



―near words in the dictionary―ste~5語
1)彼はいつも私の代わり(す)てっど。⑪stead(n)--- in stead of,in one's stead として使用。


"wearing pants and suspenders"米語:「サスペンダー付きのズボンをはいている。」英国英語:「ガーター付きの女性の下着を身に着けている。」となり、ここまで違うものがある事にはビックリ。現代の日本の方の多くは米語で英語を習っているケースが多く、英国人に対して英語を使うときは本当に要注意ですね。


1)We concur that more money should be spent on education.
2)What did he do to incur such wrath?
3)No one was ready for what was about to occur.
4)There is only a slight chance that the disease will recur.
5)She had to endure the ignominy of being forced to resign.
6)<an ignoble child who would one day grow up to be a prince among playwrights>
7)The paper ignited on contact with sparks.
8)layers of igneous rock of differing density and composition
9)go stag
10)a puddle of stagnating water
11)<everyone was surprised by the racy joke from the usually staid professor>
12)<the stalwart soldiers in the army of Alexander the Great, who willingly followed him to the ends of the known world>
13)a stampede of new applicants
14)<the stanchion of an arch>
15)The police found where he had stashed the drugs.
16)NASA's spin-offs
17)His discoveries have given impetus to further research.
18)That's a bummer if I ever heard one.
19)He is a professor emeritus of a private university.
20)There is a sense of moral duty implicit in her writings.
1)molecule漏れ来る( ? )の粒が漏れ来る分子
2)momentousもめんだす( ? )事決めたからもうもめんだす重要な
3)monasteryものは捨てり欲という邪魔ものは捨てり( ? )に。男子修道院
4)monogumousものがまんすすべてのものがまんする事出来る( ? )夫婦。一夫一婦主義
5)moroseもうろうす( ? )爺ちゃん意識もうろうす陰気で気難しい
6)muddleまどろ( ? )まどろっこしい。まごつかせた
7)mundane無駄ねそんな( ? )手法じゃ無駄ね平凡な
8)mushyまし冷酷より( ? )方がまだましだ。涙もろい
9)musterマスター金の( ? )方はマスターしとけ。集め
10)murky真っ黄真っ黄色から一転( ? )空。暗く曇った
11)abhorrentアブ惚れんと誰も虫を好きにはなれない、アブ惚れんと( ? )忌み嫌う
12)nunなんなんで( ? )になりたいの。尼さん
13)needyねーでーうちはまだそんなに( ? )いーでー困窮し
14)naughtyノーって何を言ってもノーって言う( ? )子供。聞き分けのない
15)nomadicの馬で行く( ? )の馬で行く旅はすばらしい。遊牧民
16)interveneいいんだべーん( ? )くれるがいるんだからケンカになってもいいんだべーん仲裁し
17)frantic不乱で行く不乱で行とは何と( ? )こと。あわただしい
18)grubby比べどっちが( ? )るまでもない。汚い
19)paralizeパラライズド(ポラロイド)パラライズド(ポラロイド)カメラは今じゃ( ? )役に立たない。動かず
20)scrupulousスクリュープラスマイナスのスクリュードライバーは今は使われない、スクリュープラスが( ? )だ。良心的


