


14)ネズミ科の事らしいが、これこそ専門用語で覚えるのはムリだえ。▲Muridae (n) ---上に同じ。コズミ辞書に非収載。生物学の分類用語で固有名詞扱いらしく単語の頭は大文字。

 ここで驚いたのはこの「数独」という単語が英語になっているという事実でした。別名number place(和製英語、縮めてナンプレ)とも言うそうですが、英語ではsudokuで通っているようです。

1)The wooded landscape is very uniform, lacking in contrast, and any disturbance of the homogeneous green blanket is very obvious
2)They were wearing identical coats.
3)<indistinguishable differences that can be measured only electronically>
4)synonymous: having the character of a synonym; also : alike in meaning or significance---例文でなく解説文
5)They see any criticism of the President as tantamount to treason.
6)She could only speak in a hoarse whisper.
7)He stepped over one man, avoided a raucous group of inebriated merchant seamen staggering for their boats, ran up his steps into the large foyer.
8)He spoke in a gruff voice.
9)He spoke in a guttural rasp.
10)The strident tone in his voice revealed his anger.
11)<was furious that she revealed his secret and never forgave her for the treachery>
12)They see any criticism of the President as tantamount to treason.---5)と同じ例文
13)eyelash: the fringe of hair edging the eyelid —usually used in plural---例文でなく解説文
14)He wears glasses because his eyesight is not good.
15)He was arrested for lewd and lascivious behavior.
16)She was tantalized by the possibility of earning a lot of money quickly.
17)a patient experiencing intractable pain---文でなく節
18)She fell off a gymnastics apparatus and broke her leg.
19)drone: an unmanned aircraft or ship guided by remote control ---例文でなく解説文
20)shunt: to move to the side---例文でなく解説文

1)garish⇒ガリッシュ→彼女の彼氏とても( ? )派手
2)garnish⇒ガーニッシュ→( ? )二種あれば良い料理。付け合わせ
3)genealogy⇒ジェニアラジー→我が家の( ? )銭あらじー家系
4)glum⇒グラム→営業マン1グラムも売れずに( ? )ふさぎ込む
5)glut⇒グラットゥ→(体ぐらっとせんよう( ? )ろ。十分に食べさせ
6)gnaw⇒ノウ→苦悩ぐのう)絶えず、( ? )癖直らず。かじり
7)gratuity⇒グラテュイティ→( ? )もらいぐらちゅ(つ)いてしまった自制心チップ
8)brethren⇒ブレズレン→我が党の( ? )誰一人振れずれんと党首言い。同志
9)supersede⇒スーパーシードゥ→ぱっと瞬時に( ? )とはなんとすばしーど(「すばしっこい」の方言?)。取って代わる
10)reconnaissance⇒リコネサンス→その家を( ? )して分かった、そこの夫婦は離婚ないざんす偵察
11)irk⇒アーク→( ? )られすぐに飽く飽き飽きさせ
12)wallow⇒ワラウ→悪弊に( ? )者はもつかむ。溺れる
13)hearsay⇒ヒアセイ→聞いて(hear)言う(say)から「( ? )。また聞き
14)sacrosanct⇒サクロサンクトゥ→その場所、自然にサクラ咲くと( ? )場所に違いない。侵すことのできない神聖な
15)roam⇒ロウム→( ? )だけとは楽な労務だ。歩き回る
16)overstate⇒オーバーステイトゥ→老人ホームにやったらまるで姨(おば)捨と( ? )。大げさに言う
17)understate⇒アンダーステイトゥ→親にむかって老人ホームにあんたてっとと大それたことを( ? )。過小に言った
18)redeem⇒レディーム→どんな礼でしよう、おかげで( ? )できたんだ。挽回
19)spurn⇒スパーン→彼の求婚をスパーン( ? )。はねつけた
20)techie⇒テキ→機械オンチにとって( ? )どころか恩人だ。技術屋

1)Three days later, at dusk a man watches the skyline over the lagoon in Lagos, Nigeria’s largest city.
BBC Apr 19, 2013
The pair became disoriented in the lagoon, and after showing signs of distress, the whales were joined by a few dolphins.
Slate Feb 1, 2013

2)In this episode he left her alone outside as he checked out an isolated, dilapidated house's suitability as a lair.
The Guardian Jun 2, 2013
No longer need CMOs creep diffidently into the chief financial officer’s lair.
Economist May 16, 2013

