

                    3/4号(15 out of 1000 )(青色背景文字部は毎回同文)
毎週月曜日9:00更新。今回もご来訪心より感謝申しあげます。各方面から幅広く情報を頂き、このブログをより充実、有益にして行きたく、英語に強い関心持たれておられる方々に、このブログの存在を口伝えに広めて頂けますれば、願ってもないことです。(「eitango-dajare」をグーグる、又は http://eitango-dajare.blogspot.jp/ です。)  



―near words in the dictionary―---fu~の14語、馴染み薄い語ほぼ網羅しています。

1)If you forget any of your lines, try to improvise.
2)The judge excused herself from the case to avoid any appearance of impropriety.
3)<although five different lines had been written, the best choice turned out to be an impromptu from the tired actor himself>
4)improvident statement to threaten regional stability
5)<interrogated him about where he'd gone the night before>
6)Her parents grilled her when she came home late.
7)Police debriefed the hostages upon their return.
8)Add onions and garlic, making sure not to scorch.
9)<bulky packages might cost more to mail>
10)the building's high ceilings and voluminous spaces
11)No one could understand his inner torment.
12)The men were planning to perpetrate a robbery.
13)Use of the company's jet is a perquisite of the job.
14)the gaping maw of the tiger
15)<there's always one maverick who has to go his own way>


1)reprieveレップリーブ「何とか21」って、「りーぷ(れっぷ)、りーぶ」のどっちだった?どちらであれそんなの( ? )にしかず一時の逃げ
2)reprimandレプリマンドゥ(ぷ)り回んど(して回らんと)( ? )されるぞ。けん責
3)reprisalリプライザルリプライざる即ち返答せざるは、国家間では 「( ? )」に同じ。報復
4)reproofリップルーフリップ、ルーフ(天井)にくっつけて何しようというのだと( ? )れ。たしなめ
5)reprove→リップルーブ→リップブ(プ)ル震わし( ? )。激しく叱る
6)repudiate→リピューディエイトゥ→( ? )たらレイプで(え)(と)、どうせ( ? )んだ。拒否し、縁切る
7)repugnant→リパグナントゥ→( ? )(ぱぐ)んとか抑えた。不快このうえなかった
8)repulse→リパルス→立派、留守に押し売り( ? )できたとは。撃退
9)slacker→スラッカー→奴は( ? )すれ(ら)っからしだ。仕事のいい加減
10)polarized→ポラライズドゥ→インスタントカメラ初期はポラライズド(ポラロイドのなまった言い方?)派とデジカメ派とに( ? )された。ウソ。二分
11)hog→ホッグ→そんな( ? )にホグホグのご飯やる事はない。穀つぶし
12)hoard→ホアードゥ→金ならともかく、ゴミをこんなに( ? )とはがある。貯め込む
13)juncture→ジャンクチュアー→我が社の装備こんなジャンクじゃー(ちゅあー)いよいよ全交換の( ? )に来てるな。重大時期
14)authentic→オーセンティック→教え(おーせん)て行くのは、( ? )事に限る。根拠のしっかりした信頼できる
16)hiatus→ハイエタス→( ? )ができたらダメになるのは早えだす割れ目
17)demise→ディマイズ→補修工事は完了し、今後は( ? )者は出まいず死亡
18)huddle→ハドル→ハードルを乗り越え皆( ? )。中に集まった
19)herbal→ハーバル→これらは(は)ばる( ? )ことのできる葉っぱです。ほーばる
20)diffidentディフィデントゥ話し合いには、( ? )人ほど是非(ディフィ)出んといけません。⇒遠慮がち

1)~4)はNHK講座に出てきた単語で三例掲載、敬意を表して太文字表示。ここ一か月以内のものは赤色表示、全例とも一か月以内のものは次の3語。plausible、tantamount、 halting
1)The Argo program, named after the mythical Greek ship, is run by 50 research institutions in more than 30 countries.
Scientific AmericanFeb 12, 2013
Based on Lucy Alibar's play Juicy and Delicious, Zeitlin's unexpected awards contender boasts rising waters, mythical creatures and superbly believable characters.
The GuardianFeb 10, 2013
She described running an outreach programme for children who lived next to fossil sites in the Gobi but who thought dinosaurs were mythical creatures.
The GuardianJan 28, 2013

2)The Japanese business media have been quick to jump on the historical tidbit, trumpeting the Nikkei’s best weekly run in 54 years.
New York TimesFeb 2, 2013
The first few chapters had him sitting in libraries in Australia trying to dig up tidbits about his family history.
SalonJan 16, 2013
He actually wrote pages about sitting in Australian libraries trying to dig up tidbits about his grandfather, a missionary?
SalonJan 16, 2013

3)As “Just So” stories go, it is perfectly plausible.
EconomistFeb 15, 2013
However with interest rates already at extraordinarily low levels it is not plausible that deficit reduction would have a noticeable impact.
The GuardianFeb 9, 2013
Prosthetic eyes were made, realistic skin texture created and a plausible wig added.
BBCFeb 6, 2013