1)Saying it's just the way things are seems like a total cop out to me.
Those words, in that order, read immediately like a cop out, an attempt to side-step responsibility for prejudiced thoughts or actual racist behavior.
He tried to cop out and not pay his share of the dinner bill.
Don't cop out! This project was your idea, so you have the responsibility to stay with it until it is finished.
2)Meanwhile, Skeletal Family's The Wind Blows uproots saplings and rips off shingles with violent gusts, shrieking and gibbering around the chimney pots
    Falling over in public becomes, not mildly awkward, but an experience of gibbering self-mortification
3)I took a deep breath – an almost giddy, euphoric feeling came over me.  
  And then, seconds after Nieuwenhuis’s game-winning blast, Grandpa Larry called in on my cellphone all giddy.
4)Although he laments the lower decibels at today's gigs, Miller says bands in Detroit are still among the loudest playing.
  Hill learned only last Wednesday that he’d scored his latest gig.
5)They, however, seemed delighted, giggling like little schoolgirls as they made their pitch.
  Hamilton giggled in delight over the team radio immediately after taking pole and he said he had not expected to qualify at the front.
6)Moyes also lost the guiding hand of chief executive David Gill following his departure.
    By the time I applied to college an interest in government had displaced gills — or so I thought, listing political science as my intended major.
7)Yields on 10-year UK bonds - known as gilts - touched 3.005%.
    Interest rates have been kept artificially low through monetary policy, which has held down gilt yields.
8)Sanchez liked to garden, do crossword puzzles, and play gin rummy every night with friends, according to Guinness.---「gin rummy」はトランプゲームの一種の模様。以下はwikipediaより。
ジン・ラミー(英語: gin rummy、単にジンとも呼ばれる)は簡単な2人用のカードゲームである。コントラクトブリッジ、ポーカーと並ぶ世界三大カードゲームの一つ。ラミーから派生したゲームであり、ラミーよりも短時間で決着がつく。
9)He said this after an aide gingerly placed a couple of bottles of mineral water in front of us.
    Williams landed hard and got up gingerly after the play, then headed to the locker room not long after.
10)Townspeople and officials are girding for greater masses once opening statements are under way.
       Law firms also are girding for leaner times.
11)University of Washington aeronautics researcher John Slough says that with a fusion propulsion system, travel time shrinks to something like 30–90 days.
       Although Rodgers sloughed off Jennings’s earlier remarks, Packers Coach Mike McCarthy could not resist a poke at Jennings.
12)Even though Idol is no slouch, it does show signs of winding down at some point.
       The S.E.C.’s team also sat wordlessly in their assigned spots, with the lead lawyer, Matthew Martens, assuming his usual slouched position.
13)Now, in some woods “where things have no names,” Alice meets a fawn.
       Not only are internet security and identity verification uber-important spaces and ever in demand, but investors are fawning over the Cork-based company.
14)But at present there is only one stance they can adopt with any dignity: one of abject, unbounded, grovelling humility.
       The resulting botched article, however, had to be retracted and a grovelling apology issued.
15)But as his public profile has changed, he ingratiates in new ways.
       Then Kitty’s handsome, ingratiating fiancé-to-be, Paul, turns out to be an evangelical Christian educator.
16)While spouting indignation about tax avoidance, politicians fawn on Eric Schmidt and his ilk.
       Some are also dialing Domino’s, Ray’s and their ilk for private dinner parties.
17)Sources said cursory discussions produced such a gulf that counteroffers weren't exchanged.
       He says they were given only cursory interviews and subjected to degrading body searches.
18)Then habitat loss and market hunters’ shotguns whittled away at the birds’ numbers.
       Years of legal battles have also whittled away traditional corporate defenses against activists.
19)As in Birmingham several months earlier, law enforcement showed no compunction about cracking down on youths with brute force.
       The rich have no compunction in hiding their wealth and avoiding tax because selfishness is legitimate, even indeed a moral obligation.
20)Hamilton was at this time about fifty years of age, punctilious in manner, particular in dress, and both respected and feared by his subordinates.
      The twenty-first day of June was the old Natal Day, kept each year with punctilious regularity.




このブログは 「難解英単語ダジャレ集」をグーグる、又はhttp://eitango-dajare.blogspot.jp/で開きます。お知り合いの方々ににご紹介賜りますれば幸甚です。


11-Ⅰ 再び「ハッとする英文」---五輪招致プレゼンより




―接尾辞語―(-cur「走る」---4語 )

―near words in the dictionary―(ig~---接頭辞語「ig~:不~」2語含む )

―near words in the dictionary―(sta~7語)

16)すっぴんの婦人には美肌という副産物がある。⑰spin off(n)---一種のフレーズ(成句)



"Most of all,I learnt that what was important was what I had, not what I had lost."