3)4)laudの例文は無く、 laudableに併載
Making people’s existing opportunities a little better is laudable, but giving them new opportunities is the better solution overall.
BusinessWeek Jul 8, 2013
Well, Dr. Insel’s call for understanding the neurobiology of psychiatric disorders is laudable but curiously lacking in historical perspective.
New York Times May 21, 2013

5)A third, more remote, Alaska volcano remained restless but was not currently spouting lava or ash, the observatory said.
Reuters Jun 26, 2013
They’re Jumping Through Hoops, Dreamily There are at least two kinds of lava in the world, and both move.
New York Times Jun 8, 2013

6)He worried about giving a leaden performance after lots of rehearsing.
Nature Jul 18, 2013
But the film turns out to be heading nowhere, at a leaden funeral-march pace.
The Guardian May 24, 2013

7)Last week, the newspaper El Mundo published ledgers it said were parallel financial accounts kept by the Popular Party.
New York Times Jul 15, 2013
Ledgers are terrific for keeping tabs on business accounts, less so for monitoring friendships.
New York Times Jun 29, 2013

8)But the notion that our communities are divided between leeches and worker bees has taken root.
The Guardian May 19, 2013
For a public person, going away to treatment was like leeching.
New York Times May 10, 2013

9)But entries about salaries, costs of transportation, and George V ascending to the British throne in May 1910 are still legible.
New York Times May 24, 2013
"Jack assured me that he is going to work to make at least one letter legible in order not to debase our currency," he added.
BBC May 8, 2013

10)Pro-government groups have also taken to the streets demanding death sentences for those being tried, accusing the tribunal of being too lenient.
BBC Jul 16, 2013
Pro-government groups have also taken to the streets demanding death sentences for those being tried, accusing the tribunal of being too lenient.
BBC Jul 16, 2013

11)Gaming as a hobby evokes images of lethargic teenagers huddled over their controllers, submerged in their couch surrounded by candy bar wrappers.
Forbes Jun 4, 2013
“Verrazano looks lethargic,” one bystander said of the probable Kentucky Derby favorite.
New York Times May 1, 2013

12)Another customer smokes, his bearded mouth sucking lewdly on his pipe.
The Guardian Dec 19, 2012
Concerning Philip that she was lewdly transported with the loue of one Th.
Linton, E. Lynn (Elizabeth Lynn)

13)The legal action, taking advantage of Britain's much-criticised libel laws, was seen as a heavy handed and intimidating way of crushing criticism.
The Guardian Jun 21, 2013
Mr Uribe's lawyer said he also wanted a libel investigation in Colombia.
BBC May 6, 2013

14)He joined his father’s law firm, where he litigated malpractice cases.
New York Times Jun 16, 2013
A Legacy Litigated President Obama better get his judges appointed.
Slate May 30, 2013

15)He can tear up contracts, hire and fire workers and liquidate city assets.
Washington Post Jul 21, 2013
“They invested just two years ago so there is nobody putting pressure on me to liquidate their investment right now.”
Forbes Jul 15, 2013

16)At her Seattle speech last fall, Lewis mocked Education Secretary, and former Chicago Public Schools chief, Arne Duncan, imitating his lisp.
Time Sep 11, 2012
He made fun of gay men, imitating limp wrists and a lisp.
Slate Jul 17, 2012

17)Ms. Simone’s writing is possessed of more life than her listless protagonist.
New York Times Jun 27, 2013
In other words, if I wanted to envisage listless, half-hearted intercourse set to Elbow I'd just visualise my life, six years ago.
The Guardian Mar 26, 2013

18)Any admission is likely to be seized upon by private litigants in civil lawsuits, including class actions, with potentially devastating financial consequences.
New York Times Jun 22, 2013
To add to litigants' woes, there's also a shortage of judges as vacancies are not filled.
BBC May 28, 2013

19)Murnaghan, who was recovering at the hospital, underwent a so-called lobar transplant, family spokesman Tracy Simon said, meaning she received lobes rather than entire lungs.
Reuters Jun 14, 2013

Most cells have two pronounced lobes spanned by an isthmus, as you can see above.
Scientific American Jun 1, 2013

20)He has done his fieldwork and homework and is widely recognized as a reliable and lucid authority on all things dinosaurian.
New York Times Jun 25, 2013

The associations are enthralling, lucid and quite remarkably unforced.
The Guardian Jun 2, 2013



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