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1)動物病院は病院とは別だ。⑪vet's(n)---veterinary hospital由来、ほとんどの辞書(英英でも)では非収載。これだから困る、B.E.では、barber'sのように「's」が「お店」を表す付随句なる事は知ってはいましたが、veterinarianをvetに詰めて、更に、これに「's」を付けて「その店」にまでしてしまうとは、想像だにできませんでした。日常ではveterinary hospitalなどよりもこちらの方が多く使われる事はNHK講座でなければ知りえない事実で、正にNHK講座面目躍如でした。尚、難易度⑪はveterinary のもの。
9)ソフィア・ローレンの胸には二つの球体が存在し、社交範囲広く、いろんな分野で活躍し、天空に輝くきら星の如し。(ただし現在74歳でお元気)。④sphere(n,vt,vi)---多義語で一網打尽風に、複数の意味を内包させた。尚、ソフィアの実際のスペルはsophia。これのnear wordにsophism発見、この一網打尽語呂合わせ文は正に”sophism"(こじつけ)?、語呂合わせ文だけでなく、随想自体”sophism"か?現在、その類語のquibbleのダジャレ文思案中。
14)傾けると、コップ落ちると! ⑦tilt(n,vt,vi)
16) 邪魔物といってわざわざ隠すこともなかろう、作業が隠ぺいで面倒になるだけだ。⑩impediment(n)
18-2)準備ばんたん、いつでもいんピンチ(ジ)に突き当たっても 。⑫ impinge(vi)---通し番号が重複しましたので、18-2)とします。
20)いくら幸せチックに見えても、聖職者はどうかねー、結婚相手に。 ㉕ecclesiastic(n,vi)---またまた非ネーティブ鬼門の宗教用語で、この類義語多し。
1)<to say men can't cook as well as women is of course an absurdity>
2)<the acidity of their relationship was well known to their mutual acquaintances>
3)The corporate culture demands a certain conformity of appearance.
4)There's a problem with the movie's continuity.
5)a period of prosperity for our nation
6)Her decision shows a lack of sensitivity.
7)We shouldn't spend time on such trivialities.
8)The "universality" of answered prayer from one faith to the next, suggests that, God does not have "favorites" when it comes to religions.
9)I am trying to find how the word 'gloss' applies to linguistics: The questiion reads: "Two of the forms have the same gloss. What distinction might account for this?" The previous questions refer to affixes. Will accept any and all help.
10)The Obama administration is still mulling over how to release gory photos of Bin Laden's body.
11)He pondered the question before he answered.
12)The principal will take whatever action she deems appropriate in this case.
13)<account themselves lucky to be alive>
14)The jury deliberated for two days before reaching a verdict.
15)He contemplated the meaning of the poem for a long time.
16)<I've been meditating a career change for months.>
They found it expedient to negotiate with the terrorists.
Do the right thing, not the expedient thing.
18)Stay on the trail if we get separated.
19)He was beat up by a couple of goons.
20)<an extremely serious scientist who is not much given to dalliance or idle chitchat>
6)scourge→スコージ→少ーじ( ? )るか。⇒懲らしめ
7)scrumptious→スクランプシャス→その歌聞くと誰しもすぐ乱舞しやす、( ? )ので。⇒すごくいい
8)scruple→スクラループル→せっかくの作品スクラップ(ル)するのは( ? )。⇒気がとがめためらった
9)scrupulous→スクリューパラス→マイナス思考より優るプラス思考、そんな係員なら( ? )手を抜かず実直だ。⇒よく調べて吟味した---超苦
10)scrutinize→スクルータナイズ→( ? )と寿司屋の酢飯、酢狂ってないず、とてもうまい。⇒よく吟味する
別案:よく( ? )と、そう狂ってないず。⇒調べてみる---あまりにもぴったりした語呂合わせでも、ぴったりし過ぎて思い出せないときも有り。
11)scurrilous→スカーララス→( ? )も( ? )も、必ず好かれらす、役立つブログ。⇒毒舌で、下品で
12)cow→カウ→買うか買わんかはっきりせいと( ? )れ。⇒脅かさ
13)cox→コックス→風止んで( ? )もコックリとこっくす(コックリする事の方言?)始め。⇒舵取り
14)coy→コイ→恋は( ? )。⇒恥かし
15)coz→コズ→( ? )の数は多過ぎて不明。⇒ いとこ
16)auxiliary→オーグジリアリ→( ? )購入小口より大口利有り。⇒予備品
17)stipulate→スティピュレイト→こんな( ? )や( ? )なんて、全部捨てっぱれーと(「捨ててしまえ」の方言?)皆叫び。⇒取り決め、規定
18)spiny→スパイニ→( ? )で( ? )で失敗に終わりそうだ。⇒トゲだらけ、やっかい
別案:盗もうたって、( ? )で( ? )だから、持ってかれる心配ねー。トゲだらけ、やっかい
19)piracy→パイラシ→彼らの企んだ( ? )に似た( ? )は失敗らしい。⇒海賊行為、著作権侵害行為
20)bur→バー→めったに見られぬ( ? )栗頭のバーコード。⇒毬(いが)
1)McConnell, speaking late on Friday, said a deal was feasible. The GuardianDec 30, 2012
“The market just says, ‘They are not coming up with any feasible plan.’ New York TimesDec 21, 2012
2)Deaf gerbils - the first time the feat had been achieved by using stem cells in animals. BBCDec 29, 2012
Jan Vesely hit back-to-back free throws in the first quarter, the first time he had accomplished that feat since April. Washington PostDec 23, 2012
3)Washington has feasted on lesser competition the past two weeks while building a four-game winning streak. Seattle TimesDec 29, 2012