1)There is not a molecule of evidence to support these charges.---a molecule of は「少しの~も」の意味で使われている模様。
2)My college graduation was a momentous day in my life.
3)<Gregory Mendel worked out his concepts of genetics by doing breeding experiments using pea plants in the monastery's garden.>
4)Monogamy is common among birds.---monogumous(a)の名詞形の例文
5)He became morose and withdrawn and would not talk to anyone.
6)<some mischievous brat had muddled the household accounts>
7)They lead a pretty mundane life.
8)<mushy fruit that was obviously overripe>
9)<considering the muster of suggestions that were submitted for word of the year>
10)She peered into one of the church's murky chapels.
11)She finds violence in films abhorrent.
12)nun:  a woman belonging to a religious order; especially :  one under solemn vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience ---例文ではなくDifinition
13)As a child, she was extremely needy and had no self-confidence.
14)She gave him a naughty smile.
15)<raised in a nomadic family, she attended half a dozen different high schools>
16)The prisoner asked me to intervene with the authorities on his behalf.
17)The girl was frantic with fear.
18)He lives in a grubby little apartment.
19)The air strikes have paralyzed the city's transportation system.---paralizedがparalyzed と表記
20)She was always scrupulous about her work.


1)cop  outコップ会うと俺に、あの気弱コップ会うと直ぐ( ? )。逃げ出す
2)gibber(ジ)バ( ? )ない(ジ)バっと言っちゃえ。意味不明なこと言って
3)giddyギディーギディーランドにはおもちゃが( ? )ほどある。目も眩む
4)gig今聞く(ぎぐ)夜のジャズ( ? )聞く(ぎぐ)演奏
5) giggle気狂う(ぎぐるう)気狂う(ぎぐるう)程( ? )。クスクス笑った
6)gill(ぎ)る魚の( ? )は生(ぎ)る為にある。エラ
7)giltぎると( ? )着過ぎると重い。金箔
8)ginジン( ? )飲むと体ジンジンする。蒸留酒
9)gingerly⇒→ジンじゃり飲ませるのは( ? )にな。慎重
10)girdガード( ? )ガードを固めた。帯を腰に巻いて
11)sloughするー( ? )するーっと滑った。ぬかるみ
12)slouch(ら)うち( ? )落穂拾い(ら)うち気分悪くなった。まえかがみで
13)fawn不穏あの強気な社長が銀行に( ? )とは不穏だな。媚びる
14)grovel比べるどっちに( ? )のが得か比べるとは、打算的な事よ。這いつくばう
15)ingratiateいグラチエイタリア人に( ? )には「それいグラチエ言うに限る。とりいる
16)ilkいるお前と( ? )の奴なんている(く)。同類
17)cursoryこっそり( ? )作られたものこっそり捨てた。ぞんざいに
18)whittle⇒→ふいとるよ、中身( ? )。減らさんと 
19)coⅿpunction今晩苦笑昼間のやり過ぎ今晩苦笑で済まぬ( ? )あり。良心の呵責
20)punctiliousパン食ってりやすパン針混入事件で、( ? )パン食ってりやす最新の注意で

               レビューⅢ(9-Ⅱ号本題のNew York Times,Economist,Time,Forbsなどのメディアで最近使用された文)

1)Such scenes put into perspective today’s—mostly genteel—wrangling over Syria.
Economist Sep 13, 2013
Her parents play genteel games of charades; his are unable to go five minutes without groping each other.
New York Times Aug 9, 2013

2)He resented still further Soapy's selfish and snobbish conduct.
Braden, James A. (James Andrew)
That’s not a snobbish statement, but rather an acknowledgment that, in New York, out-of-the-way places can produce some first-rate theater.
New York Times Jan 18, 2012


4)Following the revelations about the National Security Agency programs, both firms have also received permission to release some information about requests from law enforcement.
Washington Post Sep 13, 2013
The carmaker was also hurt by revelations that its management covered up safety flaws.
BBC Sep 12, 2013

A steady stream of thrifty customers pays off in tight times.
BusinessWeek Jul 17, 2013
The service also recently began opening up airport locations, long considered the domain of Hertz, Budget, Thrifty, and other traditional rental outfits.
Time Jul 1, 2013

6)As played with twitchy, molelike menace by Mr. Segal, Gary definitely reeks of potential danger, but he seems friendly enough.New York Times Jan 21, 2013
General Assembly, he called President George W. Bush the devil, saying the podium reeked of sulfur after Bush’s address.
Salon Mar 6, 2013