4)Brown was in a brawl last month with fellow singer Frank Ocean outside a West Hollywood recording studio.
ReutersFeb 6, 2013
Ocean has said he wants Brown prosecuted following the Sunday brawl.
ReutersJan 31, 2013
Then came the death sentences handed down Saturday to 21 Port Said soccer fans for their role in a deadly brawl.
New York TimesJan 29, 2013

5)The Dalí painting is filled with classical allusions, possibly reflecting the stories being written about her Capri villa.
The GuardianJan 28, 2013
Given how narrow the subject matter can be, one ends up sussing out which songs sneak in the bawdiest allusions.
New York TimesNov 15, 2012

6)No doubt the assembled throng could have provided countless additional quotations and remembrances.
New York TimesFeb 6, 2013
In fact, "growth figures" needs to come wrapped in quotation marks.
The GuardianJan 26, 2013

7)He and his men also moved 100 meters under heavy fire to recover the bodies of dead soldiers, the citation said.
ReutersFeb 12, 2013
On any given shift, an officer can decide to focus on traffic citations, bike arrests, or busting drug corners.
SlateJan 7, 2013

8)There was once opposition to in vitro fertilisation, with pejorative terms like “test-tube baby” being bandied about.
EconomistOct 26, 2012

The most famous images of physical difference in great art, from Mantegna to Velazquez, are either pejorative or, at best, tragic.
The GuardianAug 29, 2012
9)Houses, some newer ones that stand with a certain hauteur and older ones dating back 70 or 80 years, are often passed down generations.
New York TimesDec 25, 2012
The clothes, equal parts practicality and racy hauteur, represent a contradiction, Ms. Von Teese acknowledged in a telephone interview.
New York TimesJul 28, 2012

10)But wouldn’t life be more entertaining – not to mention more euphonious – if someone like Gore Vidal were writing their dialogue?
New York TimesMay 4, 2012
The slurs at the euphonious jingler and effeminate Alfred are in place no more.
Parsons, Eugene

Smaller companies will show their wares–including some fun ideas, like a gaming device that prints smells–in the Eureka Park hall.
ForbesJan 5, 2013
Some reviewers also like the Eureka AirSpeed, but, as mixed Amazon reviews indicate, it leaves dirt behind on hardwood floors.
SalonAug 20, 2012

12)For hours, Republicans fulminated about the Justice Department’s alleged malfeasance and renewed calls for Holder to resign.
TimeJun 21, 2012

In years past, Bradbury has fulminated against automobiles,telephones, and TV sets; more recent targets include ATMs, theInternet, and personal computers.
SlateJun 7, 2012
13)Mr. George Rutherford, as I have hinted in a former chapter, was becoming entangled in his pecuniary circumstances.
Roe, Azel Stevens
Always in pecuniary straits through his extravagance, he pursued a foreign policy which would have been expensive under the most careful management.

14)Las Vegas odds show that gamblers think falling in love with team synergy is tantamount to cheap complacency.
Washington PostFeb 28, 2013

By comparison, he said, a provocateur like Michael Moore is tantamount to an opinion page writer.
Seattle TimesFeb 16, 2013
15)Sunday was sanctified by rest, but on Monday the bank won four thousand sequins.
Seingalt, Jacques Casanova de

In other words, that Sunday is not holy enough to sanctify fraud.
Ingersoll, Robert Green
16)Some Democrats in Congress are sanguine about the cuts, happy to see military spending, viewed as too big anyway, take the brunt.
The GuardianFeb 26, 2013
But other transplant experts such as Abul-Ezz are less sanguine, citing evidence that raises red flags.
Washington PostJan 29, 2013

17)Mr. Stucky has long written in an intricate, pungent yet transparent and, in the best sense, accessible musical language, as in this symphony.
New York TimesDec 1, 2012

He likes this kind of language - folksy, sometimes pungent turns of phrase.
BBCNov 29, 2012
18)However, several others argued there was a danger in halting it prematurely.
ReutersFeb 26, 2013
Indeed, by endangering the economy's halting recovery, they would be counterproductive.
The GuardianFeb 25, 2013

19)Mr Davies is an evangelist for considered investing.
BBCJan 15, 2013

Evangelist Pat Robertson once stated that the world would end on April 29, 2007.
NewsweekDec 21, 2012
20)The baffling evanescence of dreams caught sight of on awakening is familiar to every one.
Leuba, James H. (James Henry)

He belted out a cover of Bring Me To Life by American goth rockers Evanescence.
BBCJun 3, 2011



このブログは 「難解英単語ダジャレ集」をグーグる、又はhttp://eitango-dajare.blogspot.jp/で開きます。お知り合いの方々ににご紹介賜りますれば幸甚です。