Extended families gather for a generous feast on New Year's eve. BBCDec 25, 2012
4)The walls are marked with gang signs, demonic drawings, mucus, feces and rust. New York TimesOct 2, 2012
“Well, not really feces,” he quickly acknowledges in the video. New York TimesSep 29, 2012
5)Michael Richards: best known for his role as Seinfeld's feckless neighbour, Kramer. The GuardianDec 5, 2012
Only the poor are feckless, yet employers also freeload on tax credits. The GuardianNov 20, 2012
6)Crucially, immigrant women, whose fecundity had been holding up the U.S. numbers, opted out of the maternity ward in the greatest numbers.---意味不明、分かる方ご指導あれかし。 New York TimesDec 7, 2012
Still more astonishing than our past fecundity in invention would be future barrenness. Hubert, Philip Gengembre
参考)“Some people are just fecund with their minds,” my mom said. SlateJun 5, 2012
Clovers yield several cuttings each year in this fecund territory. Calvert, A. F. (Albert Frederick)
7)Perhaps you are feigning naivety to generate a reaction, looks like it is working . TimeDec 22, 2012
There is the tedium of sitting at a filthy felt table for hours, sometimes days, feigning a studied intensity. SlateNov 17, 2012
8)Heroines can be feisty, like the young woman raising her younger siblings by herself on the astonishingly titled “Hitler Didi.” New York TimesDec 26, 2012
Or maybe the authorities simply decided that holding feisty derby matches fueled by alcohol was probably not the best way to mark the holidays. New York TimesDec 23, 2012
9)The original "feral" youth, they made my childhood seem positively pastoral. BBCNov 28, 2012
They are among Israel's two million or so feral cats - most of whom appear to live in the bin shed outside my apartment building. BBCOct 18, 2012
10)I think everybody is on the Corso looking at the festal preparations. Waddington, Mary Alsop King
They were all sitting in the parlor, waiting, in festal array. Robins, Elizabeth
11)A fervent Chávez follower, Ms. Mocoa was given an apartment in a new government-erected building this year. New York TimesDec 13, 2012
Many Austrians were fervent Nazis but the country has made significant progress in dealing with its role in crimes committed under Hitler. Seattle TimesNov 9, 2012
12)He can catch underneath dumpoffs in the passing game, but unlike Hightower, he is not a fervid or refined blocker. New York TimesJul 23, 2012
The year waxed fervid, and the sun Fell central down. Miller, Joaquin
13)As such the unrealist novel is less tightly fettered to the real world. TimeJul 11, 2012
By nature his ideas were transformed and released from the fetters of inherited prejudice. Mach, Ernst
14)"Preparations for launch at Cape Canaveral have begun," said Major Tracy Bunko at the Pentagon’s Air Force press desk. Scientific AmericanSep 26, 2012
There are several paths toward certification, and the requirements can vary, Air Force spokeswoman Tracy Bunko said. ReutersJun 6, 2012
15)John Cohen, who has previously worked on Iron Man, Despicable Me and Ice Age, will produce the Angry Birds film. BBCDec 12, 2012
Such despicable nonsense is spouted for one reason: to dehumanize Palestinians. NewsweekNov 23, 2012
16)But in France, hateful statements like this are more than contemptible. The GuardianJan 2, 2013
Speaking at the Veterans of Foreign Wars' national conference in Reno, Nevada, Mr Romney said the leaks were "contemptible" and demanded an investigation. BBCJul 25, 2012
17)Starboard said Office Depot's management can cut expenses and take other measures to improve profitability. Wall Street JournalSep 18, 2012
The news of Starboard's letter was first reported in The Wall Street Journal. New York TimesSep 17, 2012
18)BBC Radio 5 live's Colin Paterson said Sir Mick's energy "was just frightening" while described the "sprightly legends" who played a "blistering" set. BBCNov 26, 2012
