

今月号は、ダジャレ文、例文、共に、なぜかコロナがらみの意味合いの文が多くなりました。毎日毎日報道で見たり聞いたりしているせいかと思います。言い得て妙と言えなくもないものもあるかと思いますので、一瞥のほどよろしくお願い申し上げます。尚、例文の出所にある Recent Examples on the WebはMerriam-Webster辞書から引用させていただきました。

例文:With public gigs squelched by the coronavirus, her only steady income is from helping with the
 online service at Holy Trinity by the Lake Episcopal Church in Heath.(  Recent Examples on the
Web    30 March)

例文:But some of that time was squandered by a flawed roll out of test kits, which has limited the U.S. ability to detect the domestic spread of the virus.(  Recent Examples on the Web    10 March)

例文:He is mercifully unconcerned with maudlin victories or redemption.(  Recent Examples on the Web    2 April)

例文:Its agents pushed scurrilous and panic-inducing messages to U.S. cellphones saying that President Trump was about to impose a national lockdown policed by the National Guard.              (  Recent Examples on the Web    25 April)

例文:Much of it reads like a nightmare, a dense and turbid vision of African-American history, a tortured questioning of how to survive as a black man in a white world, in Ailey’s day and now.
( Recent Examples on the Web    16 April)

例文: This history is now 30,000 pages long, but it contains many undeciphered materials, as there are not enough researchers who can read old documents..(Washington Post  27 May)

例文:The Egyptian government has resisted the kind of total lockdown seen in other countries in the rigion, hoping to stave off the worst economic repercussions.(AP 27May)

例文:In recent days, new cases and hospitalizations in Quebec have plateaued, but analysts say it's too soon to tell whether they've peaked.(Washington Post  27 May)

例文:The goal is to create viable embryos in a lab by inseminating their eggs with frozen sperm from dead males, then transfer them into a surrogate mother, a more common southern white rhino..(Washington Post  27 May)

Antibodies are a type of protein produced by the body in response to the invasion of pathogens,and prevent a disease from becoming severe.(Washington Post  27 May)

以上で 6月号を終了します。例によって、拙ブログの拡散にご協力くださいますよう、何卒よろしくお願い申し上げます。