             2/25号(15of 985)(青色背景文字部は毎回同文)
 毎週月曜日9:00更新。今回もご来訪心より感謝申しあげます。各方面から幅広く情報を頂き、このブログをより充実、有益にして行きたく、英語に強い関心持たれておられる方々に、このブログの存在を口伝えに広めて頂けますれば、願ってもないことです。(「eitango-dajare」をグーグる、又は http://eitango-dajare.blogspot.jp/ です。)

また、ハッとする英文見つけました。(7/2号←リンクされてます、参照)英詩の中の”Bloom where God has planted you.”という文章、今高年者間で話題の渡辺和子氏の著書の題名となった原典なのだそうですが、英文とはこんな簡単な用語でこんな意味深い事柄が表現できてしまうのか、と驚いたのです。訳すと「置かれた場所で咲きなさい」という、味もそっけもない和文になってしまうのですが(和文でも意味深か)、英文だと何故か印象深く感じる(以前もそうでした。)、これは私だけでしょうか。(この文の解釈として、私の趣味の囲碁での話ですが、「どんな不利に見える盤面でも、そこからゲームが始まったつもりで最善を尽くすべし」という格言を思い出します。ゴルフにも有り勝負事にはつきもののようですね、この考えかた、人生は勝負ではありませんが---。)余談ですが、日本人には訳語のように”Bloom where you have been(下線部wereがベターか) planted.”のような受け身の形の方がピンときますが、ネーティブは逆のようですね。英語なるものが一つの事を言うのに千通りの言い方ができてしまう言語だからこそ、簡単・簡潔に言われると、ズキンとする。もしそうだとすると、英文学という学問が存在するのも分かる気がします。(以前、覚えればよいだけの唯の言葉でなにが学問かと英文学の存在を揶揄しましたが。)色は千色あれど、少ない色(学校英語に相当?)でも、無色(身振り手振りに相当?---shrugという動作は日本人には本当に似合わないですね、何でなのでせうあれは、一体全体。移民したJapaneseAmericanのその動作見てみたい、例えば現在NHKのトレッドジャパンに出演中のShimabukuro氏などの。)でさえも、感動的な絵が描けてしまう、そんな芸術なのか、英文とは---。「さー今日は、どんな言葉でどう言おか、」こう考えると、英語の発信型学習も心躍る作業ですね。頑張れ、発信英語学習者!このブログが受信の為のものである事も忘れ、一転英語礼賛になってしまいました、それも発信英語の---ははは。ともあれ、複雑な事には違いないようです(知らないから複雑に感じるだけか)。学習者のレベルでは、もっともっと単純に考えて良い、いや、べきなのでしょうが---。






He was sentenced to death but then reprieved.
The library has been reprieved and will remain open for at least another year.

2)<while reviewing the troops, the officer delivered a curt reprimand to one of the soldiers>

3)Enemy officers suffered harsh reprisals.

4)The fear of reproof prevented them from complaining.

5)The teacher reproved the student for being late.

6)He has publicly repudiated the government's policies.

7)<technically speaking, it may not be a violation, but it is certainly repugnant to the spirit of the law>

8)I was repulsed by the movie's violence.

9)The people I work with are a bunch of slackers.

10)The war has polarized the nation.---他動詞用法

11)Don't be such a hog! Other people have to eat too!

12)<keeps a hoard of empty yogurt containers in his basement workshop for storing whatnots>

13)Negotiations between the countries reached a critical juncture.

14)Experts have confirmed that the signature on the letter is authentic.

15)bears hibernating in their dens

16)The band is making an album again after a five-year hiatus.

17)<our much beloved, recently demised leader>

18)We huddled around the campfire.

19)The herbal tea quickly cleared up my headache.

20)She was diffident about stating her opinion.



1)mythical→ミシカル→インチキ( ? )(せ)怒る神話
2)tidbit→チドビト→どんな人々好きで探し回る( ? )。耳より情報
3)plausible→プローシブル→アマのみならずプロを搾る、( ? )指弾。もっともらしい
4)brawl→ブロール→素手でブローる(なぐり合う)( ? )取っ組み合い
5)terrain→テライン→山の上のその( ? )は密教の寺にしたらいいん( ? )ですよ、丁度寺いいん!。土地、地形
6)、7)allusion,citation→アルージョン、サイテーション→あなたの著書には、他人の著作物からの( ? )が有るーじょん最低しょん(でしょう)。引用部
8)pejorative→ピジョラティブ→美女ら恥部隠さず」は美女を( ? )言い回し。軽蔑する
9)hauteur→ホーテハ→体罰はってはおけんと言う( ? )幹部たち。高慢な
10)euphonious→ユーホーニアス→焦点を聞く方より言う方に合わす、( ? )は良くなる。口調
11)eureka→ユーリカ→やったー!ヤリイカ( ? )見つけた
12)fulminate→フルミネート→温泉は湯温の管理が大事。良く風呂(フル)見ねーこっぴどく( ? )客達は。非難する
13)pecuniary→ペクニアリ→人々の関心のピークに有り、( ? )問題は。金銭上の
14)tantamount→タンタマウント→タンの検査はタン溜まんとしない( ? )に等しい
15)sanctify→サンクティファイ→参宮手配は身を( ? )から。清めて---サンクティファイから参宮手配を連想するのは無理があるか、要改良。
16)sanguine→サングイン→解散無しの参議員は( ? )楽観的
17)pungent→パンジェント→( ? )批評にも動じないよう対策を万全(パンジェン)した。辛辣な
18)halting→ホールティング→変な男紹介さるも、( ? )も惚れて(ん)女ごころ。ためらいながら
19)evangelist→→イヴァンゲリストそんなに威張んじゃリストから外しちゃうよ、( ? )の候補リストから。福音伝道者
20)evanescence→イヴァンネセンス→どうせ( ? )事を知ってる者は決して威張んねせんす(威張る事はないものです)。いずれ消えゆく