7)By offering more flexible, affordable options to these businesses, he said, Dell could find a niche.
Washington Post Sep 13, 2013
Affordable Care Act, according to a local news report.
Reuters Sep 13, 2013

8)This insight has earned Mr. Eisenberg a reputation as a kind of “store seer,” a master at finding wasted spaces hidden in plain sight.
New York Times Aug 8, 2013
With his Old Testament white beard and Conservative Quaker background, Mr. Turrell sometimes seems a bit too much like a mystical seer.
New York Times Jun 21, 2013

9)But as his rivals ripped into Ms. Quinn over term limits, Mr. Thompson began to seethe noticeably, then interrupted.
New York Times Aug 16, 2013
The first officer seethed, knowing I was right, but finding it uncharacteristic in this neighborhood.
Time Aug 15, 2013


11)The verdict capped a seven-month trial, often held behind closed doors, that was punctuated dramatically by a fifth defendant hanging himself in his jail cell.
Reuters Sep 10, 2013
The verdicts cap a seven-month trial, often held behind closed doors, that was punctuated dramatically by a fifth defendant hanging himself in his jail cell.
Reuters Sep 10, 2013

12)Her parents play genteel games of charades; his are unable to go five minutes without groping each other.
New York Times Aug 9, 2013
The United States has warned of an impending "charade" and Western diplomats say there are signs of a campaign to coerce voters.
Reuters Jun 23, 2013

13)U.S. looks for signs of thaw as new Iranian president...
Washington Post Sep 6, 2013
By doing so in alliance with groups that oppose any thawing of the US-Iranian cold war absent total Iranian capitulation, he’s making it harder still.
Newsweek Sep 9, 2013

14)Given that indirect anagrams were involved, and that several actors have played the title role over the years, these were simply unacceptable as fair clues.
The Guardian Sep 28, 2012
In 2006, Strathclyde Police set up Operation Anagram to establish whether Tobin could be linked to or ruled out of other crimes.
BBC Aug 10, 2012

15)enlightenの代わりに enlightenmentの例文
She said Mehanna had been portrayed by his attorneys as a scholarly man seeking enlightenment, but that the evidence showed otherwise.
Reuters Aug 1, 2013
Green king … a statue of the Enlightenment philosopher David Hume on Edinburgh's High Street.
The Guardian Jul 24, 2013

16)Both India and Pakistan have brushed off Western concerns about their nuclear arsenals in the past, saying their only purpose is deterrence.
Reuters Sep 13, 2013
Russia claims it can help disarm Syria’s chemical weapons arsenal.
Newsweek Sep 11, 2013

17)A charismatic leading man and sonorous singer, Hobson has also become a more sophisticated actor.
Seattle Times Sep 12, 2013
Ms. Barwick’s songs — chiefly wordless vocals, electronically looped — materialize out of ether, saturate a sonorous atmosphere, then dissolve.
New York Times Aug 23, 2013

18)He also allowed in film crews, and Stanley Kubrick used the castle’s library to film an orgy scene from his movie “Eyes Wide Shut.”
New York Times May 25, 2013
“Scheherazade” featured an orgy, “Faun” fetishism, “Prodigal” acrobatic coitus.
New York Times May 24, 2013

19)These summer shows are tasked with whetting appetites for Mechanical Bull, the band's sixth opus, due out in late September.
The Guardian Jun 16, 2013
The collection of 255 poems, designed as a history of Spanish-speaking Latin America, is now considered his magnum opus.
Seattle Times Jun 1, 2013

20)With such an opaque government, discerning its real thoughts can be a challenge.
New York Times Sep 4, 2013
Some companies said they were discouraged by the government's slow and opaque loan process.
Reuters Sep 4, 2013

18)バマ大統領にはがっかり。⑱bummer(n)---コズミ辞書の前身のスーパーアンカー辞書には非掲載だった米国現代口語、”That's a bummer.”(それは残念だ)は(それはオバマだ)に聞こえますね。

このブログは 「難解英単語ダジャレ集」をグーグる、又はhttp://eitango-dajare.blogspot.jp/で開きます。お知り合いの方々ににご紹介賜りますれば幸甚です。