The sprightly prince has continued to carry out royal duties. ReutersAug 17, 2012
19)They almost deter the poor blunderer in London from ever trying to grow a rose or to talk about one. Pain, Barry
But a second failure is unforgivable, men turn away from the blunderer in contempt. Orczy, Emmuska Orczy, Baroness
20)Even in moments of amorous surrender one part of his women stays unreachable. New York TimesSep 24, 2012
In another, females engineered to produce the pheromone kept the amorous males at bay, even though the females had not mated. BBCAug 20, 2012
21)Its descriptive text — emblazoned in black Chinese characters — was interrupted only by the English words “epicurean powder,” which stood for MSG. SalonDec 25, 2012
They also announced Lisbon’s epicurean ambitions, and validated its achievements. New York TimesMay 26, 2012
22)In the last 50 years, incidence has increased 30-fold. BBCJan 5, 2013
“There are things going on that we don’t understand,” including an increased incidence of otters being killed by sharks. New York TimesDec 21, 2012
23)I was either binge eating or not eating at all. The sky was always falling. SalonJan 5, 2013
Bingeing on prescription painkillers Rising addiction to opiates is tied to pharmaceutical companies’ effort to shape medical opinion and practice. Washington PostJan 2, 2013
24)The moral code in merchandising was yet inchoate, unformed. Hungerford, Edward
Perhaps the protesters were motivated by an inchoate feeling that standard economic theory is inherently slanted toward a conservative world view. New York TimesDec 4, 2011
25)Rachmaninov's The Rock, an early, rather insubstantial tone poem based on Lermontov, was admirably decorous, though it left you wondering why it was chosen. The GuardianDec 15, 2012
Sheridan specialised in decorous English heroines, giving moderately prim performances in an era when being "ladylike" was considered desirable rather than off-putting. The GuardianNov 26, 2012
26)Years of drought beginning in 1999, however, annihilated the Hamouns, desiccating the lakes, displacing communities and turning once-fecund sanctuaries into sterile salt flats. New York TimesOct 19, 2012
“I would welcome the spotlight moving away from what I think is an increasingly tired, hackneyed, desiccated, super-masticated issue,” he said. New York TimesOct 10, 2012
27)自動車メーカーの Fiatとしての例文がほとんどを占めていました。そこには、但し書きとして下記が記述されていました。
You might think a fiat is just an Italian car, but it actually means a legal, authoritative decision that has absolute sanction.
28)It says deputy prime minister Nick Clegg is unhappy with Tory rhetoric contrasting "shirkers verses strivers". BBCJan 8, 2013
That involved sending out local deputy sheriffs in patrol cars with loudspeakers. New York TimesJan 8, 2013
29)This faceted crystal, spouted mixing glass is just too fetching to pass up. New York TimesDec 15, 2012
Given the chance, women bosses match their male counterparts – and spout just as many cliches. The GuardianNov 25, 2012
30)The game has changed dramatically even in 10 years - you cannot win a Super Bowl by playing stout defense, good running game, ball control. New York TimesDec 21, 2012
But it was stout enough to render the UW pass rush only decent, not devastating, as Tuel was sacked four times. Seattle TimesNov 24, 2012
この二つはNHK語学講座「実践ビジネス英話」12月号(lesson12)に、取り上げられていて、「obnoxious jerkというフレーズは最近、最もよく使われる用語の一つ」と解説されていました。両者をこのブログで同一回に掲載したのはまったくの偶然で、実際jerkはアルク社の「毎日一単語」から引用したものでした。尚、テキストの中の例文は次のようなものでした。
The other morning,for example,some obnoxious jerk butted in front of me as I was waiting for the subway, and made me drop my purse.(たとえば、先日の朝地下鉄を待っているときに、とても不愉快な人が私の前に割り込んできて、私はハンドバッグを落としてしまいました。)
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