1)In August, his government drew international condemnation for executing nine death-row inmates by firing squad, prompting it to suspend 38 other planned executions.
ReutersJan 20, 2013
Earlier this month, a decision by an appeals court to uphold prison terms for 13 protest leaders drew international condemnation.
ReutersJan 18, 2013

2)In response to denunciations by Jesse Helms, the longtime North Carolina senator, Act Up members stretched a giant condom over his home.
New York TimesSep 21, 2012
They too are waiting for Anderson’s fearless denunciation.
TimeSep 2, 2012

3)The IMF on Friday formally censured Argentina for putting out inaccurate data.
BBCFeb 5, 2013
Why do these offensive images in Hogarth's art escape censure?
The GuardianJan 30, 2013


5)This season Mr. Tharaud took a little flak for performing recitals in New York using printed scores.
New York Times Jan 1, 2013
Palestinians, while also hard hit by the austerity measures, have mostly laid low to avoid political flak.
Reuters Nov 29, 2012

6)At least “Amaluna” is consistent, in paying homage to all things womanly.
Seattle Times Feb 2, 2013
Anthology Film Archives is paying homage to Vogel with a series, starting Wednesday, of more than two dozen works discussed in his book.
New York Times Feb 3, 2013

7)She will accept her latest accolade at this year's awards ceremony, to be held in London's Royal Opera House on 10 February.

BBCJan 30, 2013
Along the way, Horowitz has received countless personal accolades. SlateJan 28, 2013

8)In fairness, in her eulogy, Ms. Rice said she differed with Mr. Meles on questions like democracy and human rights.

New York TimesDec 10, 2012
Journalists, normally a sour lot, queued up to deliver eulogies at the post-fight news conference. BBCNov 25, 2012

9)It has come to this: Later today, esteemed members of the U.S.

TimeJan 24, 2013
Layton said it "feels really good to be in such esteemed company".
BBCJan 21, 2013

10)“I hardly eat anything except those,” Ms. Johnson said, legs akimbo in her pink chintz chair.

New York TimesDec 20, 2012
The fire-light's glow fell no longer on leather and oak, but on old flowered chintz and mahogany.... Williams, Wayland Wells

11)Especially with Package A folks, who were going chintzy in the first place?
The New YorkerOct 8, 2012
Fortunately the show’s chintzy elements are offset not only by the performers’ extraordinary abilities but also by their mostly self-effacing manners.
New York TimesJul 23, 2012

12)Here in the States, though, no one comes close to Davis and White's exquisite performances. Seattle TimesJan 26, 2013
An exquisite work, it was beautifully played by Li-Wei Qin.
The GuardianJan 22, 2013

13)His playing was polished yet essayistic and almost extemporaneous. New York TimesDec 11, 2012
In typical Clinton form, much of his convention speech was extemporaneous. New York TimesSep 11, 2012

14)His favorite tactic is unpacking rhetoric, explicating dog whistles, revealing subtext. New York TimesOct 4, 2012
In his illuminating new book, the journalist Jonah Lehrer explicates some now classic case studies. New York TimesApr 3, 2012

15)On Saturday, Mr Belaid accused "mercenaries" hired by Ennahda of carrying out an attack on a DP meeting. BBCFeb 7, 2013
On Saturday he accused "mercenaries" hired by the Ennahda party of carrying out an attack on a Democratic Patriots meeting.
BBCFeb 6, 2013

16)As Cage wryly acknowledged in 1950: "Marcel was using chance operations the year I was born." The GuardianJan 7, 2013
Many observers wryly noted on social media that the opera house was a fitting setting for the speech.
New York TimesJan 6, 2013

17)Beginning to panic, Mr. Fee found the kitchen window ajar and climbed in through it.
New York TimesFeb 3, 2013
He did not look like someone who would play next season, though the door was left almost imperceptibly ajar.
New York TimesJan 21, 2013

