? )。かったるい
18)litigant⇒リティガントゥ→( ? )理でガンと攻めないと相手に勝てんぞ。訴訟する者
19)lobe⇒ロウブ→バスローブと( ? )柔らかい程良い。耳たぶ
20)lucid⇒ルーシッドゥ→今回のブログ、( ? )らしーど分かり易い

  hone, pundit,edifice ,keynote,knack, kidney, keel,jettison 7語。
1)Holed up sick, he honed a talent for drawing.(他動詞「腕を磨く」の意味で使用されていますね。---こちらの方が使用頻度高いようです。)
New York Times Jul 12, 2013
Ms. Plaza has a mature take on comedy, he said, geared toward honing small, writerly moments.
New York Times Jul 12, 2013

2)Uncorroborated news reports and outspoken pundits paint a picture of nefarious foreign hands at work.
Reuters Jul 12, 2013
They made the football pundits assessing England's odds-on chances of winning the next World Cup sound measured.
The Guardian Jul 8, 2013

)But, Cooper also pointed out, the N.B.A. came back from a truncated season and had its best metrics across the board.
New York Times Jun 23, 2013
First of all, the exchange with Miller is severely truncated.
Washington Post May 31, 2013

4)Downsizing rarely brings rows; even the more truculent unions are moving “in the right direction”.
Economist Apr 5, 2013
His narrators flash guns and toss off truculent threats.
Chicago Tribune Dec 17, 2012 Under questioning, he was blunt and impatient, offering a show of congressional truculence later matched only by communists and tobacco executives.
Slate May 24, 2012
It’s true Santorum has toned down the truculence he flashed in early debates.
Time Jan 10, 2012

5)For this huge sum of money to be spent on an edifice for commerce and conspicuous consumption seems at best misguided.”
New York Times Jul 10, 2013
Environmentalists worry that some of the company’s spill bucks are destined to finance concrete edifices and asphalt parking lots.
BusinessWeek Jun 27, 2013

6)Here, as everywhere, the performances were captivating, but the music was somewhat denatured, the earthy tunes awash in ethereal counterpoint.
New York Times Jun 28, 2013
It set up a title game matchup Monday with Duke, which, as of July 1, will no longer be some ethereal titan in basketball.
New York Times May 27, 2013

7)There is another logical fallacy that has largely been ignored by proponents of legalizing marijuana.
Inc Jun 13, 2013
Another way of phrasing this is the classic "sunk costs" fallacy in decision making.
Inc Jun 5, 2013

8)Black Hat, a hacker conference set in Las Vegas only days before DEF CON, has invited General Alexander to deliver its opening keynote.
Forbes Jul 14, 2013
Wicks, in his keynote, said consumers will no longer "be hunched over these devices."
Chicago Tribune Jun 28, 2013

9)A growing population in Jamaica's capital is putting the forests nearby under increasing strain We soon come across the remains of a recent kiln.
BBC Jun 13, 2013
Soot produced by stoves, power plants, brick kilns, and vehicles throughout the region is wafting up and across the Himalayas.
Slate May 29, 2013

10)He learned about contracting, tried it out, and developed a knack for finding and combining talented musicians.
New York Times Jul 13, 2013
Bastos may not have credentials, but he possesses both an extremely marketable knowledge base and an obvious knack for online teaching.
Slate Jun 25, 2013

11)In 2008, six infants died and 300,000 babies were affected with painful kidney stones after drinking tainted milk powder.
BBC Jul 17, 2013
If the finding is replicated in other studies, he said doctors should consider checking men's kidney function before prescribing androgen deprivation therapy.
Reuters Jul 17, 2013

12)After interviewing all the candidates, Keel Over Marketing deliberate for a week before inviting four potential employees back for a second meeting.
The Guardian Jul 3, 2013
We’re trying to stay on an even keel; there’s so much more work to do.”
New York Times Jun 22, 2013

13)It argues that paying players would sound the death knell of amateur athletics.
Seattle Times Apr 2, 2013
Far from sounding their death knell, Barcelona have signalled Madrid's resurrection.
The Guardian Mar 4, 2013

14)Richard III Blackadder portrayal: Jovial and pleasant, as played by Peter Cook.
BBC Jun 15, 2013
Shannon, who'd been jovial up to that point, bristled.
The Guardian Jun 8, 2013

15)He drew Laurence Olivier in profile, giving him a long nose, a jutting chin and distinguished graying hair at the temples.
New York Times Jul 1, 2013
Blocks jutting out from overhangs and crater lips, weakened by warming temperatures, can break off and land on the shallow slopes below.
Scientific American Jun 20, 2013

16)The software titan’s team has jettisoned the plodding monohulls used in most prior Cups.
Washington Post Jul 13, 2013
Think about the timing: the press version gets jettisoned before the summer recess.
The Guardian Jul 7, 2013

17)Recent research has also documented ocher’s early use in Africa as an adhesive to haft small points onto weapon shafts.
New York Times Oct 14, 2011
Alan Haft, an independent financial adviser in Newport Beach, California, said his phone was buzzing with calls from clients wanting to "sell everything."
Reuters Aug 9, 2011

18)After this impunity sparked a pubic outcry, the police charged Zimmerman — now he’s sitting in court on trial for murder.
Salon Jun 12, 2013
Market forces have only encouraged cable companies to keep raising prices with impunity.
The Guardian Jun 5, 2013

19)I repented of having given in; such impudence was unparalleled.
Seingalt, Jacques Casanova de
Excess of boldness; impudence; audacity; as, his assurance is intolerable.
Webster, Noah

20)Buried babies, an impaled fireman and roaming rapists.
New York Times May 10, 2013
Then, there are special, weapon-specific attacks, like impale, flurry, burst, etc.
Forbes Mar 15, 2013  

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