1) ⑪moribund(a)ひん死の状態にある、消滅しかけている、消滅した
ジャッキー吉川とブルー・コメッツ - ブルーシャトウ - 1967 - YouTube
例 文:Whether consciously or not, his phraseology
aligned Russia with the United States and Volodymyr Zelensky’s Ukraine with Saddam Hussein’s moribund dictatorship.(出所不明になりましたが、内容から最近の記事と思われます。)
2) ⑳scrounge(vt.vi,) (…を)あさる、(…を)(…に)ねだる、(…を)ねだって手に入れる
例 文:The Taliban scrounged
their Stingers second-hand. (出所不明になりましたが、内容から最近の記事と思われます。)
3) ⑮oligarchy(n)寡頭(かとう)政治、少数独裁政治、寡頭独裁国、少数独裁者グループ
例 文:Suffice it to say that the
overwhelmingly white professional-class women who don these costumes don’t
inhabit a country on the verge of becoming a theocracy or even a patriarchy,
but an oligarchy—the harms of which they will be relatively spared from. (The New Republic, 5th May 2022)
4) ㉓ oligopoly (n) 売り手寡占(かせん)
例 文:Each warned that the cloud oligopoly carries risks for customers if the sector
becomes lethargic, but none called for a government crackdown.(Fortune, Mar. 8th 2022)
5) ⑧ajar(adv.)少し開いて、半開きで、(…と)不和の状態で、調和しないで
例 文:The door to diplomacy will always be
left ajar ,but I don’t think you can‘t trust what is coming out of the mouth of Putin’s war machine.(The Japan News Mar.31ST 2020)
6) ⑫botch(n,vt)ぶざまな継ぎはぎ、下手な仕事
ダジャレ文:ボチボチ、無様なやり口から卒業しろよ。(From TV program May 22nd2022)
例 文:A person who is apt to botch up something in haste, is called bungler. (From TV program May 22nd2022で例文はWeblio辞書から。尚、bangles は、かつて一世を風靡した米国の女性バンド)
7) ㉓flout(vt,vi,n)ばかにする、無視する
例 文:Ms.Setouchi, whom some critics
called “ Womb Wrighter” because of her controversial novels about sex and family, flouted expectations for women throughout her
lifetime.( The New York Times. Dec. 2nd 2021)
8) ㉔licentious(a)放蕩な、みだらな、(性的行動が)放縦な
例 文:Ms.Setouchi recognized the popular
appeal of the protagonist, the licentious son of
an emperor and concubine. (The New York Times.
Dec. 2nd 2021)
9) ⑲concubine(n)内妻、(一夫多妻制の)第一夫人以外の妻
例 文:Ms.Setouchi recognized the popular
appeal of the protagonist, the licentious son of an emperor and concubine. (The New York Times.
Dec. 2nd 2021)
10) ⑩atrocity(n)暴虐、非道、残虐、残虐行為、凶行、ひどいもの、悪趣味なもの
例 文:We still live under the menace of absolute atrocity.(出所不明)---※menaceは「それを脅威とみなす。」と、過去にダジャレてます。
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