18)China would exploit hitherto untapped resources of coal gas that, instead of blowing up miners, would run power plants.
NewsweekFeb 5, 2013
The scientists say the find sheds light on hitherto unexplored subterranean habitats in India.
BBCDec 14, 2012

19)“I hardly eat anything except those,” Ms. Johnson said, legs akimbo in her pink chintz chair.
New York TimesDec 20, 2012
I’d held pen and notepad akimbo and reported hypocritically at points.
SalonNov 15, 2012

20)Security Council described it as a heinous act.
ReutersFeb 3, 2013
Security Council strongly condemned the attack as a heinous act.
ReutersFeb 2, 2013



このブログは 「難解英単語ダジャレ集」をグーグる、又はhttp://eitango-dajare.blogspot.jp/で開きます。お知り合いの方々ににご紹介賜りますれば幸甚です。





              2/18号(20of 970)(青色背景文字部は毎回同文)
毎週月曜日9:00更新。今回もご来訪心より感謝申しあげます。各方面から幅広く情報を頂き、このブログをより充実、有益にして行きたく、英語に強い関心持たれておられる方々に、このブログの存在を口伝えに広めて頂けますれば、願ってもないことです。(「eitango-dajare」をグーグる、又は http://eitango-dajare.blogspot.jp/ です。)  





1)Animals and Mythical Creatures---NHK教材は句だけなので、辞書からの例文を補完しておきます。Hercules was a mythical hero who was half man and half god.
2)Here's an interesting new titbit(米語の綴りはtidbid---米語ではtがdに発音され易いことがこれでよく判りますね。ブリティッシュ英語はt音がとにかく強い.
3)"Oh! Maybe she saw a bear and mistook it for Bigfoot." "That's plausible."
4)Two patients were being treated for injuries from a brawl.
5)At St.Bernard Ski Resort they have over 3.000 acres divided into beginner,intermediate and expert terrain.
既掲載)badger and mule: I don't mean to badger you.I can be as stubborn as a mule.
venomous:"You are a snake in Chinese animal sign.""So am I venomous?""Far from it. Snakes are witty and wise."
eerie:"Do you hear what I hear? "" Yes. It's eerie. I7D say it's a woman singing!"
6)The lyrics contain biblical allusions.
7)The Science Citation Index covers approximately 3,500 of the world's leading scholarly journals in more than 150 disciplines.
8)<the reviewer used the pejorative word versifier to refer to the writer, whose poems had struck a responsive chord with the general public>
9)<she looked at him with the hauteur of someone who is accustomed to being instantly obeyed>
10)<an opera singer with an appropriately euphonious name>
11)The word was used to describe a new breakthrough anti-aging product. "This is a real eureka product!"
12)She was fulminating about the dangers of smoking.
13)<that makes good pecuniary sense>
14)His statement was tantamount to an admission of guilt
15)The priest sanctified their marriage.
16)She has a sanguine disposition.
17)The left has often complained that what it needs isn't polite speech, but voices as pungent as those on the right.
18)She answered in a halting voice.
19)an evangelist of space exploration
20)<the evanescence of a rainbow detracts not a whit from its beauty>                         

1)condemnation→コンデンネイション→( ? )れたのはどれ?こんで(ん)ねーしょん?(これでもないでしょう) 非難
2)denunciation→デナンシエイション→こんなに( ? )にさらされ、(で)なんしえーしょん非難
3)censure→センシュア→先週また( ? )受けたね。非難
4)rap→ラップ→ラップミュージックは、高年者には( ? )され易い。非難
5)flak→フラック→いっせいに( ? )フラッ(ク)を揚げた。非難
5ー2)rebuke→レビューク→分量の多さのレビュー苦を読者は( ? )非難
6)homage→ホウミッジ→( ? )するならするで早く褒めっじまえ。尊敬
7)accolade→アコレイド→「出品作多いけど、どれも今一だ。」「これどー(これーど)( ? )あげていいね、これ。」
8)eulogy→ユーロジー→孫の事は何でもいいから( ? )たいと言う老人褒め
9)esteem→エスティーム→( ? )ものには、心からーすって言い(む)しょう。尊敬
10)chintz→チンツ→ある組織に反抗して銃撃受けた少女、鎮痛な面持ちで( ? )に身を包み。インドサラサ
11)chintzy→チンツィ→賃ついケチって、( ? )非難され。しみったれ
12)exquisite→エグズクイズイット→前菜、あといくつ食い、じっと待ってりゃいいの、( ? )料理された主菜を。精細
13)extemporaneous→エクステンポラナス→あといくつ天ぷらねいやす(無いですか)、( ? )ラーメンに入れるテンプラ即席
14)explicate→エクスプリケイト→そう言えばいままでの体罰( ? )されてなかったね、( 仝 )されるのいくつ振りけーと、皆聞いた。解明
15)mercenary→マーセナリ→子供のくせに、( ? )とは、おませなり金目当て
16)wryly→ゥライリ→晴れの入学式で、( ? )とは、さては裏入り(「裏口入学」のここだけの新語)か。ふてくされて
17)ajar→アジャー→あじゃー、冷蔵庫( ? )だ。半ドア
18)hitherto→ヒザトゥー→膝と膝 突き合わせて語る間柄には( ? )まだなってはいない今のところ
19)akimbo→アキンボウ→飽きん坊はすぐそれだ、( ? )プイっとする。両手腰に張って
20)heinous→ヘイナス→北アフリカの護衛兵、なすすべ無しの( ? )事件。凶悪
eerie、daunting、dormantuntapped、transmitconvey、foliage、salute、 oozingaffliction、entail、entity

1)Tanner provided its eerie sound on several Beach Boys recordings, including "Good Vibrations."
Seattle TimesFeb 7, 2013
Other stories in “We Live in Water” are eerier, like “Thief.”
New York TimesFeb 1, 2013
2)Duluoz arrives at night, making his way there through the spooky oceanic dark.
SlateJan 15, 2013
"Pretty Wicked Things" is spooky and eerie - in a good way.
Seattle TimesJan 15, 2013
3)Gad said playing a living person was daunting, but that acting was, by its nature, pretending.
The GuardianFeb 1, 2013
She also said service members overseas faced sometimes daunting obstacles in voting.
New York TimesJan 31, 2013
4)Adding Pages to a Songbook Can one astoundingly gifted singer revive a beloved but dormant jazz vocal tradition?
New York TimesFeb 4, 2013
That’s because the chickenpox virus remains in the body, lying dormant in the roots of nerves, and can reactivate many years later.
TimeJan 30, 2013

5)But finding effective ways of utilising their latent power have proved elusive.
BBCJan 14, 2013
Hibino believes conditions are now ripe for capturing that latent demand.
ReutersDec 26, 2012

6)Even grief is a blunt instrument in this torpid place.
The GuardianDec 19, 2012
The question presses still, though the wind is no longer torpid.
The GuardianJul 7, 2012
7)China would exploit hitherto untapped resources of coal gas that, instead of blowing up miners, would run power plants.
NewsweekFeb 5, 2013

He thinks there is an untapped market for distinctive, local spirits, just as there proved to be for craft beers, he said.
New York TimesFeb 4, 2013
8)How it works: You can transmit contact information by tapping together two products containing NFC chips.
IncFeb 7, 2013
A feed from the high-security courtroom at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, was transmitted to several locations inside the United States, including Fort Meade.
New York TimesFeb 5, 2013(vt),⑤convey(vt)

8-2)Someone talking about work on an Alzheimer's drug, for example, might mention their grandmother's experience with the condition to convey how devastating the symptoms are.
NatureFeb 7, 2013
Volkswagen said the accent is intended to convey a "relaxed cheerful demeanor."
Seattle TimesJan 30, 2013

9)Bring back, he cried, “the old foliage and acid reviews.”
New York TimesJan 31, 2013
It's also well maintained to stop foliage limiting visibility.
NatureJan 31, 2013

10)“I’ve been — not irrelevant — but on sabbatical, out of the limelight,” Plummer said while standing in front of a Times Square hotel before the promotion.
New York TimesNov 26, 2012
Guardiola has taken a year's sabbatical in New York and has no intention of returning before he originally planned.
The GuardianNov 22, 2012      

11)He cites the dearth in developing countries of enforceable safety rules, health care for workers and courts to redress grievances when things go wrong.
EconomistJan 25, 2013
Across the nation, ski resorts are increasingly trying to make up for a dearth of snowfall by manufacturing their own.
New York TimesDec 7, 2012
12)Chanting monks led Buddhist prayers for the former king, before an artillery salute sounded out and fireworks were set off.
BBCFeb 5, 2013
He saluted the crowd as he was taken off the icy course.
Seattle TimesJan 30, 2013
13)Mr. Clemens’s blue-collar credentials are close to impeccable, but around these hard men he’s a mewling yuppie.
New York TimesJan 19, 2011
His mewling, puking boss tried to backpedal and mutter something about a tax break for married couples but he might as well save his breath.
The GuardianOct 9, 2010

14)At his local bar, for example, an imitation Irish pub, the bartender sedates the customers by showing them sumo wrestling highlights.
New York TimesJan 3, 2013
“He was sedated,” Mr. Hammond, “and he said.
New York TimesDec 24, 2012

15)His remarks often sounded like pronouncements by an officeholder, proposing policy changes and oozing invective for political opponents and journalistic rivals.
New York TimesFeb 1, 2013
Within seconds, tweet after tweet poured in; anger, disgust, disbelief oozing through each hastily written entry.
Seattle TimesJan 26, 2013

16)Perhaps in writing Sorry! he will have found a cure for his affliction.
The GuardianJan 27, 2013
Larimore: An affliction that has once again turned his life—or at least his apartment—upside down.
SlateJan 23, 2013

17)The Air Force, meanwhile, is leaving the tracking to NASA, said spokesman Major Eric Badger.
Washington PostFeb 8, 2013
The Badgers have relied heavily on Paige's scoring prowess this season.
Seattle TimesFeb 1, 2013

18)We know that virtually every single mental disorder identified thus far has a heritable basis.
SalonJan 25, 2013

Then, too, much evidence has come to light recently showing that sex-characters in certain cases behave as heritable characters and are independent of external conditions.
Guyer, Michael F.
19)Broiling Broiling entails cooking food under high, direct heat for a short period of time.
TimeFeb 1, 2013
Switching batteries would come at a steep cost, and would likely entail months of engineering work as well as new certification by regulators.
New York TimesJan 30, 2013
20)World leaders should declare Hezbollah a terrorist entity, Israel's leader has said, hours after Bulgaria blamed the Lebanese group for a deadly bus bomb.
BBCFeb 6, 2013
At least six states or political entities are engaged in territorial disputes with China, three of which are close strategic partners of the United States.
TimeFeb 1, 2013



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1)The plan has drawn condemnation from both sides.
2)The attack drew strong denunciations from leaders around the world.
3)The country faces international censure for its alleged involvement in the assassination.
4)It was a bum rap.---a bum rapは「ケチ」の慣用語らしいです。
5)He caught heavy flak for his decision to oppose the new school.
5-2)<the father was forced to rebuke his son for the spendthrift ways he had adopted since arriving at college>
6)Her book is a homage to her favorite city.
7)There is no higher accolade at this school than an honorary degree.
8)He delivered a moving eulogy at his father's funeral.
9)She has won esteem for her work with cancer patients.
10)The door gave access to a tidily furnished sitting-room where chintz and oak predominated .
11)The boss is chintzy about raises.
12)He chose his words with exquisite care.
13)<caught by surprise, I had to make an extemporaneous speech at the awards banquet>
14)<the physicist did his best to explicate the wave theory of light for the audience of laymen>
15)an army of foreign mercenaries---金だけで雇われた傭兵(国を守ろうという気概のない)
16)Since everybody had a big laugh and none of them felt like continuing the discussion, they have reached an agreement in the conference while the Cabinet member was smiling wryly.(苦笑いする)
17)"The windows were left ajar and gleaming white against the fresh grass outside that seemed to grow a little way into the house."
18)<at the talent show Kyle revealed his hitherto unknown gift for doing impressions>
19)When I was a young girl, my mother would try to make me more ladylike. She would say, "Don't sit with your legs all akimbo." So, of course, I consider "legs all akimbo" to be a sign of great freedom.
20)These murders were especially heinous.

1)eerie→イーリエ→( ? )化け物が出現したのはその湖の入り江だった、忘れもしない13日の金曜日。不気味な
2)spook→スプーク→( ? ) 出て慌て果て、スクープとスプーク取り違える新聞記者幽霊
4)dormant→ドーマント→ここで活動止まんと、( ? )はならない。休眠状態
5)latent→レイテント→テスト零点なっても、我が子の( ? )能力信じる親。潜在
6)torpid→トーピッド→突飛ど感じる行動必要、( ? )組織を覚ますには。休眠
8)transmit,convey→トランズミット・コンヴェイ→新聞取らんず見っと(見ようと)してるんだ。せめて自分でこんべ( ? )運ぼう
9)foliage→フォーリエッジ→法輪寺の樹木の( ? )は良く茂り。
10)sabbatical→サバティカル→その教授、( ? )で在米中、(ば)って行か(る)てるのではない。研究休暇       
11)dearth→ダース→ダースも( ? )してる不足
12)salute→サリュート→なると( ? )が重要。挨拶
13)mewl→ミュール→母を求めているように見ゆる( ? )子かな。弱々しく泣く
14)sedate→シデイト→怪我をして早しでーと頼んでも、腰を落として( ? )看護師さん。落ち着いている
15)ooze→ウーズ→膿が( ? )て傷口がうずじくじく出
16)afflict→アフリクト→あの事件思う時、溢れ来っと塗炭の( ? )苦しみ
17)badger→バジャー→( ? )を( ? )はばじゅ(罰)免れん。アナグマいじめて
18)heritable→ヘリタブル→( ? )、今までのパンへり食べるような生活から解放されるぞ。相続できれば
19)entail→エンテイル→( ? )円出る分からんぞその事業。いくらかかるか
20)entity→エンティティ→エンターテインメントはただ楽しいだけで何の( ? )もないものだ。実体


1)Bingeing on prescription painkillers Rising addiction to opiates is tied to pharmaceutical companies’ effort to shape medical opinion and practice.
Washington PostJan 2, 2013
Bingeing on prescription painkillers Rising addiction to opiates is tied to pharmaceutical companies’ effort to shape medical opinion and practice. Washington PostJan 1, 2013
2)He opined that he would do it only if he could be appointed.New York TimesJan 15, 2013Unfortunately, two months ago, he opined that Mr. Bloomberg was “an idiot.”New York TimesJan 15, 2013

3)Animal studies show these hormones are developed only in the last third of gestation.
ReutersDec 12, 2012
The Marie Stopes clinic says it will carry out medical not surgical procedures and only within the permitted nine-week gestation period. BBCOct 11, 2012
4)“Transaction in pure delight and amazement isn’t about being cheap,” he said.Washington PostJan 25, 2013
Visa processes over 50 billion transactions each year. New York TimesJan 26, 2013

5)Whether discussing determinism or transcendent love, they all speak in clichés that would barely muster C’s on high school papers.
New York TimesJan 24, 2013
Whatever its purpose, there’s something innately transcendent about stained glass. New York TimesJan 17, 2013

6)When it comes to Chinese-style scandal, Mr. Yi’s transgressions — at least those alleged by his former lover — are not particularly spectacular.
New York TimesJan 18, 2013
An earnest belief that a better world will only be reached after several thousand hours of angry dissent over absolutely every linguistic transgression ever made? The GuardianJan 14, 2013

7)Modeled on beech tree roots, the bronze work evokes two central themes in Ms. Bhuta’s art: spatial exploration and the idea of transience.
New York TimesOct 11, 2012
It's this reaction that gives pleasure its defining feature - transience. BBCJan 25, 2011

8)Gatland promptly fell off a ladder and severely injured his heels, making the transition on all fronts even more fractured.
The GuardianJan 27, 2013
The issue also comes as major national security posts are in transition. New York TimesJan 26, 2013

9)Instead, the children's words are transposed into adult situations.
The GuardianAug 16, 2012
He was a talented musician who transposed Tibetan folk songs he heard on the way to Everest. The GuardianMay 19, 2012

10)The New York Daily Times, Washington letter, dated June 9: Douglas was much disconcerted to-day by Senator Trumbull's keen exposure of his Nebraska sophism.
White, Horace
He unmasked the sophisms of crowned crime, comforted weak hearts, and restored to honest men right notions of moral law, which had been momentarily obscured. Smith, G. Barnett

11)And then there are countless other quibbles a moviegoer could fairly make.
Seattle TimesJan 11, 2013
Just one quibble I will express: Italy's is not any longer a Socialist economy. EconomistOct 20, 2012

12)Samuel L Jackson played an FBI agent on board a flight packed with venomous snakes planted to kill the witness who is in his care.
The GuardianJan 10, 2013
But beneath all that glitter is a bitter, sometimes venomous, always fascinating political argument. New York TimesDec 1, 2012

13)The shift’s supervisor told the five agents reporting to work in the morning that two other mules had gotten away.
New York TimesJan 25, 2013
Some couplings between closely related species result in familiar hybrids, like the mule.New York TimesNov 27, 2013
14)The best scored predictions for each locus are selected using multiple positive factors including EST and peptide support, and one negative factor: overlap with repeats. NatureDec 20, 2012
Hence, the highly differentiated loci can provide important clues for searching the genes involved in local adaptation.NatureOct 25, 2012

15)Yes, the show occasionally floats interesting trivia, but in general Mr. Hembrough’s chitchat isn’t very sharp.
New York TimesAug 15, 2012
After some chitchat about fertilizer and rhododendrons, Mr. Green shared the strange circumstances of his visit.New York TimesMar 25, 2012

16)I'm going to stick with things like peanut butter and jelly, and my other Americanized condiments.New York TimesJan 24, 2013
Tucked among the pages are actual recipes for building blocks like sauces, stocks, condiments or dough-based items.

New York TimesDec 21, 2012

17)Dazzle camouflage was originally used to break apart the gestalt image of warships, making it hard to discern their directionality, size, and orientation.

SalonJan 11, 2013
Indeed, disclosure has taken on the gestalt of confession: Dump the information and be absolved of further moral or legal responsibility.New York TimesJan 22, 2012

18)Snatched away; seized or possessed, as a demoniac; raving; mad; crackÐbrained.

Webster, Noah
Such people are spoken of as "demoniacs," or as being "possessed of devils" or "unclean spirits."Ross, Lady Mary

19)For several days, every pore seemed to be bleeding white pus.
SalonDec 26, 2012
One week later, his foot swelled up, and the wound began oozing pus.Scientific AmericanSep 1, 2012

20)Successful manufacturing's ancient virtue of adaptability came into play and they ended up with eight dovetailing sections.
The GuardianJan 16, 2013Bill George’s foreword misleadingly suggests that conscious capitalism “dovetails perfectly” with the shared value idea of Harvard Business School guru, Michael Porter.ForbesJan 6